okay so steph, or XXCAMMYLOVERXX i dont know if you are reading this but
DAMON AND ELENA---i almost died, i was so happy, and lets face it ELENA LIKED IT!!!!! i really hope they end up together too, and Jeremy cutting off that guys head---ew, there was little blood droplets all over his face it was GROSS. oh and what the chuck is up with caroline and the hybrid, ughh whats his name..i cant remember it but hes super hott, his real life name is micheal trevino, (my cousin told me yesterday that hes supposvely dating lady gaga, so i googled it and they do hang out...beside the point but its totally weird.) i liked caroline and the hybrid together, they were def. steamy. OMG KLAUS i love love love love him, and i wonder whats in the casket!!!
Okay and Gossip girl!! you have to start watching it again, because its like a chuck--the morrocan prince- and blair rollercoaster, plus the midseason premiere was SOOO INTENSE, i wont tell you what happened just in care you decide to watch it. oh and jenny---i liked her sooo much more before she decided to overdo on a-the eyemakeup and b-decide to try and be the queen bee and turn into a collosal bitch. Plus blake lively is MY IDOL so i have to watch it and chace cant forget chace. You know who i miss though is vanessa who has been totally out of the 5th season, shes from WISCONSIN--so i feel this urge to like her and support my fellow wisconsinite.
So what has been going on in the life of katie....
1. i am officially trying to begin to sew my own clothes---i got like 20 books from the library and my friend jenny should be comming over tonight and were gonna make something.
2. i taught myself to KNIT---and on a friday i sat with my mom while she was on the computer and i knit---i sound like a total loner
3. sara and i are appplying for jobs--THE HORROR. i know i really want to be a little boys and girls softball coach--but her mom says that then we have to deal with mean parents, but id be okay with that, for the extra dollar and 25 cents we make rather than just sitting at the main entrance to the public pool and checking people in, which sound HORRIBLE.
4. i recieved a check for 105 dollars for my past week of babysitting, hello....LONGCHAMP
5. went to my churches thrift shop,, and i know this sounds strange..but i originally went in there to find old clothes that i could try and revive and practice on ,,, and i ended up buying 4 sweaters/sweatshirts that are actually REALLY CUTE. one is this light gray and a crew neck and it says boston college, the next one is baby blue and had a hood and zippered pockets thats like NEVER been worn from Gap body itsss soooo soft. the next one is a black vneck Ralph Lauren cardigan, that still had the tags on it SCORE, and the last one was this tan vneck sweater from the limited... and believe me i check for stain and strange spots, and they all passed the test....WAHOOO, and then i got ribbon, lace, and accordian folder( i needed one dont judge:), this like chinese fabric thing, some more fabric, and a bandana that i plan on making a coin purse or something. i spent 30 dollarS!!! but hey it all goes to charity
6. my mother let me make my fourth trip all by myself---and believe me i have NO INTENTION OF SPEEDING- after having that encounter with the cops where apparently i was going 17 over the speed limit--i didnt know because i wasnt from the area, and i was following traffic, but i was last in the chain of cars therefore he stopped me of course, had my mother not been in the car i probskies would have gotten a ticket, and after that ive been scard SHITLESS of the cops.
7. this week alone i have probably wasted about 2 hours on pinterest,,, you guys have to set one up IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.
and ahhh yeah..i think that about it....hope that didnt bore you to death,, if it did maybe this will make you chuckle
or maybe this...
happy saturday!!! xoxo katieee
OMG. this didnt show up in my google reader!! AHHHHHHHH.
ReplyDeletei hate myself for not commenting earlier.
okay, i'll start watching gossip girl again! :D i hate jenny ARRGGHH.
omg when i first got my license i was also pulled over.
"what do you think you're doing"
"you were speeding"
"i should give you a ticket for this"
"this is literally my 3rd time out driving...theres no one else on this street"