Sunday, January 15, 2012

im gonna run this town tonight

that song is by lucy hale--ya know the chick from pretty little liars, who KNEW SHE COULD SING, well if its not all computerized and shiet.

Okay so my guidance counselor gave me this application thing to apply for being a "leader of tomorrow" and me looking after my future, thought it would be a good resume booster, and i thought the heck with it, so i have to apply for it though. and the application literally took me like 2 seconds but then it says  ****please attach a brief paragraph (50 words or less) stating to the committee why you feel that you are deserving of recognition of a Wisconsin Leader of Tomorrow.

-----writing a 50 word essay trying to sell yourself to a board of people who you DONT KNOW is very very very this is what i it comment do whatever... im not a very good writer, so bear with me, and this is 88 words but i dont know what to get rid of...HELP ME. it would be much appreciated.

            John Quincy Adams once said “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” This is ultimately what I strive for and when given the opportunity I believe that my outgoing personality helps me resolve conflicts, offer innovative ideas, and provide a respectable example for others to look up to. Being active in my community through volunteering at the local hospital, service club, National Honors Society, and my school’s tennis team has allowed me to lead by example. 

ITS SO BALSE (idk if thats how you say it) i feel like its so BORING, i need it to have spunk and scream PICK ME PICK ME. ugh decisions decisions. 

Well on the bright side, my scarf that i am making (BY KNITTING im cool :) ) is well underway, i worked on it while i watched taken----best movie ever, god the girl and mom it in,...WHAT BITCHES, he totally showed you LENNY that he is the MAN, i was going to watch a cinderella story once upon a song but i couldn't find it and then when i did it turned out the disc only had 26 minutes on it,,,, total (imaginary) ball buster. 

On the flip side i ran three miles for the first time in like 6 months, it took me awhile to pick it back up but i finally did it. PAISE THE LORD, i also was feeling very invigorated and decided to finally try my frozen banana + pineapple (weird combo right? the pineapple kinda dulled the banana down) + vanilla yogurt + SPINACH---welll baby romaine to be specific we didnt have spinach so i had to improvise. And for all of who like me two weeks ago are gagging in thier chairs thinking "thats disgusting" its REALLY NOT, and while the spinach gives it that greeny and grass smell to it, you cant taste it at all. It was a learning experience, but i kinda liked it. So the whole rest of the day has been spent catching up on big bang theory (marry me Leonard?) making a new spotify playlist, catching up on my magazines, showering, eating, act prep (KILL ME NOW), and maybe i will sew something tonight, i cant decide. 

BUT hopefully, sara will text me and we will play bananagrams---but she has exams all this week so im not sure if thatll work out too well. ew sundays suck. peace and blessings 


  1. lol :)
    and ya ikr!
    for example i'll say,
    " i'll do my homework later..."
    then i'll rush,
    and end up having to spend way more time checking my answers than i would have if i just did it right away (;
    <3 gwymalaur

  2. i need to start working on business school applications and do the same thing=( Obviously I keep putting it off.

    Knitting is another thing on my New Year resolutions to-do list!

