Monday, December 31, 2012

i would give it all if only for a moment


so ive been kinda jamming to this and imagine dragons for the past two days. they are just such happy songs ya know!!!! and i felt like ive been needing some uplifting because with all the holiday festivities IT CAN ALL GET A BIT STRESSFUL

but i guess this is a new year---so it calls for NEW BEGINNINGS
everybody keeps tweeting what there favorite moments of 2012 were and honestly i cant really think of any, except of course for our trip to st. thomas which was stressful and relaxing and enjoyable all at once.

ive been mentally trying to make a list of my goals for 2013---and its REALLY HARD
i always say that i want to lose like 10 pounds AND THAT NEVER happens
i guess i would really love to find inner chi
stop gossiping about people
really try and get along with my brothers
do more yoga
take more care in my appearance
really live up my last year before COLLEGE AHHHH!!!!!

its sad im gonna miss high school I ONLY HAVE 5 MONTHS LEFT how saddd


by the way IM SORRY I HAVENT POSTED IN ALMOST A MONTH :/ not good but with exams and all this shit ive been lucky if i could catch ONE tv show or anything

but now with break what have i been doing??!?!?!
playing scrabble
continuing knitting my scarf
getting kind of crafty
reading alot
went to see the hobbit and les mis tommorow

have a lovely new year everyone

1 comment:

  1. Those sound like great goals. I have a goal to read 100 books this year, makes me sound like a nerd but I don't care.

    Have a fabulous new year!
