Friday, March 30, 2012

under the sea darling its better down where its wetter take it from me.

Doesnt that sound like it could be a little dirty---walt disney that guy may have made the worlds best movies but he was kinda dirty, the word on the street (well not the street,,,,im not gettho plus i live in the burbs) is that in every disney movie there is some dirty scene--like in lion king there is SEX spelled out in the sky, and in the little mermaid the priest is *pitching a tent* ;) this website shows them all very nicely

So yesterday durring math i was talking to my friend, and 90% of the time she talks like a valley girl, it makes me want to punch her on a daily basis, but thats beside the point she was talking and i totally zoned her out and she paused and looked at me and i said "what? sorry i totally just zoned you out" and she started talking again but i zoned her out again, and it turns out she was talking about this group called timeflies, their a music group and the main guy when hes NOT rapping has a AMAZING VOICE, so i thought that since im talking about this group i should include some of their videos their AMAZING puhhhweease llisten to them, theres no way you cant like them (well yeah there is but i hope you like them)

the first one is called under the sea---that why i started talking about disney characters- which may have sounded totes random but it spurred me into thinking about all the DIRTY SEX SCENES  (gosh i have a filthy mind)
this one is called i will always love you--- a tribute to WHITNEY HUSTON

i think its AWESOME that he raps off candy hearts

i watched this one last out of all the videos and its so cool how he just picks up a random word and then raps about it ON THE SPOT

THESE SONGS ARE SOOOO MUCH BETTER THAN CARLY JESPON----i  dislike (not hate because im trying to be nice) her music, but her video for call me maybe is HILARIOUS 

hope you all had a FABOU friday :)

Monday, March 26, 2012

I like to be everything you want



thats right ladies!!!!! now normally i am NOT a jbeebs fan----or at least im not a die hard, i go through phases where im like OMG I WANT TO BE yoUR ONE LESS LONElY GIRL, and then there are other times where im like HE LOOKING LIKE A BUDDING YOUNG WOMAN----but this song, its called boyfriend is TO DIE FOR---LOTS OF CAPITALIZATIONS I HOPE ITS NOT OVERWHELMING___if it is im very sorry 


just promise me you will listen to it ALL THE WAY THROUGH
the begininng is so strange its like talk rapping---very un jbeebs like, i loved reading perez's comments about how its really bold of him and this is SO DIFFERENT than anything currently on the top 40--but thats what makes it so great, ive gotta stop listening to it on repeat because then tommorow i will be so sick of it and i will never want to listen to it. But for now while im sipping on my french vanilla cappucinno because it recently fell to 40 degrees today, which is like a culture shock considering that firday was 7 degrees, and eating pizza rolls, this is THE LIFE. so LISTEN TO IT.

I also have another recommendation------read sophie kinsellas new book ive got your number, im only on the 14 page but she already has be LOL==ING literally, and that dosent happen often, i love her and her britishness it cracks me up.


love love love katie 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

So I just finished sons of anarchy and I think I'm going to cry. I love Charlie ( the main characters real name and I'm gonna miss it because it's not comming out again for season 5 till September BOOOOO WHOOO!!!!!

For all of you vampire diaries lovers like mua


First of all whose the hot chocolate Bonnie slash her wierdo mothers sons ! Love him

But more importantly WHERE IS KLAUS! I want hi, and Caroline to have a super seamy rendevous. Because its safe to say I LOVE KLAUS AND HISNSEXY AS HELL BRITISH ACCENT

since STEPH talked about the hunger games in feel compelled to too! Because I will also be attending the midnight showing, and will be leaving in apoximately 45 min to go meet my friends for for o and then g to the movie and wait in line FOREVER luckily the movie theater we are seeing it at is showing it 8 times in 8 different theaters so that should be interesting GO LIAM HEMSWORTH he's by background on my apple I'm not even joking. The picture I used was of him during that mud scene w him and miley in the last song yummmmmmmm.

Ugh and ya know what IT'S HOT AS BALLS I'm starting to thing god is punishing my for breaking my Lenten prmise because for the past week it's been 78 81 79 80 and it's safe to say that my poor little private catholic school does NOT have air conditioning, so I'm saying goodbye to sweatshirts and slow sleeve t shirts and hello to sticky desktops, sweat real halls ways, and way more use of deodorant ( not tha. Don't use deodorant that wold be disgusting, but I find myself using it more and more because I'm so sweaty ALL THE TIME)

People I've got one HELLUVA busy weekend I'll map it out for you

915 pm go to movie tonight

230 am hopefully be in bed
620 am wake up and get ready super fast

300 pm get pick by my MOTHA friday and go to get cake at SAMs club
400 Pm hopefully go for a run and crash hardcore, meaning take one fat nap

800 am Saturday morning------go t volunteering

1015 return from volunteering shower like a mad man and get ready for baby shower being held at my house at 12

4pm --- go to church then get ready for father daughter

530-- drinks at the pfister father daughter start tune but there is no way. Will be ready by then

1130----- find a wake to coax my father out of the dance without being mean to hopefully get sleep

800 Sunday morning---- drive up to sauna a it's three hours there and three hours back for a bridal shower

7 PM--- hopefully get home and finish my homework early. I would like to be in bed by 930 because I have a suspicion that I will be more tired before this weekend than after

It's only 838 and I'm exhausted how am I supposed to stay up till 3 I am going to die.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

if we could only have this life


go ahead and arrest me cause BIOTCHES IM A ONE DIRECTION FAN 
now dont get me wrong im not like those sophmores who have pictures taped up of them on every square inch of their locker, but COME AWN THEIR ALL AROBS, and if it takes away from jbeebs fame for like two miliseconds than SO BE IT, because hes gotten ultra lame since hooking up with selena, they might as well be like bradgelina now. JUSTENA 

i just thought that i would share that with you all considering that one directions new album came out.

You want to hear something heartbreaking
so i was on perez (its a guilty pleasure of mine DONT JUDGE)  and it was talking about liam hemsworth and miley and apparently mileys friends talked to perez and said that liam was really wierd and a major pothead and was using miley and that she could do better 

NOW PEOPLE IS IT HUMALY POSSIBLE for him to be the bad boy...?
hmmmm yummmmie

Just thinking about it makes me feel like a little kid who just found out santa wasnt real.

IF IT IS TRUE I world will come to an end...

I WANT HIM TO JUMP MY BONES.....did i just say that? im a classy lady what am i talking about? Katie dont just give her hoochie out to everyone. 

im so cool i talk in third person...(its third right?) SUCK THAT

well ive got to biology adios AMIGOS 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

ive become a mommas boy for andrew in drag

andrew in drap by airborne toxic event 

PEOPLE I LOVE AIRBORNE TOXIC EVENT---have you guys every heard their cover of book of love, and how in the begining the guy tells that one minute story 



JULIET----you are one lucky grandma (rest in peace)

yeah well i love that cover its so good.

I just got back from confirmation, we went into the church to have some spiritual time and pray and sing and all that good stuff, except for the fact that there was a bat in the church. yeah it was flying around and almost touching people. and ya know what the scariest part is----THAT PEOPLE DIE FROM BAT BITES 

on the topic of BITES i have a slightly gross slightly laughable story 

so out confirmation retreat was about oh.....two weeks ago. It was actually alot more fun than i thought it would be and we didnt play that ridiculous line game where you step over the line if you know someone who drinks or if you've ever tried pot. We got letters  from out sponsors and parents which were really touching and all of the girls and EVEN SOME OF THE GUYS (they were tearing up) were crying, it was just one of those moments where you didnt know why you were crying but you just were, and it will never get old hearing how much your parents love you. But anyway, so we went to this place called camp minneconnie i think----and i forgot to bring a sleeping bag but i had a blanket and a pillow. Well there was about 6 bunkbeds per room---so 12 people could sleep in there. Every single one of the girls in my room about 5 days after the retreat started getting these red spots, i probably had it the best they were just on my hands and back- easily concealable areas, but my other friends were not so lucky they had them on their hands face back all up their arms, and are not going away THANK GOD MY DAD KNOWS HIS SHIT WHEN IT COMES TO MEDICINE because otherwise id be screwed---but it turns out those were bug bites. HOW UTTERLY DISGUSTING.

I started watching sons of anarchy again, in hopes that i would get to the 4th season because jax cuts his hair and he looks LIKE A GOD---or should i say LIKE A MASTER
so it would be safe to say that on thursday night (we didnt have school friday) i watched it from 730 to almost 1, sad i know right. But now im on the 4th season and i cant watch it on netflix because they dont have it, so i have to resort to other ways of watching it.

Yesterday i babysat these adorable kids from 6 to 1240!! i made 78 DOLLARS YEAH WADDUP thats ALOT for me, because i never have ANY MONEY. it turns out i feel asleep on their couch at like 12 for about 30 minutes thank god they didnt find me like that, that would have been bad because some parents  DO NOT like their babysitter sleeping while their kids are sleeping, there was like NOTHING good on their GINORMOUS TV. which was really upsetting because i dont have cable and i was really looking forward to their 32939290 channels filled with tons of tv shows and movie, but i ended up settling on home garden televison or HGTV because they had house hunters on, and Color splash----which i now love and even watched a episode on my computer today. I LOVE GAY GUYS their hilarious, actually i shouldnt say that because i am "assuming" that hes gay and you know what they say about assuming.......

i think thats about it... oh i didnt get my period for about 40 days, and i was freaking out because IM NOT SEXUALLY ACTIVE, what if isomething was wrong, what if i was carrying the next BABY JESUS?!?!?! IMMACULATE CONCEPTION ANYONE....but thank god i got it....not that you guys really needed to know that, but hey whateves!!!!!

love love love love love---katie 

p.s. i will be sure to upload my newest artwork soon :)

Saturday, March 3, 2012

i wear my heart on my sleeve

Feel so close----by calvin harris---- i like it, its very different almost half techo-ey and half black soul---maybe kinda? if that makes any sense

So im on my way to a wake....


i hope you can sense the sarcasticness in that previous statement

its not for someone in my family but for my next door neighbors grandpa, and since they came to both my grandma and grandpas funerals, it "would not be apporpriate" to go to theirs.

so i got all dolled up, this gave me a reason to make myself look like a normal human being for a change, and i acutally spent time in putting together my appearance

everybody--at least alll of the girls are obsessed with this song call me maybe by carly rae jepson i think, i listened to it for the first time yesterday, and at 1210 in the morning i watched the music video ITS HILARIOUS, but the only way you know that is if you watch it ALL THE WAY to the end
I would just put it straight on my blog but i can only find her video on vevo and not youtube. But my thought process while watching the video was...... Holy shit look at that guys V, omg i love his tattoos,,, I WANT HIM TO WORK ON MY CAR, and then i almost died because i was so shocked by the ending.

Well i love you all and hope you are having a happy saturday!