Thursday, November 10, 2011


YEAH THATS RIGHT BIOTCHES ITS WISCOS FIRST SNOW, it feels a tad early but i love winter so its all good.

MOST EPID WISH EVER IS TALKING PLACE TOMMOROW.and dont worry if you forget to do it at 11:11 am you can do it at 11:11 pm. Best of both worlds, but dont forget because after next year on 12/12/12 we wont be able to make an epic wish for awhile. If we will even be alive ya know with the apocalypse and everything, but dont worry i think we will still be here

HOLEY JESU CRAP NUTS Vampire diaries was soooooo intense and i am sooooo bummed that its not comming back for two whole effing months. Like what the chuck how can you do that you your devoted fans. So yeah in response to this 

Xxcammyloverxx i am all caught up so dont worry about spoiler alerts!!!!! I kinda wanna read the books though just to see how similar they Are to the show. I have a feeling though that they wont compare.

My life summed up awkard moments.....
That awkard moment when a fifth grader openly laughs at you in tennis. The kids a douchebag and i throughly despise him. Little punk who does he think he is lauhging at an UPPER CLASSMEN and i have a strong suspicion that is he not going to be very well liked by girls, or hes gonna be that kid who kicks and is mean to the girl he likes.

That awkard moment when i tell my friend "who are you....alex?! He says that all the time." after she said this phrase that alex says ALL the time and she responds in a not very nice tone  " yeah like you know his vocabulary." it got kinda quiet at the table and all i could think to say is that i sit with him in study hall. She was implying that i just made. This up or something.

That awkward moment when your sweatpants pockets get stuck in the doorhandle and you get stuck

That awkard moment when you yell prActically happy birthday to a friend in the hallway and everybody hears EXCEPT for her

That awkard moment when you have a very uncormfortable conversation with a neighbor and they wont leave you the fuck alone. I was very close to say STOP TALKING

That awkard moment when your counsler and mother break out into hysterics when you suggest becomming a nun ( im not going to be a nun but i thought id say it for shits and giggles) 

That akward moment when someone says they like your outfit abd you feel inclined to say something back  buy they are in sweats and havent showered.

That awkard moment when your very sweaty cosuin from a run on the treadmill decides she wants to be cozy and snuggle. Ewwie.

That awkard moment when a boy at your art table says that the gym teacher goes out for dips all the time, and i respond half sarcasticslly halfnseriosuily " oh like a dip cone? ( ya know mickey ds?" and what he actually ment was dip of chewing tobacco, i wasnt even close 

That awkward moment when you fart in class and someone says ew whatvwas tht it smellls like someone farted 

That akward moment when in econ while watching the patriot heath ledger dies and you really wanna cry but you dont want to look like an idiot because no one else is. 

That awkward moment when a student insults a teacher in front of you and you get to stand there watching the teacher be pissed and the student fumble for an apology 

That awkward moment when your bio teacher calls your brother cool and you dorky 

So yeh that sums up my day 

BEWaRREEE SOMETIME THIS WEEKEND POSSIBLY FRIDAY I WILL PUT UP A DA BOMD PLAYLIST mostly songs from vampire diaries but some not. Its perty great if i do say so myself 

1 comment:

  1. Dude, it snowed here too!
    It hailed, actually.
    Actually, I'm not surprised. Wisconsin is literally what? One and a half hour drive? We are like connected (states).
    The books are good, but SO FREAKING DIFFERENT than the show. If you only like the show version don't read them. I didn't LOVE the books, so yeah. Elena is kinda annoying and she is blonde in the books, and Bonnie isn't a witch and there is no Jeremy is Jenna and she has a little SISTER and Klaus is a white-haired creeper, and there is a girl named Mereditch and Caroline is a brunette whore-face. and Elena like dies, turns into a ghost, comes back to life, everyone has a funeral for her, its pretty much totally different than the show.
    and Matt is a lamo.
    LOL. NO Vicky, either. Tyler is a huge dickhead in the books.
    The books are good as alone, separate, but they aren't that good i you compare them to the show, know what I mean?
