Friday, June 10, 2011

Day Two

So, the reason why we asked what would be on your bucket list is because while making an attempt to add ideas to our very short list of things to do this summer we went to google. and what do you know..people have some very weird things on their bucket lists. One we found was walk behind someone in the mall until that same person notices you (random much), or make 1,000 origami and give them to someone, i mean seriously what would someone do with 1,000 origami!!? there was another one that was order everything off of a menu! Can you imagine going up to Mcdonalds being like "hey i'd like one of everything." What would you even do with all that food! save it...ew i guess you could freeze it, you'd have enough food for the rest of the year! Plus there is only so much fatty heart clogging food we can take in one day. But seriously thank the dear lord its summer! No more drama (OMG did you hear so and so said this about that person), to much of that kind of stuff is just overrated and gets reallllllllly old really fast. No all we can hope to do is sit out and have fun in the sun! Peace, love and rockets Sara and Katie

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for following my blog! I follow yours too now. :)
    My bucket list? I actually have one on my blog! Look in my January posts, it has tthe whole list there. Anyway, you guys seem cool! I'll be reading your posts. :)
    And no I'm not a 45 year old guy. Hahahaha you can literally go through my whole blog and thats proof.
    My name is Stephanie and I'm 16 years old. I live in Chicago, Illinois in the USA. I love 3OH!3 and Miley Cyrus and music and reading. And I write music and lyrics and stories. Thats why I love blogging.
    Well, bye for now!
