Friday, September 2, 2011

i hope you dont take this the wrong way but you look better with the lights off

 thats kinda mean. like are they saying a girl looks better when its dark?
Better with the lights off- new boys and CHRIS BROWN

god what a stud muffin chris brown is like the only black guy that i think is HOTT to the capital HOT. except for his tattoos. its just like okay when ure 80 and wrinkly and saggy those are going to look gross and shrunken and disgusting. but i still love him, even though he had that whole debacle with rihanna, his music is just wayy better than hers, but thats just my opinion.

SERIOUSLY how could you resist this>!!?!?!

but anyway, people suck they just do, honestly. My friends well just three of them have dedicated themselves to making guy "friends" and in the process have ditched people, which doesnt make everyone happy. But today we i hanged hung? out with them and there they are talking about their plans with their guys friends right after the soccer game and uk what they DONT do??!?!?!? freaking invite me!! so i get to be dropped off at school by them so i can go home with MY MOM. like thanks guys you rock, way to be inclusive. So thats got me all riled up and im kinda angry about it. But i will NOT let it ruin my fabulous weekend to come

Things to do this weekend. 
1. go to joanns (their having a fabirc sale)
2. make my ribbon inspiration tee and put it up here and c if u guys like it 
3. go to a movie 
4. go shopping at the coolest outdoor mall
5. dinner with the fam for brothers birthday 
6. make IB art notebook cover
7. find more pins for my pin bag, so far i have....4 
8. Make this lace bracelet thing
9. i think thats it 

so ive got mysef cut out for my fabulous three day weekend. 

im off to watch the little mermaid with sara, thats the ONLY disney movie she had seen before i showed her mulan tangled beauty and the beast, aladdin and the other ones i showed her. how sad. 

okay bye. 

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