Sunday, February 26, 2012

TENGO, tengo la camisa negra

Juanes people its called la camisa negra

when you think about it that song has a VERY stupid meaning because "la camisa negra" means the black shirt---so the song is about an article of clothing.

OKAY so i ave been reading Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick and im addicted, i just cant put it down, even though i dont remember ANYTHING from the last book. Thats the only thing that i hate about writers who take REALLY LONG TIMES to write a book, because i always forget what happens at the end of the previous book, and while they recap it pretty much in the newest book, its not the same because i feel like im missing key points of information.

Sara and i saw this means war yesterday night. SO GOOD SO FUNNY----and i know that i really liked it because i didnt feel the least bit guilty about spending 9.50 on a movie!!!!

and i mean seriously how could you possibly resist these two SEX GODDESSES 
DUDES PEOPLES, he has these crazy sexy tattoos and he has...A BRITISH ACCENT.
its safe to say that i could NOT keep my eyes off this yummster.
im so excited for the newest batman hes in it!
Im such a sucker for a guy in a suit 
look at his eyes! THEY ARE SO BLUE. how is that even possible.!

YOU ALL SHOULD GO SEE IT. i love love love loved it. 

okay thats all for now---ta ta

1 comment:

  1. Haha oh my god, I never read Hush Hush or any of the books, but my sister did.
    Oh, I wanted to see that movie!!
    Did you watch GONE with amanda seyfried? IT WAS SO GOOD, YOU SHOULD GO SEE IT NOW! :D
    by the way, this is me, steph, but i have a new pen name. Like an "alias" or whatever for my new blog, which is a book-reviewing blog ( so follow meh new blog!! :D
    and yeah, it really is me steph. i promise, haha. i just wanted a change of online name and i got the idea "emsie" from this girl in my bio class "M.C."? get it?
    AHH I CANT WAIT FOR THE VAMPIRE DIARIES ON THIS MONTH!!!! why does it have so many dang hiatuses?!
