Sunday, February 26, 2012

TENGO, tengo la camisa negra

Juanes people its called la camisa negra

when you think about it that song has a VERY stupid meaning because "la camisa negra" means the black shirt---so the song is about an article of clothing.

OKAY so i ave been reading Silence by Becca Fitzpatrick and im addicted, i just cant put it down, even though i dont remember ANYTHING from the last book. Thats the only thing that i hate about writers who take REALLY LONG TIMES to write a book, because i always forget what happens at the end of the previous book, and while they recap it pretty much in the newest book, its not the same because i feel like im missing key points of information.

Sara and i saw this means war yesterday night. SO GOOD SO FUNNY----and i know that i really liked it because i didnt feel the least bit guilty about spending 9.50 on a movie!!!!

and i mean seriously how could you possibly resist these two SEX GODDESSES 
DUDES PEOPLES, he has these crazy sexy tattoos and he has...A BRITISH ACCENT.
its safe to say that i could NOT keep my eyes off this yummster.
im so excited for the newest batman hes in it!
Im such a sucker for a guy in a suit 
look at his eyes! THEY ARE SO BLUE. how is that even possible.!

YOU ALL SHOULD GO SEE IT. i love love love loved it. 

okay thats all for now---ta ta

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

my love for you went viral

drive by---by train

my motha and faja are currently in st. croix soaking up the sun while me and my brothers suffer in the cold. But hey we get to drive to school all by ourselves. How cool am i!!!!!

But yes...i am that girl whooo perhaps (KISSAS no?----distubia anyone) forgets that


and leaves them on ALL DAY

and is forced to call her brother and make him drive all the way out to school to jump the car because 

as  my brother told me "You fucked up"

so its safe to say he wasnt the happiest with me----tuesdays are obviousily not good days because the same thing happened to my mother in THE SAME CAR on tuesday and we were forced to drive all over the place and we didnt get home till like 6 it was pure torture

my older brother though was freaking out because he thought if he was in the vaccinitly of the car and my other brother accidently put the jumper cables on the wrong parts---the car would combust and explode and he would die. so when the hood started to fall because there wasnt a stick to keep it up i was like BRENT HOLD UP THE HOOD JEEZ 

and he responded by saying 

obviously that is the reaction i was not expecting---so i told him to get some huevos and hold that DAMN HOOD UP!  

i hope that was entertaining :)

happy tuesday

Friday, February 17, 2012

the more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places that you will go.

DR SEUSS BABY and since i dont have any music playing because im at the LIBRARY, you get some dr seuss writing from the children section.

I realize that lately ive been REALLY bad about writing and updating but i would like to think i have a valid excuse, other than the fact that i had a bio, vocab, and algebra II test this week(all my worst subjects), i have this powerpoint thing i have to make for my english teacher, a giant tri fold spanish thing, ya know those things people put their heads through and then take a funny picture, yeah well i have to MAKE one of those, its been killer and ive barely worked on it. We watched this movie in RELIGION called american history X---not only is is DEFINITILY not catholic school appropriate, but it says fuck 216 times, you see some perty gnarly violence, AND you see some pretty intense butt raping---which is really gross, but the worst part is is that i have to write a freaking paper on it!!!! Plus ivehad all this ACT shiettt. But hey! i am not here to telll you about the boring story of my life.

Okay do you ever like a guy, or a girl whatever, and your like WHY DO I LIKE THIS PERSON??? Ive never talked to this guy and hes definitly not a Liam Hemsworth, (hes not fat or anything), but hes one of my brothers friends and when brent told me that he was going to Notre Dame i was like shit i like this kid!! lemme tell ya people smarts in the eyes of katie is sexy!
pretty much all of the guys in my classes are smart but they dont apply themselves which is really annoying, and they are LAZY to the bone---which is just frusterating because all i wanna do it be like HEY KID!!! your really smart why dont you use those smarts!! even if they put in an hour of studying probably a half or even quarter of what some kids do their gpa would raise like 0.9328377 to be precise. So yeah but im starting to think its a lost cause, because how am i supposed to start a convo withj this kid, im really shy and i do NOT like making the first moves with guys, i dont have any classes with him, all i do is see him in the hall---which is not romantic

Oh the deliemmas the average high school girl has.
i have also in my time of current busy-ness neglected going on pinterest all week, and i even didnt watch Gossip Girl, and New girl---which is alot for me

well people im off to to thrift shopping for this spanish poster board i have to make----and hopefully get some fro yo, watch how to lose a guy in 10 days, or 13 going on 30 or the notebook, go to my high school play tonight, my parents are off to St. Croix for the week so PARTY AT MY HOUSE (im completely kidding my parents would kill me, and im not even the slightest bit joking, make a powerpoint, maybe look at some of my books that i got from the library (i have ellen degeneres bio, water for elephants, that book that sammy4ever talked about in her 2nd last post---i forgot what its called, a coco chanel biography, and like 4 sewing books), and of course go to my conformation retreat.

WATCH OUT WORLD---the next time you hear from me---my spirit will me fulfilled and renewed with the presence of the holy spirit :)


Saturday, February 11, 2012


it wasnt that bad except for the fact i had NO ONE TO TALK TO

so i sat thre like a ankward fish and talked to no one---gosh im cool

i feel now like doing nothing FOREVER

god im lazyy

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

we can leave your friends behind

GUYS ITS THE SAFETY DANCE----its one of my 80s playist songs, its amazing and i LOVE IT.

so do you just have a horrible day and just dont wanna talk!---to anyone, and you dont want to talk about why it is that you are angry, well i most definitely feel that way, and naturally my mother in in a good mood when im in a bad mood and im always in a good mood when she is in a bad mood. Yesterday i was watching pretty little liars, and of all my biggest pet peeves in the world it is talking durring my shows and of course my cousin was like SHOUTING, and i was like SHUT UP CHRIS NOBODY CARES!!! and she asked me if i was pmssing and i and she said then that i have NOTHING to blame on my inherent crankiness. which doesnt make me feel better.

plus this girl at school today said shes on this crazy diet where she only eats 200 calories for breakfast and dinner but she eats normal lunch meals, and if 4 days shes lost 7 pounds! i told her that isint healthy accoding to my heath teacher 1 to 1.5 lb should be lost per week, 7 POUNDS THATS INSANE. god dieting girls suck, all they talk about is calories and how fat theyd be if they ate a goldfish, well this is what id like to say to them


ugh i have to take the act saturday morning ---kill me now, im dreading it. but on the bright side im getting a haircut friday!!! WAHOO!! haircuts ROCK.

okay peace and blessings