I feel like a slave laborer from china. My cousins who is getting married this weekend graciously appointed me of the position of being her personal assistant. And being the awesome little cousin I am I just took three, yes three hours of my free time, tying bows. That's all I did. I tied cut and positioned 260 little pink ribbon bows on menus. And my drive in school (ugh almost half way through summer it's depressing)has been fully restored because I feel sorry for the little vitnamese women who are sewing the beads on Those crappy abercrombie shirts. But the rest of the day was okay.
I wok up at about 820 and I was tired by 825 , not the smartest idea on my part to stay up till almost 2 or 1 each night. It was raining profusely so Saras mom was worried that a tree would fall on us ( as you can see she is uber paranoid). So she followed us to yoga in her car because she had to go to work. We walked in at exactly 915 but the lights in the room had already been dimmed and the soft music was playing so we had to awkwardly walk around everybodys mat and try to blend in. To say thT I thought this was going to be easy was crazy because yes while we were surrounded by grandmas, sara and I found ourselves time after time practically gasping for air and hAving to do a modified version of the pose. It was definitely hard and it wasn't much of a confidence booster to see all the little old ladies going through the motions not sweating a bit, and prob going to hit up the country club and then dress up to play tennis at the club but All they do is socialize,(I'm not making that up that is what they really do because they are that hoidy toidy(?).)
Then my mom felt bad that saras been doing all the driving so she gave us money to go to lunch so we got bagels and I got a smoothie. Then we watched the glee project which is great you should watch it and this gay guy who is so OBVIOuSILY gay, he might as well have fabulous in rhinestones splayed across his chest, was being super annoying and normally I'm think that it's great that he's expressing himself and everything but he was being a tad over the top.
Oh yeah And then!!! I didnt have any ride to tennis so I had to go to saras golf practice and the original plan was for me to sit in the clubhouse while she plays and then as go straight to tennis but she had this friend who didnt have a ride and sara has a taillight out in her car so if a cop pulled her over to tell her they would see her liscense and she can't have 2 ppl in the car because of her restrictions! So me being the generous person that I am offer to go to the library while she goes to golf. I nearly died, her practice went long and I was stuck at the library for THREE hours ughhhh and normally Id be okay with that but I had shit to do! And it was beautiful out. Plus I missed the whole other section of magazines , so I missed a-p, so while I was reading vogue and looking At beautiful things I will never have I could have been reading on how to spice up my non existent ( but it doesn't help to know) love and sex life, or the things my someday man will "really want me to do in bed."
And I read this reAlly disturbing article In Marie Clare about a anorexic girl who at like 24 weighed 61 PoUNdS!!!!! Isint tht crazy!!! It's kind of been bothering me all day and I'm going to stop talking about it now.
And right before I was going to take wonderful much needed nap my cousin just decided to pop in. No biggie, and I get to do this tomorrow! Kill me now.
As always loving and optimistic Katie and Sara In spirit
PS as you can see my title has nothing to do with my blog, normally I just make my tile a line from the song I either like or am listening to at the moment.
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