so ive been kinda jamming to this and imagine dragons for the past two days. they are just such happy songs ya know!!!! and i felt like ive been needing some uplifting because with all the holiday festivities IT CAN ALL GET A BIT STRESSFUL
but i guess this is a new year---so it calls for NEW BEGINNINGS
everybody keeps tweeting what there favorite moments of 2012 were and honestly i cant really think of any, except of course for our trip to st. thomas which was stressful and relaxing and enjoyable all at once.
ive been mentally trying to make a list of my goals for 2013---and its REALLY HARD
i always say that i want to lose like 10 pounds AND THAT NEVER happens
i guess i would really love to find inner chi
stop gossiping about people
really try and get along with my brothers
do more yoga
take more care in my appearance
really live up my last year before COLLEGE AHHHH!!!!!
its sad im gonna miss high school I ONLY HAVE 5 MONTHS LEFT how saddd
by the way IM SORRY I HAVENT POSTED IN ALMOST A MONTH :/ not good but with exams and all this shit ive been lucky if i could catch ONE tv show or anything
but now with break what have i been doing??!?!?!
playing scrabble
continuing knitting my scarf
getting kind of crafty
reading alot
went to see the hobbit and les mis tommorow
have a lovely new year everyone
Monday, December 31, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
hello. wherever you are
KESHA PEOPLE---im listening to the album currently and seeing which ones from her newest album i like and which one NEEDS 2 GO.
you see i have homework that i could be doing...but everything seems so much more interesting like
or twitter
or hearing about kate middleton being PREGGERS
or facebook
or people
or eating
pretty much doing everything BESIDES HMK
ya see i have recently (within the past 6 hours) become quite frusterated with myself. About a week ago i had this really big bio test that i needed to ace because i have a C plus (WHICH HAS NEVER EVER HAPPENED BEFORE) and i only have one more test after that to bring my grade up before the semester exam which lets face it, im gonna fail anyway. but anyway so we got said test back AND I GOT A 66 PERCENT---like wtf i studied for like 7 hours and i studied differently than i have for all the other tests thinking that it would make a difference, BUT NOT IT DIDNT. honestly
i feel so burnt out. I have heard numerous times that people think (older people who have gone to college) college will be easier for me than high school BECAUSE HIGH SCHOOL IS THAT VIGOROUS
EFFING IB PROGRAMME-----its ruining my life.
but hey i would rather going to college and have the work load and tests be smooth sailing than having a rude wake up call. right?
ugh fml. i have a pimple by my lip cuz im obsessed with my new esos lip balm----white GIRL PROBS ---steph STRAIGHT UP.
adios amigos--
you see i have homework that i could be doing...but everything seems so much more interesting like
or twitter
or hearing about kate middleton being PREGGERS
or facebook
or people
or eating
pretty much doing everything BESIDES HMK
ya see i have recently (within the past 6 hours) become quite frusterated with myself. About a week ago i had this really big bio test that i needed to ace because i have a C plus (WHICH HAS NEVER EVER HAPPENED BEFORE) and i only have one more test after that to bring my grade up before the semester exam which lets face it, im gonna fail anyway. but anyway so we got said test back AND I GOT A 66 PERCENT---like wtf i studied for like 7 hours and i studied differently than i have for all the other tests thinking that it would make a difference, BUT NOT IT DIDNT. honestly
i feel so burnt out. I have heard numerous times that people think (older people who have gone to college) college will be easier for me than high school BECAUSE HIGH SCHOOL IS THAT VIGOROUS
EFFING IB PROGRAMME-----its ruining my life.
but hey i would rather going to college and have the work load and tests be smooth sailing than having a rude wake up call. right?
ugh fml. i have a pimple by my lip cuz im obsessed with my new esos lip balm----white GIRL PROBS ---steph STRAIGHT UP.
adios amigos--
Monday, November 26, 2012
i will not be commanded i will not be commanded
--when is christmas gonna come
--man that man at the assembly was quite inspiring (he was a war veteran who was shot in the head and IS STILL LIVING TO SPEAK OF IT, he was so nice and sweet.)
--why does this essay still suck after ive worked on it for like A BAJILLION HOURS
--ugh i dont want to study for biology
--why hello pinterest
--harry styles why are you so D_A_M_N cute?
--cyrano de BERGERWHAT?
--teachers why do you hate us so much, were not superman we need sleep
--yay i made 10 dollars of babysitting tonight.
--sons of anarchy cd why do you sound so melodiously wonderful but make me so sad
--god i need to lose some weight
--lemon water is delicious
--sometimes my friends suck
--going to college scares me. what am i going to do without my bff who ive gone to school with since i was 5
-- what should i get my rents for christmas
--showers are for pussys
--periods blow, i hate being a girl
--hello people.com
--wtf get away from me. u may not have even said anything to me but im just gonna continue being angry with you, because ure annoying as EFFUCK
--im not hungover or anything but those loud noises ure making NEED TO CEASE
--WHAT THE FUCK IS A LOG?!??!?! #ibprecalcsucks
--god i hate it when people hashtag outside of twitter ^^^ i have problems obviously
--having my mind blown from watching all of the lord of the rings over tgives break
--love listening to misty mountains (cold), the hobbit trailer song.
--my brothers ladyfriend is A WEIRDO
--anxiety, stress, content, JUST DONT WANNA GIVE A EFFUCK
--but i cant just not care about school, i cant
--swearing really isint attractive i should stop
--gosh i need some retail therapy
--am i really that shallow lol.
--have ure people talk about something that you werent invited too. awk
okay enuf ranting. UGH I GOTS TO DESTRESS...maybe ill eat some chocolate but that wont help my weight loss problems
i seriously think that my life is a compilation of white girl problems, i should just write a book.
yayay all my tvshows are comming back this week
adios mis amigos---hows life?
--when is christmas gonna come
--man that man at the assembly was quite inspiring (he was a war veteran who was shot in the head and IS STILL LIVING TO SPEAK OF IT, he was so nice and sweet.)
--why does this essay still suck after ive worked on it for like A BAJILLION HOURS
--ugh i dont want to study for biology
--why hello pinterest
--harry styles why are you so D_A_M_N cute?
--cyrano de BERGERWHAT?
--teachers why do you hate us so much, were not superman we need sleep
--yay i made 10 dollars of babysitting tonight.
--sons of anarchy cd why do you sound so melodiously wonderful but make me so sad
--god i need to lose some weight
--lemon water is delicious
--sometimes my friends suck
--going to college scares me. what am i going to do without my bff who ive gone to school with since i was 5
-- what should i get my rents for christmas
--showers are for pussys
--periods blow, i hate being a girl
--hello people.com
--wtf get away from me. u may not have even said anything to me but im just gonna continue being angry with you, because ure annoying as EFFUCK
--im not hungover or anything but those loud noises ure making NEED TO CEASE
--WHAT THE FUCK IS A LOG?!??!?! #ibprecalcsucks
--god i hate it when people hashtag outside of twitter ^^^ i have problems obviously
--having my mind blown from watching all of the lord of the rings over tgives break
--love listening to misty mountains (cold), the hobbit trailer song.
--my brothers ladyfriend is A WEIRDO
--anxiety, stress, content, JUST DONT WANNA GIVE A EFFUCK
--but i cant just not care about school, i cant
--swearing really isint attractive i should stop
--gosh i need some retail therapy
--am i really that shallow lol.
--have ure people talk about something that you werent invited too. awk
okay enuf ranting. UGH I GOTS TO DESTRESS...maybe ill eat some chocolate but that wont help my weight loss problems
i seriously think that my life is a compilation of white girl problems, i should just write a book.
yayay all my tvshows are comming back this week
adios mis amigos---hows life?
Saturday, November 17, 2012
r-o-c-k me again
one direction is my JAM NOW---and ive always been a harry styles lover but now im switching to NIALL---he seriousily is ADORKABLE (adorable+dorky) i mean hes HILARIOUS but then again half the time i dont even know what he is saying cause of his fricken irish accent that is so THICK---plus when he talks fast its espically hard to understand him. so anyway lately ive been obsessed with one direction - cause their awesome and adorable (expect louie i dont really like him, hes to feminine for me) except i just wanna slap Zayn cause hit tats are disgusting and he would look way better without them. i mean when hes 89 and wrinkly and nasty how is going to explain why he has ZAP tatted across his arm LAMME. THank baby jesus that thanksgiving is comming up. Both my aunt and mom are working and they normally are baking queens of thanksgiving so this year until my aunt and mom come home my 26 year old cousin and I are in charge of cooking and baking everything--- CAN ANYONE DAY DISASTER. I dont think its going to go that well, but we will have to see. So ya we only have monday and tuesday of school
i didnt go to the game because i just wanted to replete after the week and i went to see breaking dawn so i was pertly tired. But its division 3 so no one really cares about us anyway. My mother thinks im lame cuz i didnt go but I DONT GIVE A FUCK. One of the guys on our team actually got a scholarship to University of Wisconsin Madison for football, so obviiousily he doesnt suck so much.
But oh well, OKAY PEOPLE i have to leave im getting ready to go for a lunch date con MI AMIGA
if u wants to listen to some rocken music heres what im listening too right now
lucky ones- lana del rey
rock me - one direction
finally found you - enrique iglesias
Sweet nothing - Florence and the machine and calvin harris
I will fall - Nashville Cast -----> LOVE NASHVILLE
If I didn't know better - Nashville Cast
Die Young (deconstructed version) - Kesha --- its the acoustic version basically
one direction is my JAM NOW---and ive always been a harry styles lover but now im switching to NIALL---he seriousily is ADORKABLE (adorable+dorky) i mean hes HILARIOUS but then again half the time i dont even know what he is saying cause of his fricken irish accent that is so THICK---plus when he talks fast its espically hard to understand him. so anyway lately ive been obsessed with one direction - cause their awesome and adorable (expect louie i dont really like him, hes to feminine for me) except i just wanna slap Zayn cause hit tats are disgusting and he would look way better without them. i mean when hes 89 and wrinkly and nasty how is going to explain why he has ZAP tatted across his arm LAMME. THank baby jesus that thanksgiving is comming up. Both my aunt and mom are working and they normally are baking queens of thanksgiving so this year until my aunt and mom come home my 26 year old cousin and I are in charge of cooking and baking everything--- CAN ANYONE DAY DISASTER. I dont think its going to go that well, but we will have to see. So ya we only have monday and tuesday of school
i didnt go to the game because i just wanted to replete after the week and i went to see breaking dawn so i was pertly tired. But its division 3 so no one really cares about us anyway. My mother thinks im lame cuz i didnt go but I DONT GIVE A FUCK. One of the guys on our team actually got a scholarship to University of Wisconsin Madison for football, so obviiousily he doesnt suck so much.
But oh well, OKAY PEOPLE i have to leave im getting ready to go for a lunch date con MI AMIGA
if u wants to listen to some rocken music heres what im listening too right now
lucky ones- lana del rey
rock me - one direction
finally found you - enrique iglesias
Sweet nothing - Florence and the machine and calvin harris
I will fall - Nashville Cast -----> LOVE NASHVILLE
If I didn't know better - Nashville Cast
Die Young (deconstructed version) - Kesha --- its the acoustic version basically
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Thank god today is thursday because then vd is on an then it means that we are only one day away from the weekend.
So i promise that this is the ONLY political post i will ever have but recently something came to my attention that just makes me feel compelled to comment on. So i live in wisconsin which alway seems to vote democratic in elections but thr county i live in is highly republican.
My chemistry teacher on the day of the election said that Mitt Romney was a bloodsucking billionarie and that obama was the person to vote for to support catholic values. There are a million things wrong with what he just said. First of all he is not supposed to talk about his affiliations and even though he didnt directly say who he is voting for he made it pretty obvious. And secondly catholics corr belief is tht all life is sacred, and what just kills me is that as a student its not like we cann try to refute what he just said BUT I GO TO A CATHOLIC PRIVATE SCHOOL!!! He cant say things like that.
I think its just stupid people cote on things like JUST social policies they dont even think about what obama is doing economically. Like i bet my physics teacher doesnt even think about the fact that obama is raising taxes on families that make 200,000 which is the majority of families who go to my school. Therefore families who used to send their kids to private achools may decide to send their kids to public schools because it is cheaper . THUS his job is drectly effected.
I mean i understand if you vote for obama because you believe in both is social an economic policies and can back it up with cold hard facts that what he is doing is good for the economy then fine. But it seems a bit strange that 95%of the aftican american population voted for obama. In the end obama is going to raise the deficit make it a massive burden for kids in my generation, our medical system is going to seem like a dream compared to what it will be like, abortion will seem normal, our reputation of being a world power in the navy military etc is going to go to shit, were heading closer and closer to socialism and even I know that that is NOT a good thing. The america we used to be is slowly and slowly fading. Now people who work hard to sucecced will be forced to just give their money to people who work for shit and never got a high school education.
And ya know MICHELLE the fact that you said that you had never been proud to be an american until your beloved hubby barack was elected is despicable. What kind of person isint proud to be an american but better yet SAY IT ON LIVE TELEVISION. anni bet everyone who voted for obama just neglected to realize that. Why werent you proud before? Huh? Huh?
Maybe its just because ive been raised under the wing of two very informed republicans but im still gonna have hope that someday we will go back to the way we used to be. BE INFORMED PEOPLE BEFORE YOU VOTE!! Dont be lazy!! Know what your voting!!!
Okay im done. Sorry if i offended anyone, i hope i didnt because im bot SPURTING LIES I WAS ONLY TELLING THE TRUTH I PROMISE.
Okay goodbye happy thursday
So i promise that this is the ONLY political post i will ever have but recently something came to my attention that just makes me feel compelled to comment on. So i live in wisconsin which alway seems to vote democratic in elections but thr county i live in is highly republican.
My chemistry teacher on the day of the election said that Mitt Romney was a bloodsucking billionarie and that obama was the person to vote for to support catholic values. There are a million things wrong with what he just said. First of all he is not supposed to talk about his affiliations and even though he didnt directly say who he is voting for he made it pretty obvious. And secondly catholics corr belief is tht all life is sacred, and what just kills me is that as a student its not like we cann try to refute what he just said BUT I GO TO A CATHOLIC PRIVATE SCHOOL!!! He cant say things like that.
I think its just stupid people cote on things like JUST social policies they dont even think about what obama is doing economically. Like i bet my physics teacher doesnt even think about the fact that obama is raising taxes on families that make 200,000 which is the majority of families who go to my school. Therefore families who used to send their kids to private achools may decide to send their kids to public schools because it is cheaper . THUS his job is drectly effected.
I mean i understand if you vote for obama because you believe in both is social an economic policies and can back it up with cold hard facts that what he is doing is good for the economy then fine. But it seems a bit strange that 95%of the aftican american population voted for obama. In the end obama is going to raise the deficit make it a massive burden for kids in my generation, our medical system is going to seem like a dream compared to what it will be like, abortion will seem normal, our reputation of being a world power in the navy military etc is going to go to shit, were heading closer and closer to socialism and even I know that that is NOT a good thing. The america we used to be is slowly and slowly fading. Now people who work hard to sucecced will be forced to just give their money to people who work for shit and never got a high school education.
And ya know MICHELLE the fact that you said that you had never been proud to be an american until your beloved hubby barack was elected is despicable. What kind of person isint proud to be an american but better yet SAY IT ON LIVE TELEVISION. anni bet everyone who voted for obama just neglected to realize that. Why werent you proud before? Huh? Huh?
Maybe its just because ive been raised under the wing of two very informed republicans but im still gonna have hope that someday we will go back to the way we used to be. BE INFORMED PEOPLE BEFORE YOU VOTE!! Dont be lazy!! Know what your voting!!!
Okay im done. Sorry if i offended anyone, i hope i didnt because im bot SPURTING LIES I WAS ONLY TELLING THE TRUTH I PROMISE.
Okay goodbye happy thursday
Friday, November 2, 2012
if i let you know im here for you
idk if thats the offical video but in the realy video they are just STUNNIN
i mean....i would have their babies, any day
just sent in my first college application
out of two
WAHOOOOOO its my backup so i know ill get it in but there are so many freaking steps to the whole application process, its nasuaeting. and i keep on getting afraid that i skipped a step or something but WHOOOSH!!!! it feels nice to have at least finished one.
so besides reading crime and punishment, and reading crime and punishment, and reading crime and punishment this week......all i wanna do is curl up in a hole. my body is depleteld and i will be lucky if i dont turn to mush from all the halloween candy ivebeen eating. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME. i need a spa trip or retail therapy or SOMETHING.
okay off to goodwill to find some flannels haha lollz I HAVE NO LIFE
i mean....i would have their babies, any day
just sent in my first college application
out of two
WAHOOOOOO its my backup so i know ill get it in but there are so many freaking steps to the whole application process, its nasuaeting. and i keep on getting afraid that i skipped a step or something but WHOOOSH!!!! it feels nice to have at least finished one.
so besides reading crime and punishment, and reading crime and punishment, and reading crime and punishment this week......all i wanna do is curl up in a hole. my body is depleteld and i will be lucky if i dont turn to mush from all the halloween candy ivebeen eating. WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME. i need a spa trip or retail therapy or SOMETHING.
okay off to goodwill to find some flannels haha lollz I HAVE NO LIFE
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
we happy free confused in the best way
22 by tswift
now im not exactly a tswift fan ESPECIALLY AFTER I HEARD THAT THE SONG I knew you were trouble is about harry styles. i mean honeslty, how did u not know that that kid is trouble he effing had sex with two 30 year old, gross. so you writing a song about how you FOUND OUT that hes trouble is pretty idiotic.
*come on tswift get ure head on straight*
BUT---i am listening to all her songs on repeat--i think that she genuinely a REAL artist--i mean she write her own songs and sings then FANTASTICALLY without autotune and shes really good in concert. she was found because of her voice, not because of previous fame or something, which is refreshing.
my life in a couple of words:
stressful: i have about 60 pages of crime and punishment to read each night-can anyone say AWEFUL
chaotic: so many things going on. COLLEGE APPS yuck
haha thats all i can think of---TONIGHT IS HARt OF DIXIE
now im not exactly a tswift fan ESPECIALLY AFTER I HEARD THAT THE SONG I knew you were trouble is about harry styles. i mean honeslty, how did u not know that that kid is trouble he effing had sex with two 30 year old, gross. so you writing a song about how you FOUND OUT that hes trouble is pretty idiotic.
*come on tswift get ure head on straight*
BUT---i am listening to all her songs on repeat--i think that she genuinely a REAL artist--i mean she write her own songs and sings then FANTASTICALLY without autotune and shes really good in concert. she was found because of her voice, not because of previous fame or something, which is refreshing.
my life in a couple of words:
stressful: i have about 60 pages of crime and punishment to read each night-can anyone say AWEFUL
chaotic: so many things going on. COLLEGE APPS yuck
haha thats all i can think of---TONIGHT IS HARt OF DIXIE
Saturday, October 13, 2012
sparking and broken...i knew that it takes everything you every wanted
so i have this obsession with lana del rey. she is just so different than ALL of the artists these days, shes so unique and shes got this dark and sad personality that definitely comes through in her songs. Her songs definitely dont make me scream the lyrics at the top of my lungs, rather shes the artist i listen to when im in a somber sort of mood. She made a video for her newest single ride. its ten minutes long--the first 5 r a monologue and the next 330 is her song and the rest is just a final couple of sentences
LISTEN TO IT---its kinda sad but bittersweet in a way and for some reason I LOVE IT. im gonna put the monologue and the video up so that ya know if ya dont wanna listen to the whole thing you can read it.
LISTEN TO IT---its kinda sad but bittersweet in a way and for some reason I LOVE IT. im gonna put the monologue and the video up so that ya know if ya dont wanna listen to the whole thing you can read it.
I was in the winter of my life- and the men I met along the road were my only summer. At night I fell sleep with vision of myself dancing and laughing and crying with them. Three year down the line of being on an endless world tour and memories of them were the only things that sustained me, and my only real happy times. I was a singer, not very popular one, who once has dreams of becoming a beautiful poet- but upon an unfortunate series of events saw those dreams dashed and divided like million stars in the night sky that I wished on over and over again- sparkling and broken. But I really didn’t mind because I knew that it takes getting everything you ever wanted and then losing it to know what true freedom is.
When the people I used to know found out what I had been doing, how I had been living- they asked me why. But there’s no use in talking to people who have a home, they have no idea what its like to seek safety in other people, for home to be wherever you lied you head.
I was always an unusual girl, my mother told me that I had a chameleon soul. No moral compass pointing me due north, no fixed personality. Just an inner indecisiviness that was as wide as wavering as the ocean. And if I said that I didn’t plan for it to turn out this way I’d be lying- because I was born to be the other woman. I belonged to no one- who belonged to everyone, who had nothing- who wanted everything with a fire for every experience and an obssesion for freedom that terrified me to the point that I couldn’t even talk about- and pushed me to a nomadic point of madness that both dazzlez and dizzied me.
Every night I used to pray that I’d find my people- and finally I did- on the open road. We have nothing to lose, nothing to gain, nothing we desired anymore- except to make our lives into a work of art.
I believe in the country America used to be. I belive in the person I want to become, I believe in the freedom of the open road. And my motto is the same as ever- *I believe in the kindness of strangers. And when I’m at war with myself- I Ride. I Just Ride.*
Who are you? Are you in touch with all your darkest fantasies?
Have you created a life for yourself where you’re free to experience them?
I Have.
I Am Fucking Crazy. But I Am Free.
Have you created a life for yourself where you’re free to experience them?
I Have.
I Am Fucking Crazy. But I Am Free.
THE HIGHlighted parts r the parts that i love the most---
how do u feel? sad? happy? indifferent?
Friday, October 12, 2012
we just wanna make the world dance
okay so remember how last week i said that i went to see pitch perfect well now thats MY FAVORITE THING TO LISTEN TO ON SPOTIFY
so as gulity as i am to say this I JOINED THE TWITTERSPHERE@U#(*@$U@U*UO@U$(**)@*)$*)@#@_(#_@
oh and did anyone see vampire diaries yesterday!---why did klaus have to call caroline my love durring their steamy hookup ill even hashtag this shit #godwhydidklausfuckuptheirepichookup THAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR FOREVER
klaus and caroline forever
so if youd like to follow me on the twitter my name-thingy is--katie christianson or @ktc888
okay have a nice weekend
so as gulity as i am to say this I JOINED THE TWITTERSPHERE@U#(*@$U@U*UO@U$(**)@*)$*)@#@_(#_@
oh and did anyone see vampire diaries yesterday!---why did klaus have to call caroline my love durring their steamy hookup ill even hashtag this shit #godwhydidklausfuckuptheirepichookup THAT I HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR FOREVER
klaus and caroline forever
so if youd like to follow me on the twitter my name-thingy is--katie christianson or @ktc888
okay have a nice weekend
Monday, October 8, 2012
whoa bitch you don't have to shou
lana del rey is comming out with a new album---HOW EXCITING
my favorite song from her snippet so far is gods and monsters
Plus u guys i saw pitch perfect TWO TIMES THIS WEEKEND---therefore seeing it 3 times altogether. ANd let me just say that it was just as good seeing it the third time as seening it the second or first. LOVE IT
fat amy is DA BOMB--plus ive got a huge toner for jesse (you'll understand the refrecnce if you have seen it)
plus this weekend was homecoming and since i wasnt asked and was feeling pretty bitter about the whole sitch i decided not to go and had a buncha people over---we went to the cheesecake factory, watched 21 jump street, danced sang---IT WAS AWESOME
this week is gonna be pretty stressful---well it already is
the end of the quarter is this thrusday therefore all teachers are cramming shit in---so i have a paper due thursday (that we havent even gotten direction on) i had to recite a 35 line soliloquy in front of my english class today from Hamlet, i have a two day bio test, a lab, workbook pages, and probably alot more.
lana del rey is comming out with a new album---HOW EXCITING
my favorite song from her snippet so far is gods and monsters
Plus u guys i saw pitch perfect TWO TIMES THIS WEEKEND---therefore seeing it 3 times altogether. ANd let me just say that it was just as good seeing it the third time as seening it the second or first. LOVE IT
fat amy is DA BOMB--plus ive got a huge toner for jesse (you'll understand the refrecnce if you have seen it)
plus this weekend was homecoming and since i wasnt asked and was feeling pretty bitter about the whole sitch i decided not to go and had a buncha people over---we went to the cheesecake factory, watched 21 jump street, danced sang---IT WAS AWESOME
this week is gonna be pretty stressful---well it already is
the end of the quarter is this thrusday therefore all teachers are cramming shit in---so i have a paper due thursday (that we havent even gotten direction on) i had to recite a 35 line soliloquy in front of my english class today from Hamlet, i have a two day bio test, a lab, workbook pages, and probably alot more.
Sunday, September 30, 2012
don't you forget about me
----that is from the barden bellas final performance in PITCH PERFECT----i saw it this weekend and i loved it so much im going to see it with ANOTHER friend NEXT weekend---i didnt even know that brittnay snow or anna kendrick could sing!!!! plus fat amy is just the funniest person she makes the movie so much more awesome. PLUS FREDDIE STROMA (from another cinderalla story :once upon a song with lucy hale) IS IN IT AND HE IS DROP DEAD HOTTT--hes got all these tats (im not usually a fan but theyre smokin!!!) and hes ripped as SHIETTT. PLUS PLUS PLUS the guy tht anna kendrick kinda has a thing with in the movie is adoable---we would be totally compatablie because he talks ALOT and i talk ALOT.
this week is homecomming week yuck so we have
mass day--so we have 2 dress up
color war day-SNORZEVILLE
harry potter day
career day---u wear your outfit from the place you work at
and something else
hahaa LOL ive gotta go be studious goodbye my lovies
PS. i got my senior pictures done this weekend so when the chick i got em from puts a preview up ill for sho put some of the pic's up!!!
----that is from the barden bellas final performance in PITCH PERFECT----i saw it this weekend and i loved it so much im going to see it with ANOTHER friend NEXT weekend---i didnt even know that brittnay snow or anna kendrick could sing!!!! plus fat amy is just the funniest person she makes the movie so much more awesome. PLUS FREDDIE STROMA (from another cinderalla story :once upon a song with lucy hale) IS IN IT AND HE IS DROP DEAD HOTTT--hes got all these tats (im not usually a fan but theyre smokin!!!) and hes ripped as SHIETTT. PLUS PLUS PLUS the guy tht anna kendrick kinda has a thing with in the movie is adoable---we would be totally compatablie because he talks ALOT and i talk ALOT.
this week is homecomming week yuck so we have
mass day--so we have 2 dress up
color war day-SNORZEVILLE
harry potter day
career day---u wear your outfit from the place you work at
and something else
hahaa LOL ive gotta go be studious goodbye my lovies
PS. i got my senior pictures done this weekend so when the chick i got em from puts a preview up ill for sho put some of the pic's up!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
oh what a shame that you came here with someone
the other day i said to myself "jee when is ke$ha gonna come out with something its been FOREVER since she released a single."
god must have heard me from way up in the heavens because KESHAS GOT A NEW SINGLE WAHOOOOOOOOOOO
its called die young----porbbaly super autotuned to make her sound better but i JUST DONT CARE
listen to it
PLUS!!!!! mumford and sons came out with a new album which is just awesome i love their raw talent they just seem so "real" ya know!??!!?!?!?
lett me see here while you listen to keshas song---look at all of my most recent pins!!!!

a mixture of things---models at tory burch,,,chanel,, florence welch, sheldon, wicked poster, art, audrey, pride and prejudice (probably my favorite movie), twiggy, winter wedding, blake lively, joseph gordon levit (DID ANYONE SEE HIS PREFORMANCE ON SNL AMAZINGLY FUNNY), kesha, lana del rey, coveted coco chanel sweatshirt.
just a little piece of what goes on inside this brain of mine
BTW DO people like the new collage----and title--??!?!?!! i was feeling quite adventurous, the quote is actually from something i pinned awhile ago, i dont know who said it, but i think its great.
god must have heard me from way up in the heavens because KESHAS GOT A NEW SINGLE WAHOOOOOOOOOOO
its called die young----porbbaly super autotuned to make her sound better but i JUST DONT CARE
listen to it
PLUS!!!!! mumford and sons came out with a new album which is just awesome i love their raw talent they just seem so "real" ya know!??!!?!?!?
lett me see here while you listen to keshas song---look at all of my most recent pins!!!!
a mixture of things---models at tory burch,,,chanel,, florence welch, sheldon, wicked poster, art, audrey, pride and prejudice (probably my favorite movie), twiggy, winter wedding, blake lively, joseph gordon levit (DID ANYONE SEE HIS PREFORMANCE ON SNL AMAZINGLY FUNNY), kesha, lana del rey, coveted coco chanel sweatshirt.
just a little piece of what goes on inside this brain of mine
BTW DO people like the new collage----and title--??!?!?!! i was feeling quite adventurous, the quote is actually from something i pinned awhile ago, i dont know who said it, but i think its great.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Something grandma Moses would not wear.......
Guys I literally haven't done anything ALLL DAY writing this post is probably the most active thing I've done all day, how depressing, but the at the Same time this is the only day where I haven't got a thing in the world to do!
So this morning I woke up and went to church by myself.....a strange experience its much different than going with the family.
But then I came home watched wrath of the titans....hmmm,m,m Sam worthington :):):): and then I took a two hour nap WHICH WAS GLORIOUS but my cat collapsed on my stomach half way though and kinda suffocated me because he's about 15 pounds #fatcatprobs
And then my madre came home from work and we watched letters to juliet, which was lovely because I love British men.
And then I ate dinner comn la familia and my dad put WAYYY TOO MUCH ginger in the dish which definitely was the dominant taste and India through off the rest of the meal which was general taos chicken.
And now my mom said she had a bad da s we are watching ANOTHER CHICK FLICK because I said so, which I adore because the one of the main characters is from suits Gabriel macht yummmm
So ya this is my day
Happy sunda everyone
Au revoir
So this morning I woke up and went to church by myself.....a strange experience its much different than going with the family.
But then I came home watched wrath of the titans....hmmm,m,m Sam worthington :):):): and then I took a two hour nap WHICH WAS GLORIOUS but my cat collapsed on my stomach half way though and kinda suffocated me because he's about 15 pounds #fatcatprobs
And then my madre came home from work and we watched letters to juliet, which was lovely because I love British men.
And then I ate dinner comn la familia and my dad put WAYYY TOO MUCH ginger in the dish which definitely was the dominant taste and India through off the rest of the meal which was general taos chicken.
And now my mom said she had a bad da s we are watching ANOTHER CHICK FLICK because I said so, which I adore because the one of the main characters is from suits Gabriel macht yummmm
So ya this is my day
Happy sunda everyone
Au revoir
Thursday, September 20, 2012
i cry when i think of letting go
FLO RIDA PEOPLE----called i cry---totes a good song, and not super dirty like whistle WE GET IT FLO YOU LIKE BLO JOBS---he didnt HAVE to make a song about it :)
so i feel like really pinteresty with my outfit today. im a little unshure about it cuz im not ususally really daring with my clothing.....but basically im wearing my moms (probably from the 80s) light denim shirt from eddie bauer and BRIGHT RED PANTS from the loft that i got for about 15 dollars,, and they have the cute little zippers on the inside.AND I BELTED IT. which i hate cuz i always do it too tight to make me look skinny and it gets super uncomfortable.
so i feel like really pinteresty with my outfit today. im a little unshure about it cuz im not ususally really daring with my clothing.....but basically im wearing my moms (probably from the 80s) light denim shirt from eddie bauer and BRIGHT RED PANTS from the loft that i got for about 15 dollars,, and they have the cute little zippers on the inside.AND I BELTED IT. which i hate cuz i always do it too tight to make me look skinny and it gets super uncomfortable.
see dont i look FABOU
if you look really closely at the collar of the shirt you can kinda see that its like white. and seen as i havent even asked my mom if i could wear it i have NO IDEA what it is or why its white.
and of course i acessorized with really heavy earing that ill probs take off by 3 hour and my ROSARY BRACELET.
tonight what am i gonna do---GO HOME AND SLEEP
but tonday we play brookfield central for tennis and thats where SARA GOES
for all of you who are newbies or ive never mentioned before the name SARA---she is absolutely one of my closest neighbors we live about 150 from each other and ive known her since i was about 4 or 5---i put on our bucket list one summer that we should make a blog and then write about all the weird things we do---and naturally i made it expecting her to write on it and SHE NEVER did so i adopted it and now its MY blog.
so ya im super excited to play her cause thatll be really interestante.
okay ive gotta go to school
adios. au revoir. chao
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
while your blood is boiling
Its by imagine dragons, if you have never heard of them then GO LISTEN TO them, they sing such happy songs and theyre so different than anything lately. THEY ARE UNDERGROUND (hipster term,,,im so NOT hipster so i probably shouldnt use that term) and so NOT MAINSTREAM like tswift, well except for the song its time---aloooota people know that song.
Well you guys were only 1/2 way through the week 3/5 if you wanna be precise.AND I ALREADY WANT TO DIE.literally every day this week i havent gotten home past 7 and by the time i shower and eat i am so NOT motivated to study....tonight ive got alot on my plate--physics(YUCK), theory of knowledge, econ quiz (havent read the chapter yet so thats a problem, thank god no math, bio and i have to do pages for my art research workbook.
But the tennis season is almost over :( its sucks that ive been demoted to jv but ive gotten over it, The other day in art i was looking for some japanese proverbs for my next piece and i stumbled up "fall down seven times, get up 8" idk I LIKE IT
plus i got glasses guys!!!! WAHOOOO im looking nerdy in style with my tiffany glasses their that tealyblue on the inside and theyve got the little locket heart on the inside. I LOVE EM.
plus conference is this weeknd so this weekend is gonna be stressful cause i got ALOTA SHIT GOIN ON.
did any of you guys watch the pilot of the mindy project? i might just watch it because its 20 min and its a comedy like new girl. except new girl is WAY WAY WAY WAY better.
fun things that have happened this week---
vampire diaries season 3 came out on dvd
dmb came out with a new cd---my dmb obsessed friend is gonna burn it for me
hopefully passed my math test
trip down to chicago with my friends is officialy in motion
ordered my sperrys
got custard two times this week
didnt punch my tennis coach in the face
prevented myself from scowling in disgust at my lesbo(but thats no tthe reason why i dont like her) horrible math teacher
odered my powder puff t-shirt
finished 4 pages in my rwbk
david guetta new song i love it
i think thats about it for now. adios amigos
1000 page views GO TEAM
omg how could i forget this----RYAN REYNOLD AND BLAKE LIVELY GOT MARRIED. WTF? HOW? WHY? hes totes the man for me.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Just so we could rock it later
This is love ft. eva simmons- will.i.am
i am off to a tourney in ocnomowac----(this is the tournament where i got pulled over last year for going 25 in a 42 w my mom--i only had my temps ---i iddnt get a ticket, but everyone on my team drove past me and SAW IT.)
i am writing the rest of this post from 24 hours laters
well we won 1 lost 2----it could've been worse
4 of the kids on our team were takin the act so everyone on our team got pushed up a sspot. I was playing 2 doubles with this girl who beat me out for the 3 doubles sport (i got pushed down to 4 doubles while her and her partner played 3--EVEN THOUGH I PLYED 3 LAST YEAR) an the whole time she bitched about how she didn't care and blah blah blah,,,,i wanted to punch her in the vjayjay because SHE STOLE MY SPOT---and if it would've been me in that spot---i would've CRED EVERY DAY----so that was kind of upsetting plus she hadno energy to win even though i was likE DUD WE GOTTA WIN<<<<<RIGHT NOW.
so that was interesting----
im getting these sperry boots and sara told me they look like their from farm and fleet--that was kind of a bummer because I REALLY LIKE EM ----
tell me what cha think about em

idk i really like em cause my friend has a pair in green and she just rocks em.

otherwise i could just get the classic pair BUT THEY ARE NOT AS MUCH FUN!!!!
ahh the problems in my life are so stupid compared to the rest of the world
lets cross our fingers that this week goes by quickly----
some pictures of gus
he was attacking me because hes hungary---btw i never do the duck face---ONCE AND A LIFETIME SHOT RIGHT THERE
see ya later---happy sunday
i am off to a tourney in ocnomowac----(this is the tournament where i got pulled over last year for going 25 in a 42 w my mom--i only had my temps ---i iddnt get a ticket, but everyone on my team drove past me and SAW IT.)
i am writing the rest of this post from 24 hours laters
well we won 1 lost 2----it could've been worse
4 of the kids on our team were takin the act so everyone on our team got pushed up a sspot. I was playing 2 doubles with this girl who beat me out for the 3 doubles sport (i got pushed down to 4 doubles while her and her partner played 3--EVEN THOUGH I PLYED 3 LAST YEAR) an the whole time she bitched about how she didn't care and blah blah blah,,,,i wanted to punch her in the vjayjay because SHE STOLE MY SPOT---and if it would've been me in that spot---i would've CRED EVERY DAY----so that was kind of upsetting plus she hadno energy to win even though i was likE DUD WE GOTTA WIN<<<<<RIGHT NOW.
so that was interesting----
im getting these sperry boots and sara told me they look like their from farm and fleet--that was kind of a bummer because I REALLY LIKE EM ----
tell me what cha think about em
idk i really like em cause my friend has a pair in green and she just rocks em.
otherwise i could just get the classic pair BUT THEY ARE NOT AS MUCH FUN!!!!
ahh the problems in my life are so stupid compared to the rest of the world
lets cross our fingers that this week goes by quickly----
some pictures of gus
he was attacking me because hes hungary---btw i never do the duck face---ONCE AND A LIFETIME SHOT RIGHT THERE
see ya later---happy sunday
Sunday, September 2, 2012
i sit alone in this world
IF YOU are feeling really sad and depressed and just want to listen
to something that somber and kinda melancholy LISTEN to thistle and
weeds by mumford and sons. ITS GREAT. but itll kill ure happy mood if u
listen to it.
so this is my past week.
---being totally fucked over by BOTH of my tennis coaches and being moved down from 2 doubles on varsity to 2 doubles on FUCKING JV. ya and my jv coach actually had the balls to ask me if i was happy with the arragement. i definitly wanted to punch him in the face. and litrerally for the first time in my life i didn't feel like LYING and putting on a happy face, so i put on my snarly face and said "ive been better" and walked away. i dont regret it to this day.
---so subsequently because of all this sporting drama ive been doing a lot of crying time, and eating like shit. or just not eating at all it really varies.
---i did alot of shopping yesterday and got this cool leather fossil watch from the thrift shop . BEST 5 dollars EVER spent
---going over to a sleepover tonight so we will see how that all works out im kinda worried about it.
---going to chicago today to go to the art insitute and my rents have to go to some furniture place idk but i have my suggested reading from the summer (siddhartha) and my personal reading (white girl problems by babe walker, hilariously weird book to read) to keep me company.
-- i fugred that if im going to the art institute i have to look cute so im all dolled uyp with my new watch, red shorts, black lululemon jacket (birthday present, i highly reccomend it) and crisp white t. CAUSE I GOTTA LOOK CAYYYUTE. but then again i look cute all the time so what am i talking about. :)
2nd week of school it over thank GOD---it consisted of ALOT of math homework ALOOT of sweat (because we dont have air conditioning) and drama drama drama.
BEFORE I SAY GOODBYE---this is what ive pinned recently, if you care to know.

thank god this week if a three day weekend. peace and blessings.
so this is my past week.
---being totally fucked over by BOTH of my tennis coaches and being moved down from 2 doubles on varsity to 2 doubles on FUCKING JV. ya and my jv coach actually had the balls to ask me if i was happy with the arragement. i definitly wanted to punch him in the face. and litrerally for the first time in my life i didn't feel like LYING and putting on a happy face, so i put on my snarly face and said "ive been better" and walked away. i dont regret it to this day.
---so subsequently because of all this sporting drama ive been doing a lot of crying time, and eating like shit. or just not eating at all it really varies.
---i did alot of shopping yesterday and got this cool leather fossil watch from the thrift shop . BEST 5 dollars EVER spent
---going over to a sleepover tonight so we will see how that all works out im kinda worried about it.
---going to chicago today to go to the art insitute and my rents have to go to some furniture place idk but i have my suggested reading from the summer (siddhartha) and my personal reading (white girl problems by babe walker, hilariously weird book to read) to keep me company.
-- i fugred that if im going to the art institute i have to look cute so im all dolled uyp with my new watch, red shorts, black lululemon jacket (birthday present, i highly reccomend it) and crisp white t. CAUSE I GOTTA LOOK CAYYYUTE. but then again i look cute all the time so what am i talking about. :)
2nd week of school it over thank GOD---it consisted of ALOT of math homework ALOOT of sweat (because we dont have air conditioning) and drama drama drama.
BEFORE I SAY GOODBYE---this is what ive pinned recently, if you care to know.
cat clutch (how to), elizabeth taylor, cool print, V Rae artwork,paris, madrid, paris. |
thank god this week if a three day weekend. peace and blessings.
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