Saturday, August 6, 2011

sing along to my stereo.

Ever since i was in like....6th grade ive had this tradition. I always always always make notebook covers. I just do. I cut out like billions of pictures and words and crap and put it on a piece of paper and make it look super cool. And i just finished my first one, its a collage and it took me FOREVER. 

isint it fabulous...or maybe you think its stupid, and ugly, and are thinking "why would she put the word loco, or a buddha , or a grapefruit." but ya know what I THINK ITS AWESOME, so suck it :) but if you like it thann......thanks.

Sara and i have a tennis tourney today that should be interesting. Cross our fingers that we dont lose.


1 comment:

  1. Dude. I love it. You're so talented.
    Btw I always read your posts, but my Mac made it hard for me to comment. So I thought I'd let you know that I'll be commenting now on. Sorry I never did, computer issues.
    That's all. I felt bad for not commentin. :D
