i am off to a tourney in ocnomowac----(this is the tournament where i got pulled over last year for going 25 in a 42 w my mom--i only had my temps ---i iddnt get a ticket, but everyone on my team drove past me and SAW IT.)
i am writing the rest of this post from 24 hours laters
well we won 1 lost 2----it could've been worse
4 of the kids on our team were takin the act so everyone on our team got pushed up a sspot. I was playing 2 doubles with this girl who beat me out for the 3 doubles sport (i got pushed down to 4 doubles while her and her partner played 3--EVEN THOUGH I PLYED 3 LAST YEAR) an the whole time she bitched about how she didn't care and blah blah blah,,,,i wanted to punch her in the vjayjay because SHE STOLE MY SPOT---and if it would've been me in that spot---i would've CRED EVERY DAY----so that was kind of upsetting plus she hadno energy to win even though i was likE DUD WE GOTTA WIN<<<<<RIGHT NOW.
so that was interesting----
im getting these sperry boots and sara told me they look like their from farm and fleet--that was kind of a bummer because I REALLY LIKE EM ----
tell me what cha think about em
idk i really like em cause my friend has a pair in green and she just rocks em.
otherwise i could just get the classic pair BUT THEY ARE NOT AS MUCH FUN!!!!
ahh the problems in my life are so stupid compared to the rest of the world
lets cross our fingers that this week goes by quickly----
some pictures of gus
he was attacking me because hes hungary---btw i never do the duck face---ONCE AND A LIFETIME SHOT RIGHT THERE
see ya later---happy sunday
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