Thursday, July 14, 2011

like im made of glass.....rising like a skyscraper

I have this app on my touch, its called MTV News, and as you know i am in love with people and catching up on celeb gossip. But i think it was like last week friday it had something that was like "demi lovatos "skyscraper" is her cry for help." She recorded the song twice, one before all of her shit went through the roof, and the other when  she was all done with therapy. And yesterday i was doing my weekly tuesday itunes check and as i see its out now. I listened to it the day before and i really liked it. I think what intrigued me the most was that the song was so raw, it wasn't synthesized, and you could feel the idk i guess emotion that was just oozing out of it. I really love the song, i bought it, partly because i am a very impulsive itunes buyer, but otherwise i just think the song is really good. GO OUT AND LISTEN TO IT. If you dont like it then you dont like it, plus the lyrics actually make sense and you can understand what their trying to say other then some people it sounds like theyre just trying to make the words rhyme, so nothing makes sense.

Anyway today sara, my brother brent and i all went to the driving range. Now sara shes a golfer and brent says hes been "playing since he was 12" which makes him sound way better than he is. It was actually kind of fun, for being there only one day and being able to hit it more than 100 feet, i think is pretty amazing, but im not going to get cocky. So then this old fart tried to sell sara some of his clubs and was being quite persistent and just wouldnt leave us alone. And then naturally, we had to sit out there for another hour before my mom could come pick us up and im now totally burned, lovely, two days before a weeding and i cant seem to keep my face to one color.

Now though im babysitting my little cousin and he is a PAIN in the BOOTAY he wont go to sleep unless your holding him which sucks, because he sleeps for two hours. So as of 8:27 pm hes thrown up on me twice started balling on me twice and has pooped slashed peeed i have no idea. Plus crying baby's make me worried im so afraid that he's gonna lean back and snap his neck or something. ugh now im turing into my mother, being paranoid. awesome, gonna go take a shower, i smell, and maybe do some biggest loser video sara tonight, yeah were cool.

Love katie and sara

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