my most recent HAPPY SONG---its called feed me diamonds my MDMR
so lately its just been rough
school has just been SLAMMING US WITH HOMEwork projects papers expieriements tests oral assessments, you name it ive had it. its hard to believe that im just a high school feels like i should be in college already
but anyway after next week i will be stress free until may when EVERYTHING is happening like prom all my final exams graduation PARIS (omg can you believe it PARIS)
but next thursday i have my art oral assessment where basically i talk with my teacher about all of my artwork and who has inspired me how has this impacted my work what art exhibits have i visited what are my strengths and weaknesses etc. which is nerveracking because i want to do really well on it and its filmed and then sent to some IB moderator in some part of the world like peru or india where two different people will mark and grade me on how well i am able to express myself and speak intelligently about art for 20 minutes
well anyway lately ive been doing interval training on the treadmill because i find that running at the same speed for 30 minutes its monotonous and BORING. plus i get my heart rate up supper high
and recently my friend began reading the book the host by stephenie meyer and i got it for christmas my freshman year and read it so it had been awhile since i read it so i REREAD it in like 3 days...mind you its a 619 page book or so...its safe to say that on sunday alone i read like 400 pages. i mainly did this because the movie is comming out in like two weeks and people wanna go c it (cross our fingers its not as bad as twilight!!!) and for the hunger games i read them long before the movie came out and then when i was sitting there in the theater i was like WHAT THE EFFUCK IS im trying to be more prepared
but any new book suggestions?!?!?!?!!?!??!?! i need something new to read!!!
goodbye my lovelies