Im totally in the mood for new music and this i just HAPPENED to find, well not really it was on itunes, well whatever its by SNOOP D O Double g and wiz khalifa. its called young wild and free
MY DAY SUCKED bolded underlined and enlarged, that means its the real deal. I'll explain the suckyness of my day so you can fully understand
1. Woke up my legs killed sara and i decided to grab life by the legs and BE ACTIVE so we ran like three miles up a shitload of hills in our neighborhood, i think i nearly got a collapsed leg
2. math class 2nd hour doesnt go exactly as planned- i got a 62 percent on a quiz. awesome, like a master, great start to the morning
3. Art class at about 11 i nearly destroyed the face to my little boy in my drawing, the very supposed to be pale german kid in the picture now looks as if he was assaulted i had a little too much fun with the dark red.
4. I was determined to fix the uggo face in my drawing and missed lunch not that i really care because my lunch sucks major donkey balls, but then i forgot to eat my lunch
5. Did math in study hall and wanted to cry because i dont get it at all, and i have a test on thursday
6. my bio teacher obviously wanted all of us to kill ourselves and had to PAINFULLY listen to him while he talked about osmosis and passive transport.
7. My econ teacher didnt even wait for me to finish my sentence and he said that i was wrong, and two seconds later he calls on this poser on my tennis team that is way too loaded and lies all the time and says THE EXACT same thing i was gonna say, and he was like PERFECT. i hate them both BITCHES.
8. i watched the last episode of friday night lights and i want to cry im gonna miss it, i love you taylor kitsch, your biceps could make my cocolate chip cookies and your awesome and strong. and luke your the farmer i will never have, and matt your the sensitive artist i will never have, amiee teagarden your RETARTED i dont understand you at all but i still love you, TYRA, your the inner sexy and confident and hot chica that i aspire to be, i just gotta get rid of my itty layer ;) of baby fat.
9. my brother made me watch ANIMe. okay and for all of you who like anime, thats awesome but its just NOT for me. I feel like a 7 year old watching Arthur, and i like to say hot damn that guys hott, and how am i supposed to do that with a cartoon character. and my brother hes 22!!!! DO something, more like watch something thats not ANIME, ahhhh its driving me insane.
10. i have a practice ACT testing tommorow, i always do horrible on standardized testing, not really a confidence booster.
Now some of those might not seem so bad but all accumulated pretty much blows
On the plus side i just found a new song!!!! it was lily allen t pain and wiz khalifa again what an odd grouping!
My favorite part is definitly lily allen.
I also have kinda a funny story....
Yesterday katie and i were driving home from school. Were at this intersection maybe 2 minutes away from my house and were stopped at a stoplight. Left Diagonally in front of us are these mexicanos in this beat up burghandy buick. I kinda ya know scanned who we were all near and one of these mexicans saw me. He stared for a bit so i was like FUCK this and waved. Next thing you know hes elbowing the driver and this guy cranes his neck to look at us and smiles like a pedifile creeping of 16 year old girl. Keep in mind that they are like 30 to 50 and one of them is missing a tooth or its really black because it looked like a giant hole. Plus katie is DYING and not of laughter she was afraid that they were going to jump out and practically molest or shoot us so she was slowly shrinking in her seat. Then the plot thickens, the guy in the back seat rolls down his tinted window and looks out too! but our lights both turned green and they were turning and we were going straight, so for a final laugh i waved again and they ALL looked out and waved. I was dying it was hilarious. I told janbaby, my mother when i got home and she was like WHAT why did you do that katie. and i said chill out mom what are they going to do shoot us in the middle of a SUBURBAN area in front of hundreds of people in their cars. SHe told me that shes afraid that im going to do that in a bar setting and that theyre going to rape me in a alley way or some creepy shit like that. I told her that im NOT that stupid, but i could totally see myself doing that.
NEW GIRL ON TONIGHT wahooo, peace happy tuesday.
this post made me laugh!!! haha nice work :) and im obsessed with your headliner picture! it is amazing!