Saturday, January 28, 2012

and im a goddammed coward, but then again so are you

I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS SONG, i have never heard of these people but their are called First Aid Kit, the song is called Lions Roar. Dont you love that when you find a song that seems so obscure and like no one knows it except for you. well thats how i feel with this band.

i saw this picture probably while i should have been doing homework and i almost died. LOOK AT THEM THEY ARE SO CUTE.

so this week....hmmm

it went by so so so fast, and sara and i are on or way to volunteering, my mother let me drive TO My FRIENDS house all by myself (thats a big achievement), yesterday was fun friday at our school and i volunteered with the art room and the kids were doing this gesture line drawing thing with waterolor and colored pencil, and this kid was drawing a boot and i was like that is booooutiful, so it kinda sounded like BOOT but i DID NOT REALIZE THIS, so i wasnt saying this to be funny, and so my friend starting laughing at me cause it was SO CORNY, and i was like what, and she explained it to me and then i started laughing cause I THOUGHT IT WS FUNNY, slight dumb blonde moment GOD I LOVE THOSE.

i had a bio test of meisos and mitosis and pedigrees and genetics---which can GO DIE, ugh that shit is BORNNNING

my art teachers told me like 5 times that i did a really good job with the kids, i was like only one of allthe volunteers who would walk around and give the kids complements, everyone else would just stay at the same table. There was this one group who was SO SILENT but they all knew eachother??i think they were just nervous, so i walked up, sat down and was like hey everybody lets have a name sesh--so i made them all say their names and everything and then i didnt know what to do so i was like okay you guys just DO YOUR THANG--and i walked away. My art teachers (theres two their married and look like mr and mrs klaus) told me that i should be a GRADE SCHOOL TEACHER, which how am i supposed to buy my rich people clothes that i want so badley if im a teacher!!!! it was food for thought i guess cause i have never thought about being a teacher of all the billlions of things that i wanna do but whatever me thinking about my future is for senior year!!!!!

happy saturday!love love love you all!

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