YOU AND I LADY GAGA i love it i effing love love love it and i cant get enough of it.
So today is going to be short because its 950 and my bedtime is 10 because i have to wake up at 615 because school sucks major balls. But anyway today i had a tennis match and we played the first seed in conference, it was hardcore. My partner and i are 3 doubles on varsity and the chicks we played were just ridickulous. like NUMERO uno. you dont have to fricken raquet five after EVRery POINT even my mom said it was hard to watch them because they just KEPT on doing it!!! and even if you miss like one point (omg the sky is falling) you dont have to say "its okay we got this" or "we got this" or "lets finish it" or "come awn" or "we can do it" or "its okay" or look all DOwn because you missed one point its not like your STILL WINNING! because they basically were. Its not like we were losing that bad it was 3-6 and 5-7 so it was intense at the end but they just couldnt say nothing at the end of the point. They were really nice girls and everything its just that tennis girls are bitchy like to the extreme and i know i am one AND IF YOUR READING THIS AND ARE A TENNIS GIRL........ well first of all thats....awkward. and second of all not all tennis girls are just like 85% of them because they dont know how to do simple things like say ooohh idkkk....please and thank you. and when we were winning all i wanted to shout is SUCK MY DICK HAH! or at least my ficticious one. and i realize now that, that sounds totally weird and somewhat strange but thats just what i say i guess. but you got to add the pelvic thrust and fist pump to really get the full effect. PLUS PLUS PLUS this kid that i literally love but im pretty sure he doesnt know my existence was there and i literally wanted to die. it was horrible, its not like he was watching my, because he was watching "tess" which is a whole nother story.
Second of all i have a shit load literally of homework and i am so sick of school and its only the 7th day.
wow im so optimistic love love love katie
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
i cant be straight without you now
Cody Simpson- On My Mind
BRENDA SONG IS PREGNANT! thats right! theres a bun in her oven. And you know whats just shocking.........who the father is. drumroll please (dum dum dum dum)
BRENDA SONG IS PREGNANT! thats right! theres a bun in her oven. And you know whats just shocking.........who the father is. drumroll please (dum dum dum dum)
and you know who that is!!!!!! TRACE CYRUS, yeah thats miley cyrus brother. and Billy ray is going to be a g-pa. what a lovely family
off to school, kill me now. peace love and ENDLESS amounts of happiness
Sunday, August 28, 2011
you can be the peanut butter to my jelly
perfect two- aubrey
I literally just read the whole entire crucible. and i feel like my brains are fried to the extreme. I hate sundays with a passion. They just feel like an end, an end to a fabulous weekend and a start to a suckkishly long week. But this weekend was alot of fun all things considered. I told my friend Sara to tell her dad that while he was in Switerland and Iceland to get my a pin because i want to make a pin bag, and what do you know HE DID!!!! i was so excited because i didnt think he was going to do it at all.
Okay well im outie probably going to go procrastinate on stumbleupon or pintrest.
I literally just read the whole entire crucible. and i feel like my brains are fried to the extreme. I hate sundays with a passion. They just feel like an end, an end to a fabulous weekend and a start to a suckkishly long week. But this weekend was alot of fun all things considered. I told my friend Sara to tell her dad that while he was in Switerland and Iceland to get my a pin because i want to make a pin bag, and what do you know HE DID!!!! i was so excited because i didnt think he was going to do it at all.
Okay well im outie probably going to go procrastinate on stumbleupon or pintrest.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
I want a reason for my adolescent dreams
One man recking machine-guster
So lately I've Been the ultimate crafty lady. Because my friend got me hooked on this website called stumbleupon and one of my interests is crafts And I've found all these cool do it yourself crafts, it's honestly the only thing that keeps me sane with everything in school. And yes it would be much more helpful of I actuLly had a sewing machine since I have to do most of it by Hand then but my friends and I have these like mini sewing parties well me Jenny and rebsicle (Rebecca) and Jenny and I the last two-times we hung ou we went to Joanns and spent almost two hours I there each time, then we went to mcdonalds. So but anyway thanks to fabulous tutorials I've made the coolest stuff!!!.... Well cool for me.

It even has a zipper thats how good i am! no im just kidding i mean honestly how can you resist this fabric it is just ADORABLE and the inside is really similar to the other bag i made with jenny.

so this is one of the bracelets i found on stumbleupon. its weaving four strands in little slits and twisting them.

thats all of it together, its actually not as much as i thought i was. but i got some lace and full plan on making some sort of lace bracelet. I dont know how im going to do it but i will!
So lately I've Been the ultimate crafty lady. Because my friend got me hooked on this website called stumbleupon and one of my interests is crafts And I've found all these cool do it yourself crafts, it's honestly the only thing that keeps me sane with everything in school. And yes it would be much more helpful of I actuLly had a sewing machine since I have to do most of it by Hand then but my friends and I have these like mini sewing parties well me Jenny and rebsicle (Rebecca) and Jenny and I the last two-times we hung ou we went to Joanns and spent almost two hours I there each time, then we went to mcdonalds. So but anyway thanks to fabulous tutorials I've made the coolest stuff!!!.... Well cool for me.
So the dinosaur one i bought yesterday and i made a wallet thing slash possible cosmetic case and the owl one my friend rebeccas grandma had¡ its all owls¡ okay idk why my keyboard is doing that. oh now i fixed it.
found out how to make these by finger weaving. All you need is a 60 inch piece of cotton or polyester. Its really simple and easy!
and then i liked it so much i made it in white and purple.
so but thats it
so yeah but im overwhelmed by school it BLOWS hardcore, its to new Heights in the hardcore category. Plus my mother and i havent had a civilized conversation in like 4 days, because when i come home from school its like BAM im in a bad mood, im completely different at school. Well even the other day my art teacher said i seemed very subdued.. and thats purely because I DONT WANT TO BE blows and i dont want to be there for another 6 MONTHS! but i do like seeing everyone, it just kind of sucks because some of my friends just like all of a sudden want to be popular and sit with the guys at lunch, and one of my friends i swear is bipolar, one minute she will talk to me the next its like she barely even knows me. people suck.
h8ter for life. peace and blessings
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I got my middle finger up in the sky
Middle Finger by Cobra Starship- their newest single with Mac miller. its not that good but i like the mac miller part and the chorus.
Honestly i was going to make a post last night. i even got all the way to the "new post" button and then i was like "well what am i going to say" and i couldnt think of ANYTHING. thats how much my life is suckish right now, because of stupid school. Its busting my imaginary balls.
But today was equally horrible and its ONLY THE SECOND DAY. Number one: It was efffing HOTT. it was horrible and teachers have fans but all it does is cool it down almost two degrees. Number two: im taking economics and i like the teacher hes crazy enthusiastic and is always yelling but thats his normal volume decible but we have to read from the textbook. And its wierd because in it the author talks about himself. Like we already know that he has "debates" with his collegeaues, and that he lived in sweeden, and that his "favourite" examples of crap are..... Its weird weird. Plus in art today that kids i sit with were talking about buying selling using getting caught with and people doing drugs. And i cant exactly relate because ive never tried that stuff because im too cool to do that. But its strange how open people who use them are so open to talking about it.
One of the girls this past weekend and I were talking about hilary duff and how much we miss the lizzie mcguire show, and now she got me into wanting to watch the Lizzie Mcguire movie which i fully plan on doing something this weekend. LOUD AND PROUD.
Yesterday my friend kate drove me to tennis. She has this chrysler convertable and i think its ugly but its cool that she has a convertable. and shes like "katie i have to show you this song." This is what she puts on.
Honestly i was going to make a post last night. i even got all the way to the "new post" button and then i was like "well what am i going to say" and i couldnt think of ANYTHING. thats how much my life is suckish right now, because of stupid school. Its busting my imaginary balls.
But today was equally horrible and its ONLY THE SECOND DAY. Number one: It was efffing HOTT. it was horrible and teachers have fans but all it does is cool it down almost two degrees. Number two: im taking economics and i like the teacher hes crazy enthusiastic and is always yelling but thats his normal volume decible but we have to read from the textbook. And its wierd because in it the author talks about himself. Like we already know that he has "debates" with his collegeaues, and that he lived in sweeden, and that his "favourite" examples of crap are..... Its weird weird. Plus in art today that kids i sit with were talking about buying selling using getting caught with and people doing drugs. And i cant exactly relate because ive never tried that stuff because im too cool to do that. But its strange how open people who use them are so open to talking about it.
One of the girls this past weekend and I were talking about hilary duff and how much we miss the lizzie mcguire show, and now she got me into wanting to watch the Lizzie Mcguire movie which i fully plan on doing something this weekend. LOUD AND PROUD.
Yesterday my friend kate drove me to tennis. She has this chrysler convertable and i think its ugly but its cool that she has a convertable. and shes like "katie i have to show you this song." This is what she puts on.
She turns up the music super loud and puts down the top and is all like YEAHHH. and im just thinking omg im not black enough to listen to this. All during this time moms are waiting outside to pick up the froshies and crap, and i slowly shrink in my seat. Ive actually kind of warmed up to the song, but its still very very g-hetto.
But school sucks, summer was too short, and im off to watch awkward on mtv.
peace out girl scout katie.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Day One
God its like freshman year all over again. I can't believe im back in school, its horrible. I already have assignments and my lit teacher nearly made me want to kill myself when he talked about the semester projects that we will have to do. It was hott as balls today too, and were too cheap to get air conditioning unlike the public schools. so your sweating and you know it and you awkwardly raise your hand so no one can see your ginormous sweat marks. and every time you get up from your chair you can feel your thighs sticking to the chair and having to literally, peel them off.
PERO, or but, we have all of these spaniards in our midst. I was SHOCKED. They were everywhere. It was this program where they stay for three weeks, and their already leaving tommorow. Plus we have this german guy that will be here this year and hes adorable. hes got brown hair and blonde highlights and hes short. And we have a European girl too. I just dont understand why you'd come wisconsin? of all the places in the world. I would much rather go to california, of Boston, or Colorado. ANYWHERE else. I mean yeah i live in a city its not like theirs rolling farms surrounding me, and i dont wake up in the morning so i can "help the pops milk the cows." I live in the burbs. But its not like this is some hopping place.
So but anyway. None of my friends are in school yet so it sucks because i know they are at home probably sleeping when im forced to wake up and make my lunch. Kill me now. AND i have a whole entire act to read of the tempest by tommorow. I'd say kill me now again but that seems like overkill. If theres anything i hate more than ever its reading shakespeare. And its mostly because i cant understand a fricken thing, and am constantly relying on sparknotes and cliff notes to make it through.
ahhh high school. half way through, only 2 more years to go. awesome. peace and love.
PERO, or but, we have all of these spaniards in our midst. I was SHOCKED. They were everywhere. It was this program where they stay for three weeks, and their already leaving tommorow. Plus we have this german guy that will be here this year and hes adorable. hes got brown hair and blonde highlights and hes short. And we have a European girl too. I just dont understand why you'd come wisconsin? of all the places in the world. I would much rather go to california, of Boston, or Colorado. ANYWHERE else. I mean yeah i live in a city its not like theirs rolling farms surrounding me, and i dont wake up in the morning so i can "help the pops milk the cows." I live in the burbs. But its not like this is some hopping place.
So but anyway. None of my friends are in school yet so it sucks because i know they are at home probably sleeping when im forced to wake up and make my lunch. Kill me now. AND i have a whole entire act to read of the tempest by tommorow. I'd say kill me now again but that seems like overkill. If theres anything i hate more than ever its reading shakespeare. And its mostly because i cant understand a fricken thing, and am constantly relying on sparknotes and cliff notes to make it through.
ahhh high school. half way through, only 2 more years to go. awesome. peace and love.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
back to what you know
back to black- amy whinehouse but i like the glee version better
ONE DAY. thats it. thats all i have. how utterly depressing. But i finished all my notebook covers. take a gander.

thats the madonna one i was talking about where she actually looked good. and blake lively and eva mendes and some random models.
This is my second one. So i have a total of three. Because i showed you my first one awhile ago.

So theres a bunch of stuff on that one. I have leighton meester and ryan reynolds as you can see. I love daisy by marc jacobs so i always put that one on. A random kermit the frog lunch box and a mini seventeen. LMFAO and other junk.
Hope they were absolutely fabulous. Im off to irish fest with sara. Peace and Blessings.
ONE DAY. thats it. thats all i have. how utterly depressing. But i finished all my notebook covers. take a gander.
yeah your gonna have to crane your neck to see this i cant figure out how to make it go the normal way. but this is the first one. its all black and white and then theres the one pink flower in the bottom center. |
thats the madonna one i was talking about where she actually looked good. and blake lively and eva mendes and some random models.
This is my second one. So i have a total of three. Because i showed you my first one awhile ago.
So theres a bunch of stuff on that one. I have leighton meester and ryan reynolds as you can see. I love daisy by marc jacobs so i always put that one on. A random kermit the frog lunch box and a mini seventeen. LMFAO and other junk.
Hope they were absolutely fabulous. Im off to irish fest with sara. Peace and Blessings.
Friday, August 19, 2011
the river swims at midnight shiver cold
DMB BIOTCHES. love them.
Today was say the least. So the reason why ive been stocking up on all these pictures and going to all these fests is because i have this art project. Its part of this program at our school called IB and well mine is cultures. My faja is just totally into it. So into it that he offered to drive me all the way downtown to take pictures of cultural landscapes, mainly churches.
We started off at this siberan orthodox church where we wernt allowed in because we were wearing shorts, and apparently they have a strict "no leg showing" policy. The second church we went to wasnt open which stinked but i got pitcures of the outside. Then we went to this basillica that was just very old timey and MASSIVE and i techincally needed permission to take pictures but i think jesus will forgive me, hopefully. Then we got into like the heart of downtown. Its basically the mexican hangout, and my dad basically said that i NEVER ever want to be alone at night down there because its a super sketchy area, but veryyyy good for taking creepy pictures of people being wierd, and junk. We proceeded to go to this hindu temple where we got super wierd looks from these guys walking out its like their eyes were saying "what the fuck are you doing here, your as white as snow and are no way hindu." maybe, maybe not.
Im pretty sure that none of my pictures are going to help because i really need like HUMAN faces to do my preoject but i guess we will see what my art teacher says.
Hopefully tonight sara and i will go see Stupid Crazy love because ryan goseling is a sexy piece of meat and i love him with a passion. or we can go see 30 minutes or less which looks funny too. either way im in one of those moods where i could really go for seeing a movie. or just go anywhere for that matter.
but anyway i only have two more full days before i have to go to the dump that i call high school. it doesnt have air conditioning so your thighs stick to the seats from sweating and your constantly having to fan yourself and the bathroom smells like too much cleaner, and now the cafeteria looks like the clouds and the sun had a baby because its BLUE AND YELLOW everywhere, and its not the cute yellow its like ugly orangy yellow. So thats my life wrapped up in a tight little nutshell. boring right. I know.
PLL this week AWESOME. awkward not as good as i thought. teen wolf amazing as usual.
okay peace out girl scout.
Today was say the least. So the reason why ive been stocking up on all these pictures and going to all these fests is because i have this art project. Its part of this program at our school called IB and well mine is cultures. My faja is just totally into it. So into it that he offered to drive me all the way downtown to take pictures of cultural landscapes, mainly churches.
We started off at this siberan orthodox church where we wernt allowed in because we were wearing shorts, and apparently they have a strict "no leg showing" policy. The second church we went to wasnt open which stinked but i got pitcures of the outside. Then we went to this basillica that was just very old timey and MASSIVE and i techincally needed permission to take pictures but i think jesus will forgive me, hopefully. Then we got into like the heart of downtown. Its basically the mexican hangout, and my dad basically said that i NEVER ever want to be alone at night down there because its a super sketchy area, but veryyyy good for taking creepy pictures of people being wierd, and junk. We proceeded to go to this hindu temple where we got super wierd looks from these guys walking out its like their eyes were saying "what the fuck are you doing here, your as white as snow and are no way hindu." maybe, maybe not.
Im pretty sure that none of my pictures are going to help because i really need like HUMAN faces to do my preoject but i guess we will see what my art teacher says.
Hopefully tonight sara and i will go see Stupid Crazy love because ryan goseling is a sexy piece of meat and i love him with a passion. or we can go see 30 minutes or less which looks funny too. either way im in one of those moods where i could really go for seeing a movie. or just go anywhere for that matter.
but anyway i only have two more full days before i have to go to the dump that i call high school. it doesnt have air conditioning so your thighs stick to the seats from sweating and your constantly having to fan yourself and the bathroom smells like too much cleaner, and now the cafeteria looks like the clouds and the sun had a baby because its BLUE AND YELLOW everywhere, and its not the cute yellow its like ugly orangy yellow. So thats my life wrapped up in a tight little nutshell. boring right. I know.
PLL this week AWESOME. awkward not as good as i thought. teen wolf amazing as usual.
okay peace out girl scout.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
We lie beneath the stars at night
young blood- the naked and famous
I remember when i first heard that song i didnt know the name but i knew the band, well sort of. I thought it was the naked and restless. And when i typed that into google i got all these disturbing videos that had nothing to do with music. awkward.
So i just got back from this like 2 day tennis tournament. and i was dead tired. i was supposed to have father daughter time with mi padre. But i was so tired that i just couldn't do a baseball game. Which i was actually excited about because i haven't been to a baseball game, since like 7th grade.
But my doubles partner and i played against these girls that were SOO ANNYOING. like honestly you don't NEED to high five or "racket five" after every single fricken point its just ridiculous, even if they lost the point they would do it. or when i or my parnter would miss they would do it, and i just wanted to shout that its not like they were doing something really good and thats why they got the point, that was ME being BAD! At first we were like omg these girls might actually be nice because soo many girls who play tennis are just absolute snobs. But nope we were wrong. We were playing a super tiebreaker (intense right) and after we lost a point both of them like breathed a deep sigh of relief like everything had changed now. it was very dramatic. It might not sound that bad but it was just annoying. and lets just get this straight you don't HAVE to talk strategy after EVERY SINGLE POINT after awhile it just becomes retarded, like honestly what could you possibly be talking about.
But each day we had to wake up at 7 which for me is just too early but for school ill probs have to wake up at like 615 but thats better than getting up at 515 which i had to do freshman year. But anyway then we had to go to the courts, where we secretly scout out the competition. While everyone else warmed up though we sat in a circle and talked. Our team though really doesnt click well because of the "variety" of girls we have. We have the snobby upperclassmen, which i am but im not snobby, the quiet people who dont really talk unless you talk to them, the jokesters, and i would qualify myself as just normal. And since we dont really click well when we went shopping later that night because its like the tradition to go to dinner and then shopping at this GIANT mall, nobody really stayed together. Some girls didnt want to go shopping which if their tired i can understand, but i will ALWAYS make time to shop, if i have money. key part.
But it was like a 2 hour drive to this tournament so my mother and i had some nice bonding time and my partner and i ended up taking 3rd place, but for 3 doubles. It was a crazy intense match and it went on FOREVER it was like a 2 hour match. and then we had to go watch my other team mates so then we had to go to anther tennis court because the tournament was at 3 locations and everyone had to split up and my coach had to spend certain amounts of time at certain areas. But it was a pretty crazy day.
The way home was kind of a bummer but i snacked on kit kats and we went to jimmy johns which is kind of my new favorite. And we saw a person who both my mom and i were like "idk what gender that person is." it turns out it was a she, because she had boobs. But she was wearing im pretty sure guy amercian eagle jeans, i could tell because of the butt pocket logo. and i read my new cosmo with dianna agron on the cover, shes the main girl from glee. Which was actually pretty PG 13 normally they are like X rated but this one wasnt too bad.
but im going to stop telling you useless facts from my day!!! peace out. katie
I remember when i first heard that song i didnt know the name but i knew the band, well sort of. I thought it was the naked and restless. And when i typed that into google i got all these disturbing videos that had nothing to do with music. awkward.
So i just got back from this like 2 day tennis tournament. and i was dead tired. i was supposed to have father daughter time with mi padre. But i was so tired that i just couldn't do a baseball game. Which i was actually excited about because i haven't been to a baseball game, since like 7th grade.
But my doubles partner and i played against these girls that were SOO ANNYOING. like honestly you don't NEED to high five or "racket five" after every single fricken point its just ridiculous, even if they lost the point they would do it. or when i or my parnter would miss they would do it, and i just wanted to shout that its not like they were doing something really good and thats why they got the point, that was ME being BAD! At first we were like omg these girls might actually be nice because soo many girls who play tennis are just absolute snobs. But nope we were wrong. We were playing a super tiebreaker (intense right) and after we lost a point both of them like breathed a deep sigh of relief like everything had changed now. it was very dramatic. It might not sound that bad but it was just annoying. and lets just get this straight you don't HAVE to talk strategy after EVERY SINGLE POINT after awhile it just becomes retarded, like honestly what could you possibly be talking about.
But each day we had to wake up at 7 which for me is just too early but for school ill probs have to wake up at like 615 but thats better than getting up at 515 which i had to do freshman year. But anyway then we had to go to the courts, where we secretly scout out the competition. While everyone else warmed up though we sat in a circle and talked. Our team though really doesnt click well because of the "variety" of girls we have. We have the snobby upperclassmen, which i am but im not snobby, the quiet people who dont really talk unless you talk to them, the jokesters, and i would qualify myself as just normal. And since we dont really click well when we went shopping later that night because its like the tradition to go to dinner and then shopping at this GIANT mall, nobody really stayed together. Some girls didnt want to go shopping which if their tired i can understand, but i will ALWAYS make time to shop, if i have money. key part.
But it was like a 2 hour drive to this tournament so my mother and i had some nice bonding time and my partner and i ended up taking 3rd place, but for 3 doubles. It was a crazy intense match and it went on FOREVER it was like a 2 hour match. and then we had to go watch my other team mates so then we had to go to anther tennis court because the tournament was at 3 locations and everyone had to split up and my coach had to spend certain amounts of time at certain areas. But it was a pretty crazy day.
The way home was kind of a bummer but i snacked on kit kats and we went to jimmy johns which is kind of my new favorite. And we saw a person who both my mom and i were like "idk what gender that person is." it turns out it was a she, because she had boobs. But she was wearing im pretty sure guy amercian eagle jeans, i could tell because of the butt pocket logo. and i read my new cosmo with dianna agron on the cover, shes the main girl from glee. Which was actually pretty PG 13 normally they are like X rated but this one wasnt too bad.
but im going to stop telling you useless facts from my day!!! peace out. katie
Monday, August 15, 2011
we get one step closer each and every day
lizzie mcguire theme song.
Remember the good old days, with LIZZIE MCGUIRE! i loved that show. I still to this day love hilary duff. She kind of fell of the face of the earth, nobody really knows whats shes up to. Until now.
because the DUFFS EGO es muy PREGO. yeah thats right our little girl is growing up. How utterly tragic, and sad. But anyway yes shes pregnant, and she like JUST announced it, so you are reading the latest news.
Sara and i were watching mama mia yesterday because i watched red riding hood and i had this urge to watch another movie amanda seyfred in it. Plus the husband in mama mia is gorgeous. But anyway we were talking and sometimes i just get frusterated with musicals like all of a sudden they just burst into song. So the next time sara and i are having a serious conversation we decided that we would also simultaneousily break out into song. yeah were lame, dont hate. Plus i was on and i came to this website that was like 50 things you can do to annoy people, and one of them was go outside with your hairdryer and stand by the road and see if people slow down. i thought that was HILARIOUS. then sara said that we should buy cop costumes to REALLY make it more authentic. that would be freaking awesome if people were to actually think that we were cops.
Today though i was just in one of those moods to sketch. It comes and goes. and i dont do it very often, but i probably should. But this time on one of my collages that i will try to post sometime but im too lazy to go and get it, I have this picture of madonna back in like 1991 and she was actually REALLY pretty. I was just like WHAT thats madonna! theres no way. It was crazy, i think its just that she got more whacky looking over the past couple years. But anyway i tried to sketch this picture i had of her
Remember the good old days, with LIZZIE MCGUIRE! i loved that show. I still to this day love hilary duff. She kind of fell of the face of the earth, nobody really knows whats shes up to. Until now.
because the DUFFS EGO es muy PREGO. yeah thats right our little girl is growing up. How utterly tragic, and sad. But anyway yes shes pregnant, and she like JUST announced it, so you are reading the latest news.
Sara and i were watching mama mia yesterday because i watched red riding hood and i had this urge to watch another movie amanda seyfred in it. Plus the husband in mama mia is gorgeous. But anyway we were talking and sometimes i just get frusterated with musicals like all of a sudden they just burst into song. So the next time sara and i are having a serious conversation we decided that we would also simultaneousily break out into song. yeah were lame, dont hate. Plus i was on and i came to this website that was like 50 things you can do to annoy people, and one of them was go outside with your hairdryer and stand by the road and see if people slow down. i thought that was HILARIOUS. then sara said that we should buy cop costumes to REALLY make it more authentic. that would be freaking awesome if people were to actually think that we were cops.
Today though i was just in one of those moods to sketch. It comes and goes. and i dont do it very often, but i probably should. But this time on one of my collages that i will try to post sometime but im too lazy to go and get it, I have this picture of madonna back in like 1991 and she was actually REALLY pretty. I was just like WHAT thats madonna! theres no way. It was crazy, i think its just that she got more whacky looking over the past couple years. But anyway i tried to sketch this picture i had of her
Except i had cropped it and it was in black and white.
But i totally fudged it up. by the end it looked horrible. I couldnt master the teeth, i just cant do those. Mouthes and teeth are just really hard for me and i have no idea why.
okay just thought id tell you that peace biotches! :)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
i have exactly seven days basically till school starts. How utterly depressing. I'm dont know what to do with myself these next couple days!! there are still like 1,000 things i wanted to do. Like go downtown to shop and go paddleboating and kayaking, and all sorts of other junk.
Well anyway today sara and i and mi padre went to the state fair. I got 199 pictures exactly. Which is great for me because not only did i get major bank on my Art project as far as mexican and azetc culture goes but i got tons on animal shots. I'll show you just so you know what i mean!
Well anyway today sara and i and mi padre went to the state fair. I got 199 pictures exactly. Which is great for me because not only did i get major bank on my Art project as far as mexican and azetc culture goes but i got tons on animal shots. I'll show you just so you know what i mean!
This little goat is probably the cutest thing ive ever seen. Even though i did have practically yell at him to get him to look somewhat at the camera, and he has a slight lazy eye :)
it was sooo cute all these little piggies were smushing themselves into this one corner it was ADORBS. i hate people who say that so i'd figured i would.
I love love love this one too he was sooooo cute
what a fat kid :)
Normally im pretty opposed to going to these things but i actually had a really fun time. it wasnt like uber boring. We went to this one stage that was the "cultural" one and they had these aztec dancers come out in these headresses. like this
They were crazy long and moved every time they moved. It was pretty good. And then they had these mexican fiesta dancers come out that were pretty good, they kinda just tapped around and looked pretty and that was about it. So then we went and walked around for like ohhhh 30 mintues and then came back for an "arabian belly dance."
Number one: they werent arabian, they were basically all white, not even tan, fair skinned, like ME!
Number two: they didnt really dance all they did was shake their hips
Number three: Only one of the girls was in "dancing shape" if you catch my drift. And i know i shouldnt be talking because i am no Heidi Klum fitness wise but it was just a sight for sore eyes
Number four: One of the ladies definitly had a kid recently because she had major stretch marks.
Number five: this is going to sound bad but there was just this one girl that was wearing a see through top that just made me want to cringe each time she moved because then EVERYTHING moved
Im so going to hell. Im a horrible person. but the whole time i wanted to yell PUT ON A SHIRT your hurting my EYES! but it was soo creepy there were alot of old men watching. i guess their into that sort of thing. yuck major.
This year they have a new commodity: deep fried butter. i dont understand where do people come up with this shiz. Like chocolate covered bacon. Deep fried oreos and twinkies!!! No wonder people in asia call us the rolling people! its disgusting. yuck yuck yuck.
Well im outie, i hope all my pictures were just absolutely stunning. peace and love.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
All the other kids in the pumped up kicks
pumped up kicks foster the people.
YEAH THATS RIGHT. its 630 and i am actually up, in the morning. This is just wrong! its STILL SUMMER i shouldn't have to be up yet! But i have tennis this morning and its like an hour drive so it sucks major that i have to be up this early.
Oh yeah and PLL! that was crazy! But i actually really like Jason, but their putting him out to be such a creep. And that whole shed thing and how he like took everything out, and left the flashlight. that was toe curling, it made me shiver. I think jason is adorable though. his abs are like ROCK SOLID not that ive ever felt them before but im sure if i did i would just melt.
Sara and i had volunteering yesterday. We waited for 45 minutes just sitting there doing nothing, waiting for the lady who was supposed to train us for "cookie baking." what were going to do is go to different floors and cook the cookies up there and it gives off this very yummy odor and it supposed to make you feel better. And the cookies are actually good their otis spunkmeyer? And their fluffy and doughy but not underdone, their like everything ive WANTED my cookies to look like.
So lately i just cannot have a conversation to save my life with my mother. Normally i dont want my parents to come to my tennis matches because they make me nervous and then i will just completely break down and screw up. Well and we have this tournament comming up idk its a far drive so were staying overnight. And katie offered to have me stay in her room because her dad is driving us up. And when my mom asked me what i wanted to do i was just kinda like well idk. But of course i want her to go to support me and stuff and i told her that. and when i asked her what she was thinking about it later. She told me that it was a "volatile" (like explosive) subject and that i DIDNT say that i wanted her to come. mothers. so now i have no idea whats going on and i just dont even want to talk about it.
I have to leave. Auvwoa (?)
peace and blessings
YEAH THATS RIGHT. its 630 and i am actually up, in the morning. This is just wrong! its STILL SUMMER i shouldn't have to be up yet! But i have tennis this morning and its like an hour drive so it sucks major that i have to be up this early.
Oh yeah and PLL! that was crazy! But i actually really like Jason, but their putting him out to be such a creep. And that whole shed thing and how he like took everything out, and left the flashlight. that was toe curling, it made me shiver. I think jason is adorable though. his abs are like ROCK SOLID not that ive ever felt them before but im sure if i did i would just melt.
Sara and i had volunteering yesterday. We waited for 45 minutes just sitting there doing nothing, waiting for the lady who was supposed to train us for "cookie baking." what were going to do is go to different floors and cook the cookies up there and it gives off this very yummy odor and it supposed to make you feel better. And the cookies are actually good their otis spunkmeyer? And their fluffy and doughy but not underdone, their like everything ive WANTED my cookies to look like.
So lately i just cannot have a conversation to save my life with my mother. Normally i dont want my parents to come to my tennis matches because they make me nervous and then i will just completely break down and screw up. Well and we have this tournament comming up idk its a far drive so were staying overnight. And katie offered to have me stay in her room because her dad is driving us up. And when my mom asked me what i wanted to do i was just kinda like well idk. But of course i want her to go to support me and stuff and i told her that. and when i asked her what she was thinking about it later. She told me that it was a "volatile" (like explosive) subject and that i DIDNT say that i wanted her to come. mothers. so now i have no idea whats going on and i just dont even want to talk about it.
I have to leave. Auvwoa (?)
peace and blessings
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Like a ship in the night you keep passing me by
Ships in the night matt kearney go listen to it, im addicted
IM A VAR STAR. yeah that right your looking well not looking, reading the newest varsity tennis player. AHHHHHHH i cant believe it. like honestly!!!! this is crazy im planning a sneak attack on my mom, im gonna be all sad and then im going to burst out with my fabulous news. Im debating wether or not to make a facebook status, but sometimes i get really annoyed with people who make facebook statuses. Like the ones that are exactly like the teacher who was in easy A described. LIKE NOBODY CARES IF YOU WENT TO GET A COKE ZERO. or that your going to the beach and had a fabulous time. or that you hate truth is statuses. its like just shut up. But honestly i want to brag now, so thats what im going to do ive decided.
so yesterday my friend and i being the coolest kids around went and bought fabric and decided we were going to make a bag. We were going to go to this party after we went to joanns, but we ended up spending like an hour and a half just looking at fabrics and by the time we got out there it would have been too late. I debated whether or not to put up a picture of our unfinished art work, and ive decided two. I hope you are not left in total awe.
IM A VAR STAR. yeah that right your looking well not looking, reading the newest varsity tennis player. AHHHHHHH i cant believe it. like honestly!!!! this is crazy im planning a sneak attack on my mom, im gonna be all sad and then im going to burst out with my fabulous news. Im debating wether or not to make a facebook status, but sometimes i get really annoyed with people who make facebook statuses. Like the ones that are exactly like the teacher who was in easy A described. LIKE NOBODY CARES IF YOU WENT TO GET A COKE ZERO. or that your going to the beach and had a fabulous time. or that you hate truth is statuses. its like just shut up. But honestly i want to brag now, so thats what im going to do ive decided.
so yesterday my friend and i being the coolest kids around went and bought fabric and decided we were going to make a bag. We were going to go to this party after we went to joanns, but we ended up spending like an hour and a half just looking at fabrics and by the time we got out there it would have been too late. I debated whether or not to put up a picture of our unfinished art work, and ive decided two. I hope you are not left in total awe.
so theres the bag with no strap or anything thats how far we got last night, it looks kinda ugly all by itself.
thats the button you cant really see it though
thats.....a little better
thats the inside, its like fake satin, or i guess fatin. HAHA im funny
it is like beyond soft. I wish we could have made it the outside cause that would have been so pretty but theres no way it would have held up.
theres the button.....again.
So yeah there it is. This is like what i imagine. i dont know what were going to do about the strap, i want to do something braided or something but that might be a little complicated. but we might just do what we did with the bag where the outside strap is gray and the inside is the blue slash teal satin. But at joanns we found this paper clip it was like HUGE like 20 times bigger than the average paper clip and what i want to do is have the be the thing that connects one strap to the bag. in my mind its MIND BLOWING. and today i found this lucky brand like charm thing it had a sea shell and a braided leather strand with a teal bead. But my mother said she "could not justify buying it." because it was like 14 dollars for like nothing. I will not let that get me down though!!!! i want to try and make something on my own, ya know to like add my own touch to it.
Okay im going to go watch pretty little liars with sara and let myself have a non diet soda which i never have idk why i just dont. cherry coke to be precise i wanted to have a sprite but we didnt have any. and probably have the BIGGEST ice cream scoop ever. yeah thats right. ya like how i tell you the most useless information every like who cares what kind of soda im going to have. hahahaa
Peace love and sunshine. gotta love summer. katie
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
all we care about is talking, talking about me and you
Peter Bjorn and Peter- Young folk
I get in the car and there my two friends are and their like....katie we've got a suprise for you. So they change the song in the car and start madly singing to this FREAKING WIERD like super strange song called my hands are bananas. Its so creepy, in the video this guy has hands as bananas and he says like odd things like circle is square square is circle something about a doppelanger and he just talks about how his hands are bananas. and they kept on singing it OVER AND OVER so now its like uber stuck in my head. I put it on here just for your convience.
hes freaky right. hes this german dude apparently, not that it really matters.
Anyway so all 6 of us got loaded up in my friends car and headed to this frozen yogurt place called yo mama. We rolled down all the windows and were screaming to T-pains Bootay wurk, and Tonight tonight by hot chelle rae. And when we got there as we were singing like everybody was outside and saw us. And then four lovely boys my age decided that i would hold the door for them, what gentlemen and one of them even had the balls to say in this like high voice thanks ma'am. honestly i wanted to junk trunk them right then and there ahh boys. But as we were walking out with froyo in hand like 7 seniors from our school were sitting outside. And one of them was like "was that you guys screaming to the music." and my friend was just like "no it wasnt" :) and then this bratty senior was like "umm yeah it was." So we kinda just walked away because that was super awkward. Then on our way home as we were yelling to cobra starship, we were like ohh goodie someone is going to pass us! because every time someone would pass us we would all stupidly start bobbing our heads, and we thought it was a bunch of guys our age, well no it was a grandpa. Yeah that was kind of a let down. But my friend colleen i havent seen her all summer and i like SUPER SUPER missed her. and she was telling me this story it was hilarious it was over texting and my friend mk was telling colleen about out plans tonight. So my friend marykate was like okay so my house and then yo mama afterward okay? and then my friend colleen was like "oh okay so your house and then my moms sorry your too ghetto for me." Because she didnt know that yo mama was the place of the fro yo. HAHAH hilarious, im sure your just bursting with laughter right now.
I havent seen sara now in two days, its horrible. Now that school is starting we almost never see eachother. Because its rare on the weekends that we both have NOTHING to do. But now that were going to be volunteering every other weekend we will see eachother much more often. And i have have have to catch up on PLL and teen wolf and i watched awkward last night that was good. Its so funny i highly recommend watching it. Like i wish that i was that sarcastic and funny and stuff like they say some of the....most interesting things on their like last night she called vomit projectafunk. how random!
Oh and i was rereading my post last for no reason from yesterday and i sounded like an idiot. Like wiskers! totally not the right word to use, now you guys probably think that i look like my cat gus. but now i have this like red mark from the stuff i used and its been really bothersome, and just not good. so yeah NEVER USE NAIR.
One of the songs so that my friend was blasting yesterday was Ships in the night by Matt kerney. Its really good song ive had it on repeat now for like 3 times in a row i cant get enough of it. But i went to youtube to go find it. And the very first comment that was like RIGHT under the video was....
"this song makes me want to strip naked, burst out of my room window, free fall 21 floors, land in the snow, make a snow angel, shiver from the cold, get hypothermia, DIE!, go the pearly gate, say whats up to Saint Peter, do our secret hand shake, look in the directory for Siddhartha (Buddha), find Him, have Him reincarnate me into a frog, meet a princess, kiss her, turn into a prince, order my subjects to "
bring me a computer, listen to this song again."
so i didnt say this! i dont know if i have to worry about a copyright or something funky. THIS IS NOT MINE. But I like burst out loud laughing well inwardly laughing...i LOL-ED, because what an interesting thing to say about a song!!! i kinda like it! well im warming up to it at first i was like omg what a freak. I dont want to die and reincarnate when i hear this song.
Nice chat, wish me luck at tryouts. Happy almost end of summer. Infinite x's and o's katie
I get in the car and there my two friends are and their like....katie we've got a suprise for you. So they change the song in the car and start madly singing to this FREAKING WIERD like super strange song called my hands are bananas. Its so creepy, in the video this guy has hands as bananas and he says like odd things like circle is square square is circle something about a doppelanger and he just talks about how his hands are bananas. and they kept on singing it OVER AND OVER so now its like uber stuck in my head. I put it on here just for your convience.
hes freaky right. hes this german dude apparently, not that it really matters.
Anyway so all 6 of us got loaded up in my friends car and headed to this frozen yogurt place called yo mama. We rolled down all the windows and were screaming to T-pains Bootay wurk, and Tonight tonight by hot chelle rae. And when we got there as we were singing like everybody was outside and saw us. And then four lovely boys my age decided that i would hold the door for them, what gentlemen and one of them even had the balls to say in this like high voice thanks ma'am. honestly i wanted to junk trunk them right then and there ahh boys. But as we were walking out with froyo in hand like 7 seniors from our school were sitting outside. And one of them was like "was that you guys screaming to the music." and my friend was just like "no it wasnt" :) and then this bratty senior was like "umm yeah it was." So we kinda just walked away because that was super awkward. Then on our way home as we were yelling to cobra starship, we were like ohh goodie someone is going to pass us! because every time someone would pass us we would all stupidly start bobbing our heads, and we thought it was a bunch of guys our age, well no it was a grandpa. Yeah that was kind of a let down. But my friend colleen i havent seen her all summer and i like SUPER SUPER missed her. and she was telling me this story it was hilarious it was over texting and my friend mk was telling colleen about out plans tonight. So my friend marykate was like okay so my house and then yo mama afterward okay? and then my friend colleen was like "oh okay so your house and then my moms sorry your too ghetto for me." Because she didnt know that yo mama was the place of the fro yo. HAHAH hilarious, im sure your just bursting with laughter right now.
I havent seen sara now in two days, its horrible. Now that school is starting we almost never see eachother. Because its rare on the weekends that we both have NOTHING to do. But now that were going to be volunteering every other weekend we will see eachother much more often. And i have have have to catch up on PLL and teen wolf and i watched awkward last night that was good. Its so funny i highly recommend watching it. Like i wish that i was that sarcastic and funny and stuff like they say some of the....most interesting things on their like last night she called vomit projectafunk. how random!
Oh and i was rereading my post last for no reason from yesterday and i sounded like an idiot. Like wiskers! totally not the right word to use, now you guys probably think that i look like my cat gus. but now i have this like red mark from the stuff i used and its been really bothersome, and just not good. so yeah NEVER USE NAIR.
One of the songs so that my friend was blasting yesterday was Ships in the night by Matt kerney. Its really good song ive had it on repeat now for like 3 times in a row i cant get enough of it. But i went to youtube to go find it. And the very first comment that was like RIGHT under the video was....
"this song makes me want to strip naked, burst out of my room window, free fall 21 floors, land in the snow, make a snow angel, shiver from the cold, get hypothermia, DIE!, go the pearly gate, say whats up to Saint Peter, do our secret hand shake, look in the directory for Siddhartha (Buddha), find Him, have Him reincarnate me into a frog, meet a princess, kiss her, turn into a prince, order my subjects to "
bring me a computer, listen to this song again."
so i didnt say this! i dont know if i have to worry about a copyright or something funky. THIS IS NOT MINE. But I like burst out loud laughing well inwardly laughing...i LOL-ED, because what an interesting thing to say about a song!!! i kinda like it! well im warming up to it at first i was like omg what a freak. I dont want to die and reincarnate when i hear this song.
Nice chat, wish me luck at tryouts. Happy almost end of summer. Infinite x's and o's katie
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
daddy always said you should always stay away from a fool like me
COBRA STARSHIP NEW SONG its good i really like it. And thats what my title is from.
Anyway tennis sucked we did alot of ladders and sprinting and running and more things i detest. But i was kicking butt if thats any difference.
Remember when i said ive got these like wiskers on the sides of my mouth. My hair is blond so, so are my eyebrows and the hair on my face. But just like my eyebrows even though everybody says they cant see it, it still bothers me. So my mom had this like Nair sensitive hair remover face stuff that i found, so i was like okay were gonna do this. And VUALA now i dont have mad wiskers on the sides of my mouth. But now im left with this burning sensation and one side is shorter than the other. Because it didnt really sear it to like the base of the hair bud or w.e. it just cut most of it off, so now their just really short. Now though i HAVE HAVE HAVE to deal with my eyebrows, somethings gotta be done about them. First of all their like multicolored their like dirty blond near my nose and blond blond near the ends. It sucks so i think ill maybe go with one of my friends to get them waxed before school starts because i only have LESS THAN TWO WEEKS LEFT. Kill me now. ugh high school sucks, i cant wait to go to college.
but anyway a bunch of my friends and i are going out at this place that has self serve ice cream. its DELICIOUS, and pure heaven. They have everything you could possible imagine as far as toppings. Like captain crunch and cinnamon toast crunch and fudge and cookie dough and brownies. Its awesome.
Im outie, katie
Anyway tennis sucked we did alot of ladders and sprinting and running and more things i detest. But i was kicking butt if thats any difference.
Remember when i said ive got these like wiskers on the sides of my mouth. My hair is blond so, so are my eyebrows and the hair on my face. But just like my eyebrows even though everybody says they cant see it, it still bothers me. So my mom had this like Nair sensitive hair remover face stuff that i found, so i was like okay were gonna do this. And VUALA now i dont have mad wiskers on the sides of my mouth. But now im left with this burning sensation and one side is shorter than the other. Because it didnt really sear it to like the base of the hair bud or w.e. it just cut most of it off, so now their just really short. Now though i HAVE HAVE HAVE to deal with my eyebrows, somethings gotta be done about them. First of all their like multicolored their like dirty blond near my nose and blond blond near the ends. It sucks so i think ill maybe go with one of my friends to get them waxed before school starts because i only have LESS THAN TWO WEEKS LEFT. Kill me now. ugh high school sucks, i cant wait to go to college.
but anyway a bunch of my friends and i are going out at this place that has self serve ice cream. its DELICIOUS, and pure heaven. They have everything you could possible imagine as far as toppings. Like captain crunch and cinnamon toast crunch and fudge and cookie dough and brownies. Its awesome.
Im outie, katie
Monday, August 8, 2011
Theres no way those pants could fit all of them
and yes that is the first thing that sara said when i told her that we should make pants like the girls in the sisterhood of the traveling pants because that is what we are watching currently.
I have to say though, im going to backtrack through my day, YOGA IS HARD. there is no denying it, and it is definitly NOT a confidence booster when you see 80 year old ladies smoking you, yes smoking you while doing the :king pigeon." 'And i have to say that when people say yoga is easy they can go eat me because it is totally totally NOT.
Anyway though today i met up with my friend katie.Yes katie and katie, thats the whole reason why we became friends in the first place because we have the same name and being 1st graders we thought that was just about the coolest thing since crocs :) But we gossiped went to TJ maxx because we are definitly maxinistas. Tj Max for all of you who dont know is like a Fleanns Closet is that what its called? Well they sell all sorts of things like Polo steve madden AE roxy volcom billabong nike. But it can be a real hit or miss kind of place. today it was a miss though. And then to go cheer ourselves up we went to redbox and we didnt have a debit card so that failed. So THEN we went and got ourselves soft prezels, you know the big kind, and like this mini digorno pizza then I cought up on Junes Cosmo the one with Rihanna on the cover, and it was all good fun. I showed katie Kreyshawns video though for Gucci Gucci and she didnt like it either. I SWEAR nobody likes it AT ALL. Thats like the 4th person thats been like omg ew how do you like this! But i dont give a shizz because i still LOVE it.
So my brother hes 21 almost 22 in august and he has this friend. Hes half puertorican (?) and is like blading and hes only 20 its so sad. but he is HOTT well more like c u t e. If he saved his head he'd be like thousands time better but now he just has this SUPER short hair. But i dont think ive made a very good impression on him. First i have this liek rash going on all over my arms and shoulders you cant like see it but its EXTREMLY itchy and like this summer ive gotten sun poisoning like three times its ridiculous my skin is like HYPER sensitive so we have this joke in the family that im like a gingie on the inside because gingies usually burn pretty eaisily just like me. Well and we were talking about this and his friend was like Oh i know i can relate. And im like WHAT your like HALF DOMINICAN you dont burn! and he was just like awkwardly uhh im puertorican. And then when it couldnt get worse they were putting together their burgers because my brother grilled for him. And I was like Brian really two BURGERS?!? because it looked huge cause it was the bun cheese burger cheese burger and then the bun and it just made the thing look HUGE. and then he was like "well hey he did it first." and he pointed to his friend. So basically i was dissing his friend how utterly awesome. God im such a good sister.
I quickly got out of the house to avoid another awkward encounter with the other guy, and now were watching sisterhood of the traveling pants. Its like a blast from the past. and now ive missed likehalf of it because ive been writing this. So im going to tune back in
peace and blessings. katie
I have to say though, im going to backtrack through my day, YOGA IS HARD. there is no denying it, and it is definitly NOT a confidence booster when you see 80 year old ladies smoking you, yes smoking you while doing the :king pigeon." 'And i have to say that when people say yoga is easy they can go eat me because it is totally totally NOT.
Anyway though today i met up with my friend katie.Yes katie and katie, thats the whole reason why we became friends in the first place because we have the same name and being 1st graders we thought that was just about the coolest thing since crocs :) But we gossiped went to TJ maxx because we are definitly maxinistas. Tj Max for all of you who dont know is like a Fleanns Closet is that what its called? Well they sell all sorts of things like Polo steve madden AE roxy volcom billabong nike. But it can be a real hit or miss kind of place. today it was a miss though. And then to go cheer ourselves up we went to redbox and we didnt have a debit card so that failed. So THEN we went and got ourselves soft prezels, you know the big kind, and like this mini digorno pizza then I cought up on Junes Cosmo the one with Rihanna on the cover, and it was all good fun. I showed katie Kreyshawns video though for Gucci Gucci and she didnt like it either. I SWEAR nobody likes it AT ALL. Thats like the 4th person thats been like omg ew how do you like this! But i dont give a shizz because i still LOVE it.
So my brother hes 21 almost 22 in august and he has this friend. Hes half puertorican (?) and is like blading and hes only 20 its so sad. but he is HOTT well more like c u t e. If he saved his head he'd be like thousands time better but now he just has this SUPER short hair. But i dont think ive made a very good impression on him. First i have this liek rash going on all over my arms and shoulders you cant like see it but its EXTREMLY itchy and like this summer ive gotten sun poisoning like three times its ridiculous my skin is like HYPER sensitive so we have this joke in the family that im like a gingie on the inside because gingies usually burn pretty eaisily just like me. Well and we were talking about this and his friend was like Oh i know i can relate. And im like WHAT your like HALF DOMINICAN you dont burn! and he was just like awkwardly uhh im puertorican. And then when it couldnt get worse they were putting together their burgers because my brother grilled for him. And I was like Brian really two BURGERS?!? because it looked huge cause it was the bun cheese burger cheese burger and then the bun and it just made the thing look HUGE. and then he was like "well hey he did it first." and he pointed to his friend. So basically i was dissing his friend how utterly awesome. God im such a good sister.
I quickly got out of the house to avoid another awkward encounter with the other guy, and now were watching sisterhood of the traveling pants. Its like a blast from the past. and now ive missed likehalf of it because ive been writing this. So im going to tune back in
peace and blessings. katie
Sunday, August 7, 2011
i havent been laid in two weeks....carl ive been gone a month
BABY MAMA best movie ever. I love amy pholher and tina fey and the guy who works in tina feys apartment building. And yes i am watching that right now.
Sara and i DIDNT....shocker there get comepletely creamed. We actually won. WAHOO. even we waited nearly an hour to play, which sucked. And the girls we played were like mute, the whole time i wanted to be like SPEAK LOUDER, i CANT HEAR YOU!!!! it was very frusturating. Plus they were totally cheating and trying to sneak in points. Then we went to mickey ds because i hadnt had a cheeseburger in FOREVER and i wanted a wild berry smoothie badly,,, and after that i nearly ate my weight in almond joy reeces pieces, obviousily i am a horrible dieter, and have been failing miserably.
Then all of our mothers and sara and i went to TARGET, god i love that place there are endless possibilies there. And me being the good schmoozer that i am convinced my mom to buy me a lady bug lunch box ITS FABULOUS dont judge, dry shampoo, a new sports bra. Its tye dye :) a new face wash but i actually needed that, my new water bottle,,, its purple and i broke my camelbak so i needed a new one, and my almond joy things, and.....pull apart twizzlers. ARNT I GOOD. when janbaby is in a good mood i can get her to do things that she DOES NOT want to do. im good.
My cousins were over though, their in the state fair and they show pigs, obviousily i dont i would hate that. But they are SOO CUTE. The oldest one hes 6 came up stairs and was like "STOP talking about me." and then later he was like "Mom im dehydrated! i need lemonade!" and at mcdonalds apparently he decided he wanted to lick his WHOLE ENTIRE hand after he had finished his fries and when his mom was like NOOO....he was like...mommy i like salt. Hes adorable. And the youngest one hes 3 and a half he has to be completely naked like even his socks off in order to go number two. Isint that so weird!? and every time he goes to the bathroom he always says he "needs his privacy" so he HAS to close the door. ALWAYS . Like the other day i was walking down the hallway and there he is BAM .......NAKED and im like whaoooooo why dont you have ANY clothes on carson!? and hes just like in this most adorable voice ever "i need my mommy." I like melted even though he had NO clothes on and his wee wee was all hanging out and everything it was the cutest thing ever.
Well in cant think of anything else to say. Goodbye. night night.
Sara and i DIDNT....shocker there get comepletely creamed. We actually won. WAHOO. even we waited nearly an hour to play, which sucked. And the girls we played were like mute, the whole time i wanted to be like SPEAK LOUDER, i CANT HEAR YOU!!!! it was very frusturating. Plus they were totally cheating and trying to sneak in points. Then we went to mickey ds because i hadnt had a cheeseburger in FOREVER and i wanted a wild berry smoothie badly,,, and after that i nearly ate my weight in almond joy reeces pieces, obviousily i am a horrible dieter, and have been failing miserably.
Then all of our mothers and sara and i went to TARGET, god i love that place there are endless possibilies there. And me being the good schmoozer that i am convinced my mom to buy me a lady bug lunch box ITS FABULOUS dont judge, dry shampoo, a new sports bra. Its tye dye :) a new face wash but i actually needed that, my new water bottle,,, its purple and i broke my camelbak so i needed a new one, and my almond joy things, and.....pull apart twizzlers. ARNT I GOOD. when janbaby is in a good mood i can get her to do things that she DOES NOT want to do. im good.
My cousins were over though, their in the state fair and they show pigs, obviousily i dont i would hate that. But they are SOO CUTE. The oldest one hes 6 came up stairs and was like "STOP talking about me." and then later he was like "Mom im dehydrated! i need lemonade!" and at mcdonalds apparently he decided he wanted to lick his WHOLE ENTIRE hand after he had finished his fries and when his mom was like NOOO....he was like...mommy i like salt. Hes adorable. And the youngest one hes 3 and a half he has to be completely naked like even his socks off in order to go number two. Isint that so weird!? and every time he goes to the bathroom he always says he "needs his privacy" so he HAS to close the door. ALWAYS . Like the other day i was walking down the hallway and there he is BAM .......NAKED and im like whaoooooo why dont you have ANY clothes on carson!? and hes just like in this most adorable voice ever "i need my mommy." I like melted even though he had NO clothes on and his wee wee was all hanging out and everything it was the cutest thing ever.
Well in cant think of anything else to say. Goodbye. night night.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
In another life i would be your girl.
I am contemplating whether or not to say what song my post titles are from because they are so totally and completely random. If i were you id be like what the heck is she talking about, that has nothing to do with what she was talking about. So in case you wanted to know that is from the one that got away by Katy Perry. there ya go.
Sara drove us to tennis today. Shocker there, her parents like grounded her from driving because she didnt text them when she got to tennis one time and her parents were pissed. But what do ya know we eneded up playing these 2 girls from my old grade school. and it turns out they've both taken a turn for WEIRD. like major. They are both adopted one from china and i think the younger sister is from vietnam? While they might be slightly loopy their parents are SOOO nice. Even when they were winning against us hardcore (we lost 1-6 rough right?) they were still unhappy, and super competitive and the older sister would always be giving the other one like pointers and crap. There was this one time the younger sister hit it like RIGHT in front of me, so it was an easy shot for me to return, and then all of a sudden i hear the older sister saying "well why did you hit it right to her?" and im just like, i probably shouldn't have said this out loud but "you know i can hear you." i dont think the older sister heard but the younger definitely did and sara started laughing. but its like COME AWN you cant strategize in front of the opponent it defeats the purpose. Plus this is going to sound like REALLY bad and i probably shouldn't say this, but everyone in our grade always thought that older sister would turn out lesiban. because of her apparent butchness. And people were kinda mean and just would say that sometimes because she just says like the WEIRDEST things. But hey i was nice to her and everything and she barely looked in my direction or bothered to say hello to me today.
Totally random. but i was thinking while i was reading my brand new seventeen (it was wierd normally they have a lot of stuff that me-no job not really a babysitter can afford and this time they had all this really expensive stuff in it, it was kind of a bummer. Oh and teachers flirting it up like ezra and lucy hale in PLL,,,,,g r o s s. and slightly creepy) But anywho getting off track there, i wish there was like a mental ipod in my brain. Like a song to play for each mood im in. For example when im feeling particularly morose or down i like eminem because hes just so angry. And when i need a pick me up and just wanna dance i like to listen to Flo rida. Particularly "low" so that i can do the skanky bootay drop! Or when im just happy. Like nothing is going wrong and the day is going good i want Katy Perry and B.o.b and other stuff like my BOI CB! or jbeebs but i have to REALLY be in a certain mood for that.
oh yeah, so i was looking in all my magazines for cool pictures in stuff like i said earlier today and jbeebs has this perfume out its called someday. And you know how they have the sheet thing you pull open and smell and sniff and i always put it on my wrists and neck, well yeah right next to that there was this quote i put it on my collage. it says in tiny print "Someday is why we never say never. it's the reason we never give up the reason we never give in. It's a place in our hearts that can't be broken, where our dreams always come true and the moment we'll NEVER LET GO." now im not gonna i didn't completely understand that at first. I thought it was talking about the perfume, like the perfume was the one telling us to never say never. Plus that sounds a little too deep to be jbeebs so i highly doubt that he wrote that. But i dont know i just like it, i think its a good quote, and how random for being for a perfume.
RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM. how many times have i realized that word and WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD now like a billion i should stop.
I figured i would explain my collage and all the stuff thats on it. NUMERO uno: blake lively i love love love her, even though shes dating leonardo, thats slightly wierd and i dont know what to think about that but, shes like my ultimate fashion and beauty role model. Even though sometimes she can be kinda...skanky. I have hello kitty on there because ive loved her since i was like 10. I have that quote and Katy perry because now that ive mentioned her like 3 times now you must be able to tell that i love katy perry in a totally not creepy or stalkerish way. I have some marc jacobs stuff on there because it the ultimate stuff that i will buy when im young rich and famous and actually have money. A peace sign obviousily because thats just what i aspire to be, chill and relaxed. I have this indian man cause he was just cool looking all colorful. Nike has this ad they always have out called Make Yourself, and sometimes they have the word Strong or shiny or something else after that, and its strangely inspirational for me, for no reason. I have OPI on there because its every girls necessity even though i barely paint my nails any more, but i love opi. EVEN THERE NAMES are cool. Like...
Be a Dahlia won't you.
Moon over Mumbai
Your royal-shineness
the one that got away (KATY PERRY SONG AHHH)
Your a Pisa work
I eat mainly lobster
Mermaid tears
Uh-oh Roll down the window(i didnt get it at first but its dark green)
Yodel me on my cell.....LIKE HOW COMPLETELy random and strange and just random!
well theres the word yummy,,,,, which is the word i use ALWAYS to describe disgusting older men who have load of chest hair and big bellys. And VIVA because thats live in spanish and i intend to live. and a kitty cat, well its a tiger. and peeps but i hate peeps and this funky looking camera and a buddha and a fish and a candle and a piggy bank. SO as you can see there is no order to my collages, at all.
Anywho, sara and i have another match tommorow, well no, its 30 minutes into today actually, cross our fingers that we don't get our behimens dont get handed to us. this is a PG blog, thats why i said behiemen.
Im such a cool chick. katie katie katie katie
P.S. It might as well be the zazzy life of me because never never writes on here.
P.S.S. I believe i said random 8 times. Snaps for katie, she pulled off being SUPER annoying saying it THAT many times. Plus weird but i was too lazy to count that.
Sara drove us to tennis today. Shocker there, her parents like grounded her from driving because she didnt text them when she got to tennis one time and her parents were pissed. But what do ya know we eneded up playing these 2 girls from my old grade school. and it turns out they've both taken a turn for WEIRD. like major. They are both adopted one from china and i think the younger sister is from vietnam? While they might be slightly loopy their parents are SOOO nice. Even when they were winning against us hardcore (we lost 1-6 rough right?) they were still unhappy, and super competitive and the older sister would always be giving the other one like pointers and crap. There was this one time the younger sister hit it like RIGHT in front of me, so it was an easy shot for me to return, and then all of a sudden i hear the older sister saying "well why did you hit it right to her?" and im just like, i probably shouldn't have said this out loud but "you know i can hear you." i dont think the older sister heard but the younger definitely did and sara started laughing. but its like COME AWN you cant strategize in front of the opponent it defeats the purpose. Plus this is going to sound like REALLY bad and i probably shouldn't say this, but everyone in our grade always thought that older sister would turn out lesiban. because of her apparent butchness. And people were kinda mean and just would say that sometimes because she just says like the WEIRDEST things. But hey i was nice to her and everything and she barely looked in my direction or bothered to say hello to me today.
Totally random. but i was thinking while i was reading my brand new seventeen (it was wierd normally they have a lot of stuff that me-no job not really a babysitter can afford and this time they had all this really expensive stuff in it, it was kind of a bummer. Oh and teachers flirting it up like ezra and lucy hale in PLL,,,,,g r o s s. and slightly creepy) But anywho getting off track there, i wish there was like a mental ipod in my brain. Like a song to play for each mood im in. For example when im feeling particularly morose or down i like eminem because hes just so angry. And when i need a pick me up and just wanna dance i like to listen to Flo rida. Particularly "low" so that i can do the skanky bootay drop! Or when im just happy. Like nothing is going wrong and the day is going good i want Katy Perry and B.o.b and other stuff like my BOI CB! or jbeebs but i have to REALLY be in a certain mood for that.
oh yeah, so i was looking in all my magazines for cool pictures in stuff like i said earlier today and jbeebs has this perfume out its called someday. And you know how they have the sheet thing you pull open and smell and sniff and i always put it on my wrists and neck, well yeah right next to that there was this quote i put it on my collage. it says in tiny print "Someday is why we never say never. it's the reason we never give up the reason we never give in. It's a place in our hearts that can't be broken, where our dreams always come true and the moment we'll NEVER LET GO." now im not gonna i didn't completely understand that at first. I thought it was talking about the perfume, like the perfume was the one telling us to never say never. Plus that sounds a little too deep to be jbeebs so i highly doubt that he wrote that. But i dont know i just like it, i think its a good quote, and how random for being for a perfume.
RANDOM RANDOM RANDOM. how many times have i realized that word and WEIRD WEIRD WEIRD now like a billion i should stop.
I figured i would explain my collage and all the stuff thats on it. NUMERO uno: blake lively i love love love her, even though shes dating leonardo, thats slightly wierd and i dont know what to think about that but, shes like my ultimate fashion and beauty role model. Even though sometimes she can be kinda...skanky. I have hello kitty on there because ive loved her since i was like 10. I have that quote and Katy perry because now that ive mentioned her like 3 times now you must be able to tell that i love katy perry in a totally not creepy or stalkerish way. I have some marc jacobs stuff on there because it the ultimate stuff that i will buy when im young rich and famous and actually have money. A peace sign obviousily because thats just what i aspire to be, chill and relaxed. I have this indian man cause he was just cool looking all colorful. Nike has this ad they always have out called Make Yourself, and sometimes they have the word Strong or shiny or something else after that, and its strangely inspirational for me, for no reason. I have OPI on there because its every girls necessity even though i barely paint my nails any more, but i love opi. EVEN THERE NAMES are cool. Like...
Be a Dahlia won't you.
Moon over Mumbai
Your royal-shineness
the one that got away (KATY PERRY SONG AHHH)
Your a Pisa work
I eat mainly lobster
Mermaid tears
Uh-oh Roll down the window(i didnt get it at first but its dark green)
Yodel me on my cell.....LIKE HOW COMPLETELy random and strange and just random!
well theres the word yummy,,,,, which is the word i use ALWAYS to describe disgusting older men who have load of chest hair and big bellys. And VIVA because thats live in spanish and i intend to live. and a kitty cat, well its a tiger. and peeps but i hate peeps and this funky looking camera and a buddha and a fish and a candle and a piggy bank. SO as you can see there is no order to my collages, at all.
Anywho, sara and i have another match tommorow, well no, its 30 minutes into today actually, cross our fingers that we don't get our behimens dont get handed to us. this is a PG blog, thats why i said behiemen.
Im such a cool chick. katie katie katie katie
P.S. It might as well be the zazzy life of me because never never writes on here.
P.S.S. I believe i said random 8 times. Snaps for katie, she pulled off being SUPER annoying saying it THAT many times. Plus weird but i was too lazy to count that.
sing along to my stereo.
Ever since i was in like....6th grade ive had this tradition. I always always always make notebook covers. I just do. I cut out like billions of pictures and words and crap and put it on a piece of paper and make it look super cool. And i just finished my first one, its a collage and it took me FOREVER.
Sara and i have a tennis tourney today that should be interesting. Cross our fingers that we dont lose.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Shark Week Pisses Me Off
so shark week. I just dont get it. They play the same SHIT OVER AND OVER. Like okay your trying to catch a shark WOW, omg it ate a fish WHOA!! i didnt know they did that. Sara and i were so bored that yes we watched some and it was just like so stupid. for the first 15 minutes i was like oh wow thats kind of cool, and then it was just like,,,okay yeah so you showed the same 10 second clip like 20 times, its getting old now. What i think they should so is have like Giraffe week, or idk hippotemeus (?) week! Hey discovery channel its time to change things up. Plus they are already planning for next year.
Today we had our last tennis practice EVER, ever. Cause were not comming back next year cause we'd be too old. We already are one of the oldest kids there already. Plus we thought today we would be able to say goodbye to mikey and everything and it turns out he ALREADY LEFT. Yes so we will probably never ever see him again. how depressing. he didn't even say goodbye.
Yesterday i was just in this baking mood. i just wanted to make something delicious. So it was just sara and i, and we decided to make rice crispies. And so we did them in the microwave because "thats what we always do" according to sara. Yeah well never try that, ever, it turned out HORRIBLE
mistake number.........
we tried to use the flavor marshmellows cause i thought tht would be SUPER cool with all the colors
we didnt use ENOUGH marshmellows so we made it in sections
we didnt add enough butter, resulting in rock solid rice crispys
we ended up having to mix normal and flavorful marshmellows
we put a chocolate covering over it, and we put the heat on too high so we wasted like half a bag of chocolate chips that ended up being over cooked.
and yeah basically it was horrible i couldnt even cut it when i stabbed the knife into it. sounds slightly creepy but I hit it really hard and it barely even cracked. awesome.
Plus momma bear wasnt in a good mood to begin with, and this i think just aggravated her.
But today we well more like sara i just ate the cookie dough made chocolate chip cookies that turned out really good. We totally made up for it then.
So thats basically my life for the past 24 hours in a nutshell, my cousins are comming in and they are the CUTEST things youve ever seen. Carson Dawson and Mason, i dont really like any of the names truthfully but they fit the kids, like almost like carson should be a carson and so on. Plus we have the state fair this week (yeah that whole 200 black kid mob thing? happened like 30 minutes away from my im kinda giving away where i live, dont tell anyone okay :) ) and my cousins show pigs because they are like total hicks kinda and they live up north or maybe down,,,, im not sure, i obviousily didnt do well in geography.
Well yeah goodbye im tired as effff.
Today we had our last tennis practice EVER, ever. Cause were not comming back next year cause we'd be too old. We already are one of the oldest kids there already. Plus we thought today we would be able to say goodbye to mikey and everything and it turns out he ALREADY LEFT. Yes so we will probably never ever see him again. how depressing. he didn't even say goodbye.
Yesterday i was just in this baking mood. i just wanted to make something delicious. So it was just sara and i, and we decided to make rice crispies. And so we did them in the microwave because "thats what we always do" according to sara. Yeah well never try that, ever, it turned out HORRIBLE
mistake number.........
we tried to use the flavor marshmellows cause i thought tht would be SUPER cool with all the colors
we didnt use ENOUGH marshmellows so we made it in sections
we didnt add enough butter, resulting in rock solid rice crispys
we ended up having to mix normal and flavorful marshmellows
we put a chocolate covering over it, and we put the heat on too high so we wasted like half a bag of chocolate chips that ended up being over cooked.
and yeah basically it was horrible i couldnt even cut it when i stabbed the knife into it. sounds slightly creepy but I hit it really hard and it barely even cracked. awesome.
Plus momma bear wasnt in a good mood to begin with, and this i think just aggravated her.
But today we well more like sara i just ate the cookie dough made chocolate chip cookies that turned out really good. We totally made up for it then.
So thats basically my life for the past 24 hours in a nutshell, my cousins are comming in and they are the CUTEST things youve ever seen. Carson Dawson and Mason, i dont really like any of the names truthfully but they fit the kids, like almost like carson should be a carson and so on. Plus we have the state fair this week (yeah that whole 200 black kid mob thing? happened like 30 minutes away from my im kinda giving away where i live, dont tell anyone okay :) ) and my cousins show pigs because they are like total hicks kinda and they live up north or maybe down,,,, im not sure, i obviousily didnt do well in geography.
Well yeah goodbye im tired as effff.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Momma i touched the NET, i touched the NET
Okay so the other day at volunteering we were sitting around doing nothing because it was SUPER quiet, and i told sara that i thought we should write a song. She was no help and i had to think of the lyrics ALL ON MY OWN, so we wrote two, ones a mashup with different lines from different songs and then the other one i wrote about the sexy asian vallet guy. CHECK IT OUT
Song number one, don't laugh at my dope lyrics
verse one:
last friday night (KTP)
there was a party on top top of the world (hot chelle rae)
and we locked eyes from across the room (lonely island)
But for all we know we might not see tommorow (pitbull)
The future seemed so bright (Rihanna and Eminem)
then this thing turned out so evil
seems like forever since you've been gone, please come home (fort minor)
even when the world falling down i still wear a smile, Lucky me (chris brown)
verse 2:
theres a fire starting in my heart (adele)
but your a hot mess and im falling for you (Cobra Starship)
and ive got a feeling that tonight is going to be a good night (black eye'd peas)
tonights going to be a good night
Verse 3:
I know you get me so i let my walls come down (KTP)
theres this feeling that you cant fight (one republic)
and your the only one im dreaming of (train)
I was having the time of my life (david cook)
baby baby how could you be so heartless (Kayne)
why did you try and erase me? (Kid Cudi)
Verse 4:
Your a rude boy rude boy (Rihanna)
and i touched and i was burned (KTP)
Baby remember when we used to touch the sky (Mariah Carey)
you said forever and always (tswift)
IM MEAN HONESTLY wasnt that breathtaking?!? a little choppy now that i read it over but i dont know why i havent been discovered yet. :)
Then this one is about the asian vallet guy its called: My super hot tatted up sexy boyfriend (that a mouthful right)
My egg rolls bring all the asians to the yard
and im like HOT DAMN ive got my self some sweet and sour sauce
Baby those eyes of yours got me hypnotized mesmerized, downright petrified
Your my asian sensation and i just can get enough
I wanna eat chu up
your like my fortune cookie
your my lucky number
and that cap of yours got me knocking me off my feet
I can't eat sleep dream love without those milky stargazers
you got that kung foo grip and will kill a grizzly for me
your my love-lee buddy and i cant do without
because your my asian sensation
and you rock my world
please dont leave me.
Obviously i should become a song writer, i mean its OBVIOUS that i have a talent :) and if you dont think that you can go SUCK IT when im famous and im writing for Kesha and Katy Perry or KTP and making SHITLOADS of cash. ahahhaha
Anyway my friend lauren came over yesterday. Weve been friends since like 5th grade and we go to different high schools so its hard to see her durring the school year, but every summer we try to hang out, and i havent seen her at all really this summer except for yesterday. But each summer we make these notebook covers and we cut out all these pictures from magazines and make like a collage, they always turn out really cool and its a great conversation starter because people always ask to see them. We caught up though and she told me about all her friends, and i told her about mine, we talked about boys--non existent for me but not for her. She showed me all this cool music by people that i had NEVER heard of like pretty lights and this rapper called Macklemore who i LOVE, he sings this song about a pair of shoes he had when he was younger, and Lauren told me the song is bascially trying to say not to put all your hopes and dreams into material things or something like that. but the song is called Wings and thats where my title of my post today is from. And she showed my some foster the people, and the black keys. It was good to catch up, we talked about cosmo, and their dirty stories and some of the fricken wierd shit they say to do to your "boyfriend or spouse." like they said it was "hot" to stick ure finger in their butt, and lauren asked her guy friends what they thought about that, and they said that "if anyone ever did that to us i would be like what the fuck get off me." So i dont think EVERYTHING they say to do is always completely accurate.
But anyway tennis starts next week and im like oozing with nerves, and i always do bad under pressure so im going to have to work of that.
Okay im going to go eat some watermelon peace out.
Song number one, don't laugh at my dope lyrics
verse one:
last friday night (KTP)
there was a party on top top of the world (hot chelle rae)
and we locked eyes from across the room (lonely island)
But for all we know we might not see tommorow (pitbull)
The future seemed so bright (Rihanna and Eminem)
then this thing turned out so evil
seems like forever since you've been gone, please come home (fort minor)
even when the world falling down i still wear a smile, Lucky me (chris brown)
verse 2:
theres a fire starting in my heart (adele)
but your a hot mess and im falling for you (Cobra Starship)
and ive got a feeling that tonight is going to be a good night (black eye'd peas)
tonights going to be a good night
Verse 3:
I know you get me so i let my walls come down (KTP)
theres this feeling that you cant fight (one republic)
and your the only one im dreaming of (train)
I was having the time of my life (david cook)
baby baby how could you be so heartless (Kayne)
why did you try and erase me? (Kid Cudi)
Verse 4:
Your a rude boy rude boy (Rihanna)
and i touched and i was burned (KTP)
Baby remember when we used to touch the sky (Mariah Carey)
you said forever and always (tswift)
IM MEAN HONESTLY wasnt that breathtaking?!? a little choppy now that i read it over but i dont know why i havent been discovered yet. :)
Then this one is about the asian vallet guy its called: My super hot tatted up sexy boyfriend (that a mouthful right)
My egg rolls bring all the asians to the yard
and im like HOT DAMN ive got my self some sweet and sour sauce
Baby those eyes of yours got me hypnotized mesmerized, downright petrified
Your my asian sensation and i just can get enough
I wanna eat chu up
your like my fortune cookie
your my lucky number
and that cap of yours got me knocking me off my feet
I can't eat sleep dream love without those milky stargazers
you got that kung foo grip and will kill a grizzly for me
your my love-lee buddy and i cant do without
because your my asian sensation
and you rock my world
please dont leave me.
Obviously i should become a song writer, i mean its OBVIOUS that i have a talent :) and if you dont think that you can go SUCK IT when im famous and im writing for Kesha and Katy Perry or KTP and making SHITLOADS of cash. ahahhaha
Anyway my friend lauren came over yesterday. Weve been friends since like 5th grade and we go to different high schools so its hard to see her durring the school year, but every summer we try to hang out, and i havent seen her at all really this summer except for yesterday. But each summer we make these notebook covers and we cut out all these pictures from magazines and make like a collage, they always turn out really cool and its a great conversation starter because people always ask to see them. We caught up though and she told me about all her friends, and i told her about mine, we talked about boys--non existent for me but not for her. She showed me all this cool music by people that i had NEVER heard of like pretty lights and this rapper called Macklemore who i LOVE, he sings this song about a pair of shoes he had when he was younger, and Lauren told me the song is bascially trying to say not to put all your hopes and dreams into material things or something like that. but the song is called Wings and thats where my title of my post today is from. And she showed my some foster the people, and the black keys. It was good to catch up, we talked about cosmo, and their dirty stories and some of the fricken wierd shit they say to do to your "boyfriend or spouse." like they said it was "hot" to stick ure finger in their butt, and lauren asked her guy friends what they thought about that, and they said that "if anyone ever did that to us i would be like what the fuck get off me." So i dont think EVERYTHING they say to do is always completely accurate.
But anyway tennis starts next week and im like oozing with nerves, and i always do bad under pressure so im going to have to work of that.
Okay im going to go eat some watermelon peace out.
Monday, August 1, 2011
cause you give me that hummingbird heartbeat
yesterday i randomly found this site called and it was hilarious. It had all these sayings that EVERYBODY can relate to like...
that awkward moment when the prize to a game is a pencil
-----------nobody gets that excited to win a pencil.
when you have your feet up at a movie theater and a someone decides to sit in that seat
-----------i hate hate hate that, old people do that to me ALL the time.
you text when you dont know what else to do
------------im totally guilty i do that all the time
That when 90% of the class fails its not the students fault its because the teacher sucks
-----------that is true true true.
hating when you have to wait a WHOLE week to see the next episode of your favorite show.
-----------90210!!! gossip girl!!!
that awkward moment when you open up the door for one person and then a whole ton of people start to come and your force to hold the door for them too
-----------its especially nice when they don't say thank you.
When you sit down and BAM your thighs are like 294900593 times bigger
----------- dont like that one either because it happens to me ALL the time.
theres like a billion more but those are the ones i remembered
Anywhooo i was listening to this Katy Perry song its called Hummingbird Heartbeat, its a really catchy song, its like a lot of her other ones sound wise, like upbeat and stuff. but the first time i listened to it i was like WHOA! because the very very very first line in the song is "you make me feel like im losing my virginity" ?!?!?!??!strange much, then she goes on to say that she makes him blooom and that they should go pollinate and make little babies. But its a good song SO LISTEN TO IT!
I heart katy perry. I just like songs that make me feel good. Like firework, i mean it got REALLY old really fast because it was SOO overplayed, but it was a good song, and last friday night is such a party song, and teenage dream, is like every "teens" anthem.
total topic switch, i just write what pops in my head and this did. You know who absolutely positively disgusts me?!?!?!?!? guesss.
Hugh Hefner.
Hes 85 YEARS OLD! go to a nursing home! Well no thats mean, but he does not LOOK like hes 85 he looks more like 95! its all that "physical" activity. I mean seriously the day that the doctor says that he broke his pelvis and cant have sex is going to be a Glorious day. Plus in this article i read the chick who was going to marry him Crystal (odd name choice but w.e.) but then dumped his saggy ass, said that "in bed," "it" ;) lasted like 2 seconds!!!!! how funny! but then all the other playboys defended him and said hat he is a fabulous lover...YUCK YUCK i hate that word lover its disgusting it makes me cringe. I wonder who though is gonna take over when hugh is dead, i just learned that he has a son or maybe two, im not sure. Who knew! ohkkay but enough about that creep.
rihanna is making a new album though. I dont know whether to be angry or happy. This is going to be like her 7th album. I thought she only had like 3. But if its more of this angry shit that she had on the last album yo no estoy contento. all i want to say is "OKAY SNAP OUT OF IT! if you want to be looked up to and be all famous and make tons of money people are going to want to see you rise above this, and make GOOD music! Like oh i dont know HAPPY STUFF! I dont want to hear about a rapist! or that your so HARD?!? like you dont have a penis, and im horrible at reading into the deeper meaning into lyrics, so my first thought to saying that your HARD, is sexual. the end." Maybe i should stop ranting about people. I always tell myself that im going to stop,, obviously it never works.
I feel like im like 100 degrees my arms are on fire. Today at tennis Sara and I had this realization that this is going to be the LAST week that we will probably EVER see mikey, ever. How depressing, sara said in a joking voice when i told her that "i know it makes me wanna cut myself." Shes not depressed or anything though, she was JUST KIDDING.
Well im super excited for teen wolf tonight. And i started watching this new series, called Friday Night lights. The guys in it once again are smoking, and i dont know why but i have come to realize that i think i have a thing for guys with long hair! like how gross, not like long enough to put in a pony tail, but long. I think if i brought a guy like that home though to momma bear, she would not be happy, just like she would not be happy if I brought home a person who was all tatted up, or who was any religion other than catholic, or someone who has gages like the real big kinds, or a big hulking sexy black man. Yeah shes got her opinions about who i "should" date. I just have this feeling that she will NEVER like the boyfriend that i eventually bring home. Gosh im such a rebel :)
Okay peace out chicas chicos?
that awkward moment when the prize to a game is a pencil
-----------nobody gets that excited to win a pencil.
when you have your feet up at a movie theater and a someone decides to sit in that seat
-----------i hate hate hate that, old people do that to me ALL the time.
you text when you dont know what else to do
------------im totally guilty i do that all the time
That when 90% of the class fails its not the students fault its because the teacher sucks
-----------that is true true true.
hating when you have to wait a WHOLE week to see the next episode of your favorite show.
-----------90210!!! gossip girl!!!
that awkward moment when you open up the door for one person and then a whole ton of people start to come and your force to hold the door for them too
-----------its especially nice when they don't say thank you.
When you sit down and BAM your thighs are like 294900593 times bigger
----------- dont like that one either because it happens to me ALL the time.
theres like a billion more but those are the ones i remembered
Anywhooo i was listening to this Katy Perry song its called Hummingbird Heartbeat, its a really catchy song, its like a lot of her other ones sound wise, like upbeat and stuff. but the first time i listened to it i was like WHOA! because the very very very first line in the song is "you make me feel like im losing my virginity" ?!?!?!??!strange much, then she goes on to say that she makes him blooom and that they should go pollinate and make little babies. But its a good song SO LISTEN TO IT!
I heart katy perry. I just like songs that make me feel good. Like firework, i mean it got REALLY old really fast because it was SOO overplayed, but it was a good song, and last friday night is such a party song, and teenage dream, is like every "teens" anthem.
total topic switch, i just write what pops in my head and this did. You know who absolutely positively disgusts me?!?!?!?!? guesss.
Hugh Hefner.
Hes 85 YEARS OLD! go to a nursing home! Well no thats mean, but he does not LOOK like hes 85 he looks more like 95! its all that "physical" activity. I mean seriously the day that the doctor says that he broke his pelvis and cant have sex is going to be a Glorious day. Plus in this article i read the chick who was going to marry him Crystal (odd name choice but w.e.) but then dumped his saggy ass, said that "in bed," "it" ;) lasted like 2 seconds!!!!! how funny! but then all the other playboys defended him and said hat he is a fabulous lover...YUCK YUCK i hate that word lover its disgusting it makes me cringe. I wonder who though is gonna take over when hugh is dead, i just learned that he has a son or maybe two, im not sure. Who knew! ohkkay but enough about that creep.
rihanna is making a new album though. I dont know whether to be angry or happy. This is going to be like her 7th album. I thought she only had like 3. But if its more of this angry shit that she had on the last album yo no estoy contento. all i want to say is "OKAY SNAP OUT OF IT! if you want to be looked up to and be all famous and make tons of money people are going to want to see you rise above this, and make GOOD music! Like oh i dont know HAPPY STUFF! I dont want to hear about a rapist! or that your so HARD?!? like you dont have a penis, and im horrible at reading into the deeper meaning into lyrics, so my first thought to saying that your HARD, is sexual. the end." Maybe i should stop ranting about people. I always tell myself that im going to stop,, obviously it never works.
I feel like im like 100 degrees my arms are on fire. Today at tennis Sara and I had this realization that this is going to be the LAST week that we will probably EVER see mikey, ever. How depressing, sara said in a joking voice when i told her that "i know it makes me wanna cut myself." Shes not depressed or anything though, she was JUST KIDDING.
Well im super excited for teen wolf tonight. And i started watching this new series, called Friday Night lights. The guys in it once again are smoking, and i dont know why but i have come to realize that i think i have a thing for guys with long hair! like how gross, not like long enough to put in a pony tail, but long. I think if i brought a guy like that home though to momma bear, she would not be happy, just like she would not be happy if I brought home a person who was all tatted up, or who was any religion other than catholic, or someone who has gages like the real big kinds, or a big hulking sexy black man. Yeah shes got her opinions about who i "should" date. I just have this feeling that she will NEVER like the boyfriend that i eventually bring home. Gosh im such a rebel :)
Okay peace out chicas chicos?
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