Wednesday, May 2, 2012

STEPH.....but my mind didnt change i still feel the same

i was feeling like listening to some drake and rihanna so natrally i listened to take care while I READ XXCAMMYLOVERXX NEW BOOK/FIRST FOUR CHAPTERS.

okay so first of all...

i read it all in one sitting which is good because if the story was bad i would have tossed it in two seconds

normally im not really the actiony teen fiction kind of girl because im a hopeless romantic, BUT THIS BOOK KEPT MY ATTENTION. so that is definitly a positive because then someday if you do happened to get this published you will hopefully be able to attract all sorts of people.

i thought the storyline was REALLY interesting.

Tenley is almost who i aspire to be. she is head first FEARLESS. (tswift reference)

it was written fantastically, i am very impressed that a 17 year old wrote this. I ENVY YOUR WRITING ABILITIES. i once told myself that i wanted to be a writer, well no i actually do want to be a writer but seen as, i can, never, figure out, comma placement, which, is like, the easiest, of tasks that might be sort of,,,,,,

hard. :)

I definitely think that this could be on b& someday I CAN SEE IT. I CAN FEEL IT. and someday ill go to barnes and noble buy some starbucks (theres a starbucks in our b&n) so they dont get angry with me and DEVOUR THIS BOOK BECAUSE ITS AWESOME.

i think the descriptions of everything are really good and you didnt make me bored, you didnt drone on forever and ever about certian activities which IS REALLY GOOD because books that are fast paced are the ones that make me read till 2 in the morning because i just cant put it down. 

my only hesitations 
tenley didnt really seem too upset, well she did after but while her dad told her he was leaving her she didnt just like freak out which i guess is what i would have done, but then again im not tenley, so CONFLICT OF INTEREST. i dont know i just expected her to be like WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT. 

and she seemed not very hesistant to join the "war" by being a spy, it might (might, im no editor so take this just as a perspective) be beneficial to show her internal struggle as to wether or not to join. yes maybe, im not sure. My only reason for sayin that is because shes joining because of Pilots dad which is understandable that she cares for him and he is her friend, but i would think that she might be afriad of oh idk dying and never seeing her friends and dad and maybe her mom again. But then again tenley is fearless it seems and that is what makes her such a interesting, lively, rich (in spirit not money), colorful, vibrant, and strong character. 

I tired to give you ALL OF MY OPINIONS so i hope your not offended im just trying to give you a little bit of everything that i thought. Plus i figure if any of my comments could be of any help then its worth while telling you what i thought.


Someday xxcammyloverxx when your famous and shit because we all know your going places, i am going be like OMG I TOTES KNOW HER(well as much as you can *know* someone based on their blog) so puhweasse remember me because you are likely going to be getting something in the mail or whateves asking you for your AUTOGRAPH because you'll be famous. 

if you ever need a pick me up....i listened to this video/watched this video twice before i had this earthshatteringly nervousreckingly horrible impromtu but you know about it before hand speech on THE TEMPEST. ew. but you gotta love shakespeare

ITS EMPOWERING . listen to it. now. just kidding. 

im so mean i make medicine sick 


i have handcuffed lightening 

but somewhere along the line you changed you stopped being you you let people sick a finger in your face and tell you your no good and when things got hard you looked for something to blame like a big shadow. Lemme tell you something you already know the world all sunshine and rainbows. its a very mean and nasty place and i dont care how tough you are it will beat you till your knees and keep you there permanently

okay i have to go. do home work. or watch sex in the city. probably the latter. 

1 comment:

  1. Wasn't it AMAZING!

    And I could totally picture it in Barnes and Noble! Then we my mom is like oh have you heard of this book, I'll be all yeah actually I kind of know the girl who wrote it...

    I really hope She gets It published!
