So i am such a good friend, so much of a good friend that i made cover art and CD CASE ART, yeah and im so cool that i made a little mini city because i was 500 days of summer inspired. Ya know the scene where he takes his wall when hes all depressed and copies the scenery of his favorite place overlooking the city, yeah well i did that except that i didnt have a picture too look at. YEAH THATS FREEHANDED. Now one might say that i have alot of time on my hands to do this but i will refute this statement by saying that i am just a thoughtful friend

I dont exactly what face i was trying to make maybe like yeah SUCK IT or BAM, but whatever.
I have decided the time has come DUM DUM DUM
to get a haircut...its been seven months, the first signs of split ends are comming into view. oh the HORROR. SO i called my place Vici and was like "hi i was wondering if i could make an appointment with Alesia?" and the chick is like "oh im sorry alesia is no longer with us." I WANTED TO CRY. Alesia and i bonded over her boyfriend and for me school and jbeebs. and she was young and edgy and cool, and now im stuck with SHAREN! does that not sound like a mom name, im going to be a mom haircut!!!!! ohhhh godddd. I dont even know where she went! i assumed she wouldnt want to be a hairstylist forever but i LOVE ALESIA, she did wonders for my hair.
So dont worry i will put a before and after picture and we will see if its that bad.
Okay my burgers ready and mama bear isisnt in a good mood, time to go.. x o x o katie
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