Carol of the Bells- The bird and the bee
IT WILL BE DECEMBER 1 in 3 and a half hours HOLAY SHIETT just yesterday it was the first day of school it feels like.
Well my life is complete because i just made my christmas playlist on spotify because my goal this year is to really GET INTO the spirit of christmas so the playlist includes drumroll please
1. Carol of the bells by the bird and the bee-very strange i like it
2. we three kings- straight no chaser sooo good
3. I HAD TO DO IT mistletoe by jbeebs
4. the christmas song by DMB (RESPECT)
5. do you hear what i hear-glee babY!! and baby its cold outside, and o holy night
6. silent night by michael buble
7. what child is this- andrea bocelli and mary j blige
8. Christmas song christmas day have yourself a very merry christmas and baby its cold outside by She and Himm (the she is equal to Zooey Deschanel she has a very soothing voice)
9. Last Christmas Ashlee tisdale-i just had to its so corney but i just had to.
10. White christmas Lady Gaga havent actually really listened to it but im excited too
11. Shake up Christmas 2011- Natasha Bedingfield---LOVE IT
LISTEN TO EM. maybe itll put you in the chirstmas spirit.
okay im going to go study for my four tests on friday. CHAO BELLA
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
OMG! ugh i sound so superficial but OMG
i had this whole entire long post made about how i felt like i was a little kid who just found out santa wasnt real, and how i found out about santa on the bus and how i have this teacher who tells his kids right away because he doesnt want them to believe in this pagan crap or something HOW HORRIBLE, and then i put this video in
and talked about how i was crushsed, because i figured miley did drugs buts its weirder saying it out loud
then i talked about how sara and i went for a run this morning and it was 37 DEGREES OUT. AHH then i started watching this show called 2 broke girls with kat dennings that BAD ASS girl from nick and norahs infinite playlist, the main character and it had this guy i LOVE vince im pretty sure, hes from what i like about you.
i love him hes aborable.
i encourage you to watch the show its sooo funny
and then it all deleted and im wayyy too lazy to retype it word for word so theres the abridged version.
and talked about how i was crushsed, because i figured miley did drugs buts its weirder saying it out loud
then i talked about how sara and i went for a run this morning and it was 37 DEGREES OUT. AHH then i started watching this show called 2 broke girls with kat dennings that BAD ASS girl from nick and norahs infinite playlist, the main character and it had this guy i LOVE vince im pretty sure, hes from what i like about you.
i love him hes aborable.
i encourage you to watch the show its sooo funny
and then it all deleted and im wayyy too lazy to retype it word for word so theres the abridged version.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
give me a reason to get out of the city
lemonworld- the national LOVE IT LOVE IT---its from the vampire diaries.
guys im in trouble. double trouble. yesterday i watched thor. double hemsworth. and now i love CHRIS TOO!!!!! ahhh its horrible but if you've seen it then ya know that scene where hes trying to take out the hammer and his arms HOLEY SHIET his arms are like BAM!
i love them both. arent they cute.
UGh so much homework that IM JUST NOT GOING TO DO. or not right now at least
I WENT ON THE TREADMILL yesterday. i ran two miles!!! wahoo and i know probskies some of you are like only 2 miles thats NOTHING. but considering that i havent ran in like 4 weeks thats a start. it would be an understatement to say my legs are a little sore.
plus im going to do my best in trying to convince my mother to take me out to breakfast. wish me luck :)
guys im in trouble. double trouble. yesterday i watched thor. double hemsworth. and now i love CHRIS TOO!!!!! ahhh its horrible but if you've seen it then ya know that scene where hes trying to take out the hammer and his arms HOLEY SHIET his arms are like BAM!
i love them both. arent they cute.
UGh so much homework that IM JUST NOT GOING TO DO. or not right now at least
I WENT ON THE TREADMILL yesterday. i ran two miles!!! wahoo and i know probskies some of you are like only 2 miles thats NOTHING. but considering that i havent ran in like 4 weeks thats a start. it would be an understatement to say my legs are a little sore.
plus im going to do my best in trying to convince my mother to take me out to breakfast. wish me luck :)
Thursday, November 24, 2011
A beautiful melody when the nights so long
even though there are times where i think miley cyrus is SUCH a phony, i still love her, she has this irresistable charm of rebelleousness and other stuff. but my cousin and i watched the last song, it was pure AGONY to see liam hemsworth I LOVE HIM
i mean how could you not...HIM AND HIS BROTHER---now thats just mean
i mean really what a cute kid
MAYbe i will start to make a HOT AUSSIE list, in addition to my fab british list, but i would only have 2 names, liam hemsworth SCRATCH THAT, plus his brother, and cody simpson so THREE WAHOOO.
I hope everybody has a FABOOOOU thanksgiving. christmas here we come :)
even though there are times where i think miley cyrus is SUCH a phony, i still love her, she has this irresistable charm of rebelleousness and other stuff. but my cousin and i watched the last song, it was pure AGONY to see liam hemsworth I LOVE HIM
i mean how could you not...HIM AND HIS BROTHER---now thats just mean
i mean really what a cute kid
MAYbe i will start to make a HOT AUSSIE list, in addition to my fab british list, but i would only have 2 names, liam hemsworth SCRATCH THAT, plus his brother, and cody simpson so THREE WAHOOO.
I hope everybody has a FABOOOOU thanksgiving. christmas here we come :)
Monday, November 21, 2011
oh every body sing it right back if you like it like that
HOT CHELLE RAE---normally im opposed to boy bands but they AIGHT
plus their adorbs
would it be wierd if i told you that sometimes i dream about marrying a boy bandee so that they could right sappy love songs about me and then it'd be number 1 on itunes and it would still be popular FOR THE REST OF TIME
dramatic i know
SO ive got alot shit to do this following days and im feeling quite overwhelmed: but first and most importantly I NEED A BOOK TO READ, and i know everyone likes all sorts of books and shiet so thats why im loooking for your opinion
and this whole entire weekend while i could have been doing all my homework and doing the things i should have been doing, i read beastly and saw breaking dawn.
beastly----kinda corny but it was nice to read for awhile because ive been slacking and not reading so much
Breaking dawn---- HOLEY SHIT BELLA looked like CRAP for about 60% of the movie, i kinda missed the action packedness, and the ending, HOW COULD THEY DO IT, even if it wasnt as good as i wanted it to be i cant wait till NEXT FALL for it to come out with part 2!!!! also i missed jasper, he was my favorite and he was barely in it, and im sorry jacob just go away i love you but i hate you and your making everything so wierd with your imprinting on a baby and all. also i went with my cousin and MOTHER, yeah dont do that normally im okaying with doing stuff like that with my mom but it was just WEIRD when they were ya know doing stuff......LIKE PLAYING HIDE in seek, under the covers?!?!?!
plus i went to target 3 TIMES yeah a bit too much for me, but i got some good clothes WAHOOO. and the new cosmo is out and i got my new seventeen today...
Do you like the new header thingy with all the pictures... i love love love making those hope ya thinks its AWESOME
TELL ME SOME GOOD BOOKS---love, love, love, katie
plus their adorbs
would it be wierd if i told you that sometimes i dream about marrying a boy bandee so that they could right sappy love songs about me and then it'd be number 1 on itunes and it would still be popular FOR THE REST OF TIME
dramatic i know
SO ive got alot shit to do this following days and im feeling quite overwhelmed: but first and most importantly I NEED A BOOK TO READ, and i know everyone likes all sorts of books and shiet so thats why im loooking for your opinion
and this whole entire weekend while i could have been doing all my homework and doing the things i should have been doing, i read beastly and saw breaking dawn.
beastly----kinda corny but it was nice to read for awhile because ive been slacking and not reading so much
Breaking dawn---- HOLEY SHIT BELLA looked like CRAP for about 60% of the movie, i kinda missed the action packedness, and the ending, HOW COULD THEY DO IT, even if it wasnt as good as i wanted it to be i cant wait till NEXT FALL for it to come out with part 2!!!! also i missed jasper, he was my favorite and he was barely in it, and im sorry jacob just go away i love you but i hate you and your making everything so wierd with your imprinting on a baby and all. also i went with my cousin and MOTHER, yeah dont do that normally im okaying with doing stuff like that with my mom but it was just WEIRD when they were ya know doing stuff......LIKE PLAYING HIDE in seek, under the covers?!?!?!
plus i went to target 3 TIMES yeah a bit too much for me, but i got some good clothes WAHOOO. and the new cosmo is out and i got my new seventeen today...
Do you like the new header thingy with all the pictures... i love love love making those hope ya thinks its AWESOME
TELL ME SOME GOOD BOOKS---love, love, love, katie
Friday, November 18, 2011
Dont you wanna fanta fanta
theres this kid in my spanish and math class with the last name of karfanta, and one of my friends told me that every time someone says his name she thinks of the fanta commercial. so that was obviousily the inspiration for my blog post title
this week has gone by SOOO SLOWLY
yesterday i went to the outlet malls with my cosuins and my madre (i bought my first every not from american eagle jeans, theyre from jcrew, my mother saw them and was like those look tight, when they are totally and completely NOT, and now what do you know because theyre SUPER STRECH toothpick skinny jeans, theyve totally stretched out, and all i want, all i crave for is a pair of tight not making my butt look too big, miss me or true religion like jeans, that arent high wasited and since it seems that i will NEVER get those without spending 250 dollars that i DO NOT HAVE, i settle for my outlet mall jcrews, i really hope they work for me, because i seem to go through jeans like tissues.) ANYWAY, so i get home last night at like ahhhh 1045, and im planning on buying my breaking dawn tickets for me and my three friends. I go to the computer and check and they still have tickets and the computer is going WAY tooo slow and i have little patience slash tolerance for that shit so me and my mom go to our downstairs computer and what do you know
ALL THE TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT. FML. Major fail on my part
so now i will not be going to breaking dawn tonight sadley, maybe tommorow though. BUT EVERYBODY says it was AMAZING and by far the best one yet, so I DONT WANNA WAIT. AHHH what will i do, oh and apparently the last scene is AMAZING and leaves you on a total cliff hanger.
So yeah im in study hall now, its FREEZING HERE, like 20 degrees at night freezing, and i just learned that a pair of riding boots i ordered from delias will not get sent to me until JANUARY 13THHHHHH even though i ordered them last weekend. Apparently they are out of stock or not avaliable or something.
LIFE WITHOUT VAMPIRE DIARIES IS-------SAD AND BLEAK. on thursday i really wanted to watch a new episode and then i realised that there is no new episode and i dont have one to watch. so that was really kind of a bummer.
this week has gone by SOOO SLOWLY
yesterday i went to the outlet malls with my cosuins and my madre (i bought my first every not from american eagle jeans, theyre from jcrew, my mother saw them and was like those look tight, when they are totally and completely NOT, and now what do you know because theyre SUPER STRECH toothpick skinny jeans, theyve totally stretched out, and all i want, all i crave for is a pair of tight not making my butt look too big, miss me or true religion like jeans, that arent high wasited and since it seems that i will NEVER get those without spending 250 dollars that i DO NOT HAVE, i settle for my outlet mall jcrews, i really hope they work for me, because i seem to go through jeans like tissues.) ANYWAY, so i get home last night at like ahhhh 1045, and im planning on buying my breaking dawn tickets for me and my three friends. I go to the computer and check and they still have tickets and the computer is going WAY tooo slow and i have little patience slash tolerance for that shit so me and my mom go to our downstairs computer and what do you know
ALL THE TICKETS ARE SOLD OUT. FML. Major fail on my part
so now i will not be going to breaking dawn tonight sadley, maybe tommorow though. BUT EVERYBODY says it was AMAZING and by far the best one yet, so I DONT WANNA WAIT. AHHH what will i do, oh and apparently the last scene is AMAZING and leaves you on a total cliff hanger.
So yeah im in study hall now, its FREEZING HERE, like 20 degrees at night freezing, and i just learned that a pair of riding boots i ordered from delias will not get sent to me until JANUARY 13THHHHHH even though i ordered them last weekend. Apparently they are out of stock or not avaliable or something.
LIFE WITHOUT VAMPIRE DIARIES IS-------SAD AND BLEAK. on thursday i really wanted to watch a new episode and then i realised that there is no new episode and i dont have one to watch. so that was really kind of a bummer.
Monday, November 14, 2011
how can i love when I'm afraid to fall
that is the ONLY word to describe how i feel about this song. its kind of disgusting, and time and time again while i listen to this song i find myself imagining being upon the stage at our schools talent show screaming and chanting my name. no joke. too bad im not a very good signer, and am prone to at leat seven hundred voice cracks a day (not that many but WAYY more than an average human being) probably from the stress i put on my vocal cords.
i dont know how i found this so, no wait thats a lie, its in BREAKING DAWN. which i want to go see so badly, but NOBODY wants to go :( lamesauce
Just please watch it okay...
Isint the room with all the candles so awesome, i figured with her hair billowing in the wind and all it might be hard to keep all the candles lit. HOW IRONIC just as im watching this and typing this post, in the video all the candles blew out.
today my very homosexual literature teacher gave me his issue of GQ with eminem lil wayne and some other rock sensation on the cover, i learned many useless facts about LIL WAYNE
according to chacha lil wayne either has 59 103 or 364 tattoos, that NASTY
lil wayne fathered his first child at the age of 16
he also lost his virginity at the age of 13
he plans to retire at 35 for his kids
he doesnt do coke or heroin or any of that other crazy shit only WEED, whew i was worried there for a second
eminem on the other hand was up to 90 pills a day (he took Vicodin and some medication for schizophrenia)
EMINEM IS 39!!! hes like a dinosaur. just kidding my mother is way older than that
----now the amount of usefulness of these facts,,,, probably close to none
BUT HEY you could use them as
------conversation starters with boiis
------lunch table things to talk about
LETS ALL GOSSIP ABOUT STARS TOGETHER, im just kidding, god im tired, peace and blessings.
that is the ONLY word to describe how i feel about this song. its kind of disgusting, and time and time again while i listen to this song i find myself imagining being upon the stage at our schools talent show screaming and chanting my name. no joke. too bad im not a very good signer, and am prone to at leat seven hundred voice cracks a day (not that many but WAYY more than an average human being) probably from the stress i put on my vocal cords.
i dont know how i found this so, no wait thats a lie, its in BREAKING DAWN. which i want to go see so badly, but NOBODY wants to go :( lamesauce
Just please watch it okay...
Isint the room with all the candles so awesome, i figured with her hair billowing in the wind and all it might be hard to keep all the candles lit. HOW IRONIC just as im watching this and typing this post, in the video all the candles blew out.
today my very homosexual literature teacher gave me his issue of GQ with eminem lil wayne and some other rock sensation on the cover, i learned many useless facts about LIL WAYNE
according to chacha lil wayne either has 59 103 or 364 tattoos, that NASTY
lil wayne fathered his first child at the age of 16
he also lost his virginity at the age of 13
he plans to retire at 35 for his kids
he doesnt do coke or heroin or any of that other crazy shit only WEED, whew i was worried there for a second
eminem on the other hand was up to 90 pills a day (he took Vicodin and some medication for schizophrenia)
EMINEM IS 39!!! hes like a dinosaur. just kidding my mother is way older than that
----now the amount of usefulness of these facts,,,, probably close to none
BUT HEY you could use them as
------conversation starters with boiis
------lunch table things to talk about
LETS ALL GOSSIP ABOUT STARS TOGETHER, im just kidding, god im tired, peace and blessings.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
What ever happened to the mirror that showed me the happy face
gary go open arms VD song!!!
today a friend, kate and i went downtown to the milwaukee art museum to do our art exam,, i know we have a art exam how OVERRATED
but for all of those who have seen transformers you'll know that the milwaukee art museum was in like a HUGE portion of it, well not that huge, just a little bit. Its known though for being such oddly shaped, almost like a bird, and the inside shows the whole entire lakefront, its SOOO PRETTY. plus i love love love downtown, its fantastic, i just adore the city vibe it has to it.
people always have weddings there in the summer, because its soo pretty
its pretty baller on the inside
not very good pictures i know but trust me THERE at the MAM.
theres a boat in the background but its pretty hard to see. thats me and kate!!
i just love the back grounds on these picturess
haha im so white
mother daughter fashion show tommorow, wwahoooooooooooooooo
today a friend, kate and i went downtown to the milwaukee art museum to do our art exam,, i know we have a art exam how OVERRATED
but for all of those who have seen transformers you'll know that the milwaukee art museum was in like a HUGE portion of it, well not that huge, just a little bit. Its known though for being such oddly shaped, almost like a bird, and the inside shows the whole entire lakefront, its SOOO PRETTY. plus i love love love downtown, its fantastic, i just adore the city vibe it has to it.
people always have weddings there in the summer, because its soo pretty
its pretty baller on the inside
not very good pictures i know but trust me THERE at the MAM.

i just love the back grounds on these picturess
haha im so white
mother daughter fashion show tommorow, wwahoooooooooooooooo
id have to agree but i really wanna go see breaking dawn next weekend..
Thursday, November 10, 2011
YEAH THATS RIGHT BIOTCHES ITS WISCOS FIRST SNOW, it feels a tad early but i love winter so its all good.
MOST EPID WISH EVER IS TALKING PLACE TOMMOROW.and dont worry if you forget to do it at 11:11 am you can do it at 11:11 pm. Best of both worlds, but dont forget because after next year on 12/12/12 we wont be able to make an epic wish for awhile. If we will even be alive ya know with the apocalypse and everything, but dont worry i think we will still be here
HOLEY JESU CRAP NUTS Vampire diaries was soooooo intense and i am sooooo bummed that its not comming back for two whole effing months. Like what the chuck how can you do that you your devoted fans. So yeah in response to this
Xxcammyloverxx i am all caught up so dont worry about spoiler alerts!!!!! I kinda wanna read the books though just to see how similar they Are to the show. I have a feeling though that they wont compare.
My life summed up awkard moments.....
That awkard moment when a fifth grader openly laughs at you in tennis. The kids a douchebag and i throughly despise him. Little punk who does he think he is lauhging at an UPPER CLASSMEN and i have a strong suspicion that is he not going to be very well liked by girls, or hes gonna be that kid who kicks and is mean to the girl he likes.
That awkard moment when i tell my friend "who are you....alex?! He says that all the time." after she said this phrase that alex says ALL the time and she responds in a not very nice tone " yeah like you know his vocabulary." it got kinda quiet at the table and all i could think to say is that i sit with him in study hall. She was implying that i just made. This up or something.
That awkward moment when your sweatpants pockets get stuck in the doorhandle and you get stuck
That awkard moment when you yell prActically happy birthday to a friend in the hallway and everybody hears EXCEPT for her
That awkard moment when you have a very uncormfortable conversation with a neighbor and they wont leave you the fuck alone. I was very close to say STOP TALKING
That awkard moment when your counsler and mother break out into hysterics when you suggest becomming a nun ( im not going to be a nun but i thought id say it for shits and giggles)
That akward moment when someone says they like your outfit abd you feel inclined to say something back buy they are in sweats and havent showered.
That awkard moment when your very sweaty cosuin from a run on the treadmill decides she wants to be cozy and snuggle. Ewwie.
That awkard moment when a boy at your art table says that the gym teacher goes out for dips all the time, and i respond half sarcasticslly halfnseriosuily " oh like a dip cone? ( ya know mickey ds?" and what he actually ment was dip of chewing tobacco, i wasnt even close
That awkward moment when you fart in class and someone says ew whatvwas tht it smellls like someone farted
That akward moment when in econ while watching the patriot heath ledger dies and you really wanna cry but you dont want to look like an idiot because no one else is.
That awkward moment when a student insults a teacher in front of you and you get to stand there watching the teacher be pissed and the student fumble for an apology
That awkward moment when your bio teacher calls your brother cool and you dorky
So yeh that sums up my day
BEWaRREEE SOMETIME THIS WEEKEND POSSIBLY FRIDAY I WILL PUT UP A DA BOMD PLAYLIST mostly songs from vampire diaries but some not. Its perty great if i do say so myself
MOST EPID WISH EVER IS TALKING PLACE TOMMOROW.and dont worry if you forget to do it at 11:11 am you can do it at 11:11 pm. Best of both worlds, but dont forget because after next year on 12/12/12 we wont be able to make an epic wish for awhile. If we will even be alive ya know with the apocalypse and everything, but dont worry i think we will still be here
HOLEY JESU CRAP NUTS Vampire diaries was soooooo intense and i am sooooo bummed that its not comming back for two whole effing months. Like what the chuck how can you do that you your devoted fans. So yeah in response to this
Xxcammyloverxx i am all caught up so dont worry about spoiler alerts!!!!! I kinda wanna read the books though just to see how similar they Are to the show. I have a feeling though that they wont compare.
My life summed up awkard moments.....
That awkard moment when a fifth grader openly laughs at you in tennis. The kids a douchebag and i throughly despise him. Little punk who does he think he is lauhging at an UPPER CLASSMEN and i have a strong suspicion that is he not going to be very well liked by girls, or hes gonna be that kid who kicks and is mean to the girl he likes.
That awkard moment when i tell my friend "who are you....alex?! He says that all the time." after she said this phrase that alex says ALL the time and she responds in a not very nice tone " yeah like you know his vocabulary." it got kinda quiet at the table and all i could think to say is that i sit with him in study hall. She was implying that i just made. This up or something.
That awkward moment when your sweatpants pockets get stuck in the doorhandle and you get stuck
That awkard moment when you yell prActically happy birthday to a friend in the hallway and everybody hears EXCEPT for her
That awkard moment when you have a very uncormfortable conversation with a neighbor and they wont leave you the fuck alone. I was very close to say STOP TALKING
That awkard moment when your counsler and mother break out into hysterics when you suggest becomming a nun ( im not going to be a nun but i thought id say it for shits and giggles)
That akward moment when someone says they like your outfit abd you feel inclined to say something back buy they are in sweats and havent showered.
That awkard moment when your very sweaty cosuin from a run on the treadmill decides she wants to be cozy and snuggle. Ewwie.
That awkard moment when a boy at your art table says that the gym teacher goes out for dips all the time, and i respond half sarcasticslly halfnseriosuily " oh like a dip cone? ( ya know mickey ds?" and what he actually ment was dip of chewing tobacco, i wasnt even close
That awkward moment when you fart in class and someone says ew whatvwas tht it smellls like someone farted
That akward moment when in econ while watching the patriot heath ledger dies and you really wanna cry but you dont want to look like an idiot because no one else is.
That awkward moment when a student insults a teacher in front of you and you get to stand there watching the teacher be pissed and the student fumble for an apology
That awkward moment when your bio teacher calls your brother cool and you dorky
So yeh that sums up my day
BEWaRREEE SOMETIME THIS WEEKEND POSSIBLY FRIDAY I WILL PUT UP A DA BOMD PLAYLIST mostly songs from vampire diaries but some not. Its perty great if i do say so myself
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Im gonna lasso your heart like a rodeo
okay you guys i am totally guilty I FINISHED VAMPIRE DIARIES,,, so what does that mean
43 episodes in 16 days
about 3 episodes per day
2 hours and 15 minutes a day
im all vamped out, i should probably stop, but thankfully now all ive got season 3 to catch up on, otherwise i think my grades would gooooo wayyy down.
Ive stumbled on some very hottt british actors and ive wanted to do this for awhile but i didnt have that many to put on the liste, not anymore
hes got quite the temper i hear but alex pettyfer= love
JUDE LAW---love love love sherlock holmes and the holiday he may have some infidelity problems but hes AIGHT
JOSEPH MORGAN----hes from vampire diaries, and in the show hes a bad guy, but i cant help but smile every time i see him, hes adorable.
okay you guys i am totally guilty I FINISHED VAMPIRE DIARIES,,, so what does that mean
43 episodes in 16 days
about 3 episodes per day
2 hours and 15 minutes a day
im all vamped out, i should probably stop, but thankfully now all ive got season 3 to catch up on, otherwise i think my grades would gooooo wayyy down.
Ive stumbled on some very hottt british actors and ive wanted to do this for awhile but i didnt have that many to put on the liste, not anymore
hes got quite the temper i hear but alex pettyfer= love
JOSEPH MORGAN----hes from vampire diaries, and in the show hes a bad guy, but i cant help but smile every time i see him, hes adorable.
okay thats all ive got, but its better than what i had before
of to confirmation and hopefully bed.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Im cleaning up my life from the mess you made
Freddie stroma- knockin. HES FROM HARRY POTTER apparently hes in griffendor? i dont know i didnt rememeber him at all, he was in this movie that sara and i rented from redbox last night called a cinderella story:once upon a song, hes so much hotter OUTSIDE OF THE MOVIE. hes my newest hottie of the week.
LISTEN TO THE SONG. i love it thats only a part of it but its the only one from the movie
LISTEN TO THE SONG. i love it thats only a part of it but its the only one from the movie
warning: this post is going to be filled with pictures, the good and the bad.
then i did my "im katie and i dont GIVE A SHIT." looking good
I tried to do the jenna marbles face and obviously failed
So thats him on the right, with food in his mouth.
this is him in the movie last night.
OKay hes not that bad but his real life pictures are SOOOO MUCH BETTER.
So this is his im a movie star look at me im hott shit look
and this is his semi real life photo
I mean come onn you gotta admit hes way hotter in real life, WHY WOULD THEY TAKE AWAY SOME OF HIS HOTNESS IN THE MOVIE.
well anyway i love lucy hale and him so the movie was a sucesss
today i went to a baby shower for my cousin in law SOOO MUCH FUN
this is the prize we won well my mother won with my strategic game playing, like the nails? i did them myself
Then i got craft and did my "omg im in high school look at me arent i cute"- look
then i did my "im katie and i dont GIVE A SHIT." looking good
I tried to do the jenna marbles face and obviously failed
i was caught between mid change of facial expressions, i look like im on some type of drug. and kinda delirious 

this is my im going to bed dont mess im butt tired, (my hand kinda looks like its broken or twisted, very creepy)
and i have my retainer in can you say HOT DAMN
im not really an advocate of putting out shitty pictures of myself but today i was like what the hey, gotta love me for who i am!
hope you enjoyed :)
hope that was entertaining, im off to do bio homeowork watch a cinderella story again with the rents, and go to BED
peace out.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
I think i'll be brave starting with you
LOVE THIS SONG, and ya know whats its from?!?!?!?!! VAMPIRE DIARIES. i mean honestly watch the show for the awesome song choice if anything. This is by twags Salter its called brave
OKAY BUT DAMON AND ELENA HE CONFESSED TO LOVING HER AND THEN COMPELLED HER TO FORGET, it was such a cliffhanger and i have a feeling that tonight is going to be really hard to stop watching the episodes.
Today i went to the doctor,, yuck and in approximately 12 hours i will have a dentist appointment, the two things children hate the most packed into TWO DAYs. But over the summer i got this susty thing right near my tail bone and i had to have this "operation on it" and my doctor said that if it comes back BECAUSE THERES A CHANCE IT MIGHT COME BACK, im going to have to go to a surgeon and get the sist flushed out. isint that utterly gross, you probably didnt know that but WHAT THE HEY!! so the horror of going back to the emergency room kinda sucks. obviousily my mother hates me, im just kidding JC LOVES ME (my fajas, mamas and JESUS christs initials, how convenient.) SO i got two shots one on EACH arm which is horrible because now both of my arms are just non functional, and tennis OH BABY was that HARD. I went to tennis for the first time in a month it was interesting....none of my friends came back from last year yet so im the only one now and i hate it. Plus this like annoying as hell 6th grade boy openly LAUGHED yes LAUGHED i could hear it ACROSS THE COURT when i couldnt get this ridiculosily hard ball. I was THIS close (fingers spanning one nanometer apart and for all you science people, you know that that means my fingers were basically touching) to pummeling him to the ground and showing him what katie, myself is made of. Plus sasha and gordana (odd name dont cha think?) came and were totally stealing all my thunder, because theyre pretty awesome, but ive never met them before so im interested in seeing them play. But anyway i have off tommorow WAHOOO, and i going to the mall, buy me some hottt clothes, maybe possibly.
the party at colleens was a success but colleen made us all leave early because she was being anal retentive about making sure her aunt didnt find out about the party, so it was fun, my arch nemesis but not really because i love him and am trying really hard to hate him, babe was there and it was TORTURE, because ive said maybe two words to him EVER, and i just dont know how to go about talking to him, so yeah that kinda sucked and some of the girls were dressed so trashy i was playing ping pong with this guy and these two other girls and one of the girls had to pick up the ball off the ground and i could see her BUTT CHEEKS. i was just like COME AWN lets be classy girls, but it didnt help that her lace bra was showing too, she was a sexy police officer of course. and then there was me, and because i didnt have a costume i had to be a poodle dress girl and my older brother said he thought it was weird and he doesnt like it when girls dress like tht, i guess i shouldnt really care what he thinks but then again some boys might think like him, so its good advice i guess? but it was that or a full body penguin suit. So yeah, at least me ASS cheeks werent hanging out, girls thats what we call UNATTRACTIVE, look it up in the dictionary. that was sassy okay im going to stop.
But sara and i are going to go for a run sometime this weekend, and probably out for lunch, ive got alot to fill her in on like the fact that my physco neighbors super hott and buff but only a freshman or maybe hes a 8th grader was in my tennis class and he totally ignored me and then at the end of class he snuck up behind me and pinched my sides, if i didnt know any better i would say he was flirting with me but i dont have a good flirting sixth sense so im probably the last person to jusge that. but when i told my mom she was like "always a ladys man." so i DONT KNOW.
okay peace out homies its friday, PARTY YOUR FACE OFF .
OKAY BUT DAMON AND ELENA HE CONFESSED TO LOVING HER AND THEN COMPELLED HER TO FORGET, it was such a cliffhanger and i have a feeling that tonight is going to be really hard to stop watching the episodes.
Today i went to the doctor,, yuck and in approximately 12 hours i will have a dentist appointment, the two things children hate the most packed into TWO DAYs. But over the summer i got this susty thing right near my tail bone and i had to have this "operation on it" and my doctor said that if it comes back BECAUSE THERES A CHANCE IT MIGHT COME BACK, im going to have to go to a surgeon and get the sist flushed out. isint that utterly gross, you probably didnt know that but WHAT THE HEY!! so the horror of going back to the emergency room kinda sucks. obviousily my mother hates me, im just kidding JC LOVES ME (my fajas, mamas and JESUS christs initials, how convenient.) SO i got two shots one on EACH arm which is horrible because now both of my arms are just non functional, and tennis OH BABY was that HARD. I went to tennis for the first time in a month it was interesting....none of my friends came back from last year yet so im the only one now and i hate it. Plus this like annoying as hell 6th grade boy openly LAUGHED yes LAUGHED i could hear it ACROSS THE COURT when i couldnt get this ridiculosily hard ball. I was THIS close (fingers spanning one nanometer apart and for all you science people, you know that that means my fingers were basically touching) to pummeling him to the ground and showing him what katie, myself is made of. Plus sasha and gordana (odd name dont cha think?) came and were totally stealing all my thunder, because theyre pretty awesome, but ive never met them before so im interested in seeing them play. But anyway i have off tommorow WAHOOO, and i going to the mall, buy me some hottt clothes, maybe possibly.
the party at colleens was a success but colleen made us all leave early because she was being anal retentive about making sure her aunt didnt find out about the party, so it was fun, my arch nemesis but not really because i love him and am trying really hard to hate him, babe was there and it was TORTURE, because ive said maybe two words to him EVER, and i just dont know how to go about talking to him, so yeah that kinda sucked and some of the girls were dressed so trashy i was playing ping pong with this guy and these two other girls and one of the girls had to pick up the ball off the ground and i could see her BUTT CHEEKS. i was just like COME AWN lets be classy girls, but it didnt help that her lace bra was showing too, she was a sexy police officer of course. and then there was me, and because i didnt have a costume i had to be a poodle dress girl and my older brother said he thought it was weird and he doesnt like it when girls dress like tht, i guess i shouldnt really care what he thinks but then again some boys might think like him, so its good advice i guess? but it was that or a full body penguin suit. So yeah, at least me ASS cheeks werent hanging out, girls thats what we call UNATTRACTIVE, look it up in the dictionary. that was sassy okay im going to stop.
But sara and i are going to go for a run sometime this weekend, and probably out for lunch, ive got alot to fill her in on like the fact that my physco neighbors super hott and buff but only a freshman or maybe hes a 8th grader was in my tennis class and he totally ignored me and then at the end of class he snuck up behind me and pinched my sides, if i didnt know any better i would say he was flirting with me but i dont have a good flirting sixth sense so im probably the last person to jusge that. but when i told my mom she was like "always a ladys man." so i DONT KNOW.
okay peace out homies its friday, PARTY YOUR FACE OFF .
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
So my friend colleen is having a hallooween party at her house tonight. We dont have school thursday or friday. it should be fun, her parents arent going to be there(dont know how i feel about tht because peopl can get perty crazy sometimes) But ill probs be going over to one of my friends houses to get ready and such, which means, that for now no more VAMPIRE DIARIES. love elena love damon, love alaric, stephens okay, bonnie is okay CAROLINE IS KICK ASS now that shes been vampified.
Thinks that i love right now
ummm check yes how could you not love this
plus i saw captain america and the first hour was TORUTURE because he wasnt himself. youll know what i mean if uve seen the movie.

babies in coustumes :) this adorable probably 5 year old kid came to our house for trick or treating in a tiger costume he was ADORABLE, and he waved goodbye to me for like 5 minutes..

i will always love blake lively

disney world, i would love to go back there

my next art piece is of these three indian girls and along the edge im going to be putting song lyrics or quotes about being young and living life..
So far these three songs are in the running
The call-regina spektor
young blood- the naked and famous
and obviousily forever young- kayne or rod stewart version, or maybe ill find some good remix.
ANY SUGGESTIONS would be much appreciated, leave any and all comments after the BEEP.
Thinks that i love right now
ummm check yes how could you not love this
plus i saw captain america and the first hour was TORUTURE because he wasnt himself. youll know what i mean if uve seen the movie.
babies in coustumes :) this adorable probably 5 year old kid came to our house for trick or treating in a tiger costume he was ADORABLE, and he waved goodbye to me for like 5 minutes..
i will always love blake lively
disney world, i would love to go back there
my next art piece is of these three indian girls and along the edge im going to be putting song lyrics or quotes about being young and living life..
So far these three songs are in the running
The call-regina spektor
young blood- the naked and famous
and obviousily forever young- kayne or rod stewart version, or maybe ill find some good remix.
ANY SUGGESTIONS would be much appreciated, leave any and all comments after the BEEP.
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