Thursday, June 23, 2011


Today was b to the o to the ring. I'm not going to even bother telling you what I did because by the time you were done you'd be sleeping or dead or just would t even finish it. Although my dun dun dun MEMA and I got into a little debacle today which I absolutely despise because it gives me this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach. Sometimes I wish I was 7 so that I could throw a temper tantrum and tell mommy she was being a meanie which would just be so much more simpler. Ah the good ole days. Well I think I have my two newest well not exactly new but latest celeb crushes, Josh hutcherson and Alex pettyfer. Although today I was catching up on my gossip and have found tht Alex likes to be the bad boy, he told this magazine tht he thought LA was a dump and said some pretty nasty stuff about girls who live there, but he later apologized. And Josh he's just got that cutie I wanna squish your checks together look doesn't he? Or maybe that's just me. Josh is gonna be in the hunger games he's gonna be peeta which I am psyched about I cannot wait to see that. But they are just both two gorgeous Boys.

Plus Sara left.! Yes she left! I feel like a lost puppy. Which means If we have tennis tomorrow I'm going to have to keep all my murderous thoughts to myself! You cannot judge me until you've been to park and Rex tennis the kids there are CRAZY they will scream for no apparent reason, they won't pick up any of the balls so all the older kids get to do it, and there just Down Right annoying. It's been dumpy and rain her constantly the last like five days here though so maybe it'll be cancelled and I won't have to go through torture alone. God I'm such a optimistic person. IT 29 MMinutes to FRIDAY FRIDAY gotta get Down on Friday! Rebecca black is ought idk what I think about her. Well peace love and blessings love Katie and Sara while she has fun wherever she is

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