This weekend all things together was pretty sucessful. Mis Padres, one of my brothers, and my long time friend katie all went to Festa. Which is this italian fest. I wanted to go in the first place because for my art program that im in this year every person has to pick a theme, and mine is cultures and i figured this would be a very diverse area for me to take photos. So when i found someone interesting looking i would stealthily and somewhat creepily take a picture of them with my GIANT stalker cannon rebel. It started off pretty good because this guy came up to us and was like "do you guys have tickets." as we are waiting in the ticket line. and at first being the huge judgemental person that i am was thinking that he was going to try to sell me those tickets, so i was like "uhhh were getting them right not." because my parents were now right next to the ticket person. And then all of a sudden he just pulls out two tickets and gives them to us!!!! I feel really bad for ultimately thinking he was a dope. THANKS NICE MIDDLE AGE AFRICAN AMERICAN MAN! you rock! So then my brother was starving, hes a big boy like 215 pounds big and has a hefty appetite so we got food. Katie and I got pizza while my dad got this wierd sampler thing with sasuage and ravoli i think or something?? and then we got pepperoni bread sticks they were DELICIOUS. Then we just kinda walked around for awhile and saw all the different exhibit thingys and everything. Then every night they have fire works and we got probably the closest seats you can get before you die from fireworks blowing you up. Because they blow off the fire works on this like island i guess and everyone gathered around the island, with the lake separating us. And it was really cool because the fireworks would reflect off the water. So then we were all EXHAUSTED so we went home and katie and i watched Wimbledon, that tennis movie with Kirsten dunst and Paul Bettany, who looked GOOD in that movie. But its like where has DUnst been!! the last good thing she did was spiderman!!! She kinda just dropped off the face of the earth! but i still really like her as an actor.
You know who else dropped off the face of the earth is AMY FREAKING WHINEHOUSE!!! i dont think anybody saw that comming. I feel bad for amys parents and everything because in an interview i read, it said that all they wanted was to grieve their daughters passing in peace. Because so many reporters and everything were surrounding them with questions. Rough.
So then on Sunday i convinced my mom to go shopping with me and got new clothes :) We went to one of those places where you can sell your clothes and then get money back for it. Yeah well im a sucker for cheap clothes. Plus i actually got alot of stuff for not that much. So i was happy.
Today is my friends birthday, she doesnt go to my school so its really hard to keep in contact with her, because last summer we were tight and this summer we just havent hung out AT ALL. Its wierd but she took me to this like party cookout thing and people were smoking and drinking and doing all sorts of crazy shit and im just not into that. And suprisingly my friend was, and she was the one who used to be all like "you don't need that to have fun." And since then which was lik May 30 she has yet to invite me to ANYTHING else she does with her friends. But i dont know which i'd rather have not seeing her, and not being involved with that schtuff, or going to those parties but possibly doing something extremely stupid. I dont know but i miss her!! :(
My birthday is officially 48 hours away!! My mother is working and i cant drive so i cant go ANYWHERE during the day its going to suck but hopefully were going to be able to go out to this dinner downtown at this new restaurant that we've never been to before. But it should be interesting and then on Thursday im having a bunch of my friends over and were all gonna go out to dinner and see a movie or something im not really sure.
But im going to get my tan on outside. Peace and blessings.
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