Wednesday, September 21, 2011

okay so since i am in the library of my school i cannot listen to musica so i have no BLOG TITLE. so technically right now im supposed to be in lunch. But literally NONE of my friends well some but i dont really hang out with them, are in my lunch. So B day lunches suck to the extreme and i just didnt feel like forcing myself to make conversation with people that i barely like. Its annoying.

So anyway since its homecomming week we have our theme days like i said. Today is pajama day. rPRactically a third of our school is in onsies i swear. and uk what most of them are GUYS!!!! Plus, this is kinda gross but most of their precious cargo if uk what i mean is like practically ASKING to come out Not that im looking there but its hard NOT to notcie. This is partially due to the fact that they are all wearing childrens onsies in a almost man body.

Yesterday at my tennis match our team lost 3-4. The chicks we played were total dusehes when a ball was on their side and i needed it to serve they would give it to me but it would be like Soaring past me and i would have to like sprint to go get it. and the chick HIT ME and she didnt even say she was sorry and i was just like WHAT THE CHUCK. even if im angry with someone and i dont like them i still say im sorry, she just like glared at was wierd.
 But on the announcements today our like dean of students was like "and the girls varsity tennis team lost to WW for the first time in 25 years!" everybody was like REALLY you just HAD to include that. my coach was being a total dick about it too , i guess i would be angry too but he was just like wow i am so embarassed for myself and you guys.

My tennis coach is the kind of guy in high school who made fun of all the girls and was totally "chill" with his friends. He was the kid who didnt mature till he was like 30. i take that back he still has yet to mature. He is also not very cooth (?), he tells us to aim for the "fat chicks" and were always like CARL! you cant say that and hes always like well how can you miss her! Even though he is definitly not the skinniest person i know. He was also the "other man" when his wife was engaged to another guy. like he was the guy who was not engaged.

Plus since its homecomming week this whole entire week is consisting of theme days and freshman kill days. Last year the seniors did like a TON of stink bombs, and they put manure in the hallway. So not only was it hot as fuck but it smells like s to the h to the i to the t everywhere. but this year they looked through lockers backpack lunches and all sorts of stuff to make sure no seniors brought in anything but the seniors fully plan on using shaving cream, baby powder, water balloons. You cant stop the inevitable.

peace and love in the hood.

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