Thursday, April 26, 2012

i dont like walking around this old and empty house alone


okay so right now i am very angry with my mother
ill set up the scene for ya
so my best friend has two other really good friends from basketball and their all like OMG I LOVE YOU and my bff is really good friends with them. and i really dont care i think its great that she has other friends ya know? but lately shes been saying that she wants to go to prom with sarah lauren and kate (her new 3 bffs from bball) because its her LAST opportunity to go with them (their seniors) and its just like everything is always about them. It bugs me just a little that she brings them up all the time but whatevs.

So as a last attempt to get a prom date my bff was gonna as someone from our grade school that one of our other girl-friends-from-grade-school is REALLY good friends with. and hes nice and all so it seemed like a good gig, so my bff texts the other girl from grade school and asks her if she thinks it would be okay if she went to our prom with Josh-the-kid-from-our-grade-school-that-the-other-girl-from-our-grade-school-is-friends-with. And the girl from out grade school, lets call her Y. Says that she doent feel comfortable with that and my theory is that Y like Josh. But the point is, is that my bff didnt even tell me. I found out from other friend M who went with my bff to talk to Josh, which they never ended up doing because Y wasnt "comfortable" with it.

SO long story short i was telling this story, which i all heard though M and my bff didnt utter a peep about it to me AT ALL (M said she thought that our bff was embarassed and thats why she didnt want anyone to know), to my mother after school yesterday.

My mother interjects mid story and says "well yeah i can see why she wouldnt want to tell you" not implying that my friend was embarassed but that I wasnt a nice friend and would be judgemental enough to telll my Bff that shes an idiot because Y likes Josh and its obvious. WHICH I WOULD NEVER SAY TO MY BFF. im not stupid i know when to keep my mouth shut, and i would never ever ever ever say something like that to her ever. I think my mother thinks that what i say to her after school (i rip on everyone) is what i actually say to their faces. WHICH ISISNT TRUE. what i say (my opnion about the situation) at school is usually only half of what i actually think.

Anyway, what did my mother think i was gonna say "oh thanks mom for calling me a bad friend." LIKE WHAT THE FUCK. so i just looked at her and told her to stop talking, which took some restraint because i wanted to say WHAT THE FUCK. and i just walked away

i honestly am so hurt by what she said and i honestly dont think she gets it at all. Usually i always say sorry even if its not necessarily my fault within like 2 hours because i HATE more like DESPISE being angry with people, it gives me a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and i just think about it all day.

BUT I WILL NOT BACK DOWN. its really hard being angry with someone though who your CONSTANTLY near. its easy being mean to my dad because all i do is grumble at his questions and then he "asks me if im okay" and im like "ya im fine" but with my motha its alot trickier and I HATE IT, but i want her to apologize, because i pride myself on being a loyal friend who you can say anything to from brazillian waxes to sex to boys to school to music to the real housewives. I always tell myself that im not like those other girls at school who are flaky and you can never be friends with because they will always find someone who is cooler and prettier and will ditch you like yesterdays colored pants. what i want is for my mom and i to talk about it, but when i think about it i want to break something-like a plate-like those greek wedding traditions. UGH INNER TURMOIL I HATE IT. WHAT DO I DO.


on the bright side i might have done horribly on my math test today (not really a good thing) but VD is on tonight GO KLAUS. 

xoxo katie  

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